Even when miles away

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"SEHVAHN" I yelled

"BRAXTON" I yelled also

I ran into both their arms feeling excitement run through my body. Sehvahn and Braxton spinned me around with the biggest smile on my face.

"Are y'all okay? Are you hurt?" I asked them

"Baby girl we good" Sehvahn said

"Okay I just wanted to make sure" I said

"We good baby" Braxton

Not gonna lie I just stayed in Sehvahn arms for a while then moved into Braxton arms for a while. I love the way how safe I felt in their arms even if I have my grandpa by my side it's just something about them and the feeling they make me feel.

"Baby girl who that?" Sehvahn asked, pointing to the car pulling into my driveway.

I looked and saw it was my grandpa car. He parked the car and got out. He walked over to me, Sehvahn and Braxton.

"I see your dad still listens well" my grandpa said

"Yeah, you know he always will when it comes to you grandpa" I said

"Baby girl who's this?" Sehvahn asked me

"Sehvahn and Braxton this is my grandpa, the person that got y'all back" I said

My grandpa shakes both their hands then told them it was nice seeing the names match the faces.

They started having a little conversation but nothing special. We made it inside the house and they sat down on the couch while I made coffee for my grandpa and grab some energy drinks for Sehvahn and Braxton.

"Here you go grandpa" I said

"Thank you sweetie" my grandpa said

"And here y'all go" I said to Sehvahn and Braxton

"Thanks babygirl" Sehvahn said

"Thank you baby" Braxton said

After I hand them their drinks I sat down on a black chair Sehvahn has in his living room.

"Now that my granddaughter is happy I look like to have a talk to with you" my grandpa said to me

They nod their head while my grandpa nod his. I just sat there looking between all three of them.

"My granddaughter has told me a lot about you two" my grandpa said

"I wanna say she told us about you but she for real haven't" Sehvahn said

"I know she keeps everything about me on a need to know basis" my grandpa said

Sehvahn and Braxton just got quiet so I decided to interpret their talk because I could see the look on their faces.

"I didn't tell y'all about my grandpa because his name hold 'lot of weight"  I said

"What you mean baby" Braxton asked me

"He's big rob" I said

"Wait? Baby girl you telling us your granddad is the most powerful man in the state?" Sehvahn asked me

"Yes that's why I didn't tell y'all" I said

"Don't be mad at her she's just protecting us from the outside world" my grandpa said

"I know I should have told y'all and I'm sorry I really am but my grandpa and uncle are the closest people I have other then y'all" I said

"Nah we get it baby" Braxton said, and Sehvahn nodded his head.

"Good now we got that out the way. I came here to give Aura a warning and before you ask no it's not from me." My grandpa said

"Okay what's the warning?" I asked my grandpa

"Your dad is coming after you" my grandpa said

"Wait what?" I asked him

"It's already handled grandbaby but I just wanted to give y'all a heads up" my grandpa said

"He's dead ain't he?" I asked him

"Grandbaby you know how this shit goes. Blood or not if anyone comes after you is dead no question asked" my grandpa said

"Yeah I know but he's still my dad even if he hates my guts" I said

"Your pops made it clear he's want you dead. Some little niggas came to me last night telling me" my grandpa said

"Ain't nothing gonna happen to her" Sehvahn said

"That's true nothing is gonna happen to her but for her safety I have people watching him so I can see how I wanna play this but till this situation handle till then I want your uncle Mike to make sure everything goes smoothly with some people watching over you and things of that nature" my grandpa said

"Grandpa this how I got into this whole situation already is by my dad I mean Tommy hiring Sehvahn and Braxton" I said

"Baby girl everything gonna be good now you got people that love you by your side for life" Sehvahn said

"I know but this is fucked up" I said, standing up

"Baby girl, we get it but for right now we gotta do what keeps you safe so breathe" Sehvahn said

I nod my head then looked back over to my grandpa. He told me I can leave the house whenever I want and live life normally but I'll have people watching over me in high to low places.

And he'll have my uncle Mike watching over these people so just in case they turn my uncle will be there to take care him or she.

My grandpa talks to me some more till he had to leave to take care of some business.

Sehvahn and Braxton walk him out. I just stayed in my seat feeling like the whole world I knew just disappeared right in front of my eyes.

I never thought I'll see a day where my whole dad wants my head. I mean I know blood doesn't mean nothing to my family it's loyalty that matters to them but I'm his daughter.

I should have known this day would come. He never liked my uncle or grandpa. He always hated how close I was to mean. I mean how couldn't I they are the closest people I have that remind me of my mom.

Everyone on my mom side of the family are big people. Everyone has a job and does their job very well. My grandpa is the head of everything even though a lot of people don't know it.

My uncle is the brains and muscle of the family so he takes on the harder situations. You know the ones that brains and muscle.

Before my mom died my mom used to take me over to my grandpa house. I used to love going there because grandpa used to take me to do everything.

Stella hated going she always stayed with my dad. My mom understood being so young I wouldn't understand everything so I was always my grandpa house

And if I wasn't there I was with my uncle Mike. My uncle showed me how to fight but not like street fight. I mean he showed me how to fight fight . He always said fighting just not muscle its brains too.

My best memories is with them so I guess you could say I was a grandpa and uncle girl. I have more family but most of them turned their back on us when they found out my mom was marrying my dad and having Stella.

My grandpa and uncle never even thought about turning their backs on her so they always close to me and her.

Sehvahn and Braxton walk back in seeing me in my same seat I was when they left.

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