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"Look I don't care if the world is on fire don't talk to me when we walk into my dad house" I said to Chains and Tattoos

"You know if you wasn't such a bitch all the time you might actually be cute" Chains said

"If you wasn't such a bitch maybe just maybe you might be able to breathe the same air as me and I won't be disgusted" I said

Chains rolled his eyes while Tattoos tried not to laugh. Tattoos is more chill then Chains but Chains is more aggressive.

We get out of Chains car and walk into my dad's house. Soon as I took my first step through the front door Stella comes running downstairs in a tight ass short white dress.

Stella looks at me and rolls her eyes but soon as she saw Tattoos and Chains her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

Chains and Tattoos looked at me while Stella was looking at them. I don't know why I wasn't wearing no dress like she was.

I literally have on some black leggings with a white crop top. So I don't know why they looking so hard. Stella starts getting mad they wasn't looking at her so she pushes me out their view which caused me to fall on my ass.

Stella laughed like a damn mean girl. Tattoos came over and helped me up.

"Thanks" I said

"You good" Tattoos said

I can already tell this gonna be a long day.

"Aurora, can you make me a sandwich?" My dad asked me

"Yeah" I said, my dad gave me a kiss on my forehead then walked away into his office. Stella been talking Tattoos and Chains ears off.

Even though they haven't said a word to her for real. It's kinda weird because every time they around me they wanna try and talk to me.

Anyways I start making my dad sandwich while I was singing this one song my mom used to sing when she cooked.

I didn't notice while I making my dad sandwich Chains came into the kitchen and stood in the doorway watching me.

"What song you singing?" He asked me

"It's a old song my mom used to sing around the house" I said

"I fuck with it" he said

"Thanks" I said, laughing a little

This the first time me and Chains actually had conversation in the week I known him.

"So how's talking to Stella? I asked him

"I mean she cool people but seems like she wanna fuck us" he said

"Don't take it personal. When I first brought my boy best friend home she tried making him her best friend" I said

"So she wanna fuck us because you wanna fuck us?" he asked me, smirking at me

"No" I said

"That's not what I heard" he said

"I didn't say that" I said

"Nah that's what I heard" he said

"Boy nobody said that" I said

Then Tattoos came over looking annoyed.

"Bro so you just left me over there" Tattoos said

"Y'all act like my sister is the plague" I said

"I know your ass don't like her" Tattoos said

"Y'all stay talking shit" I said

"So do you" Chains said

"Anyways, y'all should get back to y'all little girlfriends" I said, grabbing some chips and putting it on my dad plate.

"Mane I'll body slam yo ass" Chains said

"Damn i was just joking" I said

"Yeah alright" Chains said

"Chill I was for real just joking" I said

We kept talking till I got finished making my dad food. I walk out the kitchen and went into my dad office where he was sitting on his brown couch reading today's lnewspaper.

"Here dad" I said, handing him his plate

"Thank you Aura" he said

"Your welcome" I said

"So tell me what got you in a better mood today?" He asked, before he took a bite of his sandwich

"Chains gave me a reality check" I said

"Well seem like whatever he said got you in a better mood" he said

"Yeah i guess but if you don't mind ima call it a night" I said

"Well before you leave I wanna talk to you about your sister" he said

"Okay what's up?" I asked him

"I need y'all to get along" he said

"I know dad you been telling me this since we was kids" I said

"I know Aura but I never had to worry about you like I have to with her. I know your sister is shelter but we the only family she has so take it easy on her when she talk out her ass" my dad said

"I know" I said, giving my dad a kiss on his cheek then walked out. My dad yells for Chains and Tattoos that I'm leaving so they followed behind me.

Tattoos and Chains was talking the whole way home like always. I just stayed quiet because honestly I was tired.

"FINALLY" I yelled into my white and blue pillow

I was about to fell asleep after a long day of dealing with my dad and sister but my phone started ringing. I looked at it and saw it was Stella.

"Damn, seeing me wasn't enough" I thought to myself

I answered the FaceTime and saw Stella smiling ear to ear.

"Aurora, do you think Braxton and Sehvahn feeling me?" she asked me

"Girl, who?" I asked her

"Who you think" she said, rolling her eyes

"Girl I don't know no Braxton or Sehvahn" I said

"Yes you do. Your telling me you don't know the names of the guys that been watching you" she said

"Yeah I just been calling them chains and tattoos" I said, sitting my phone up on my other pillow.

"They just let you call them that?" She asked me

"Yeah pretty much" I said

"Braxton is the one with tattoos and Sehvahn is the one that wears chains" Stella said

"Ohh yeah I probably was never gonna find out their real names" I said, falling asleep

"But back to point do you think they like me?" She asked me

"I couldn't tell you" I said

"Well can you find out for me?" She asked me

"Ask them" I told her

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