So you always a bitch?

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I woke feeling like someone was watching over my body like I was dead. I opened my eyes to see two tall brown skin men standing at the edge of my bed.

I jumped out of bed and went over to grab a knife I keep by my bed side but it wasn't there. I look back over to them and saw one of them had the knife in their hand swinging it around like a toy.

"Yeah your pops told us about yall your little "toys" so we took them before you got up" one of them said.

One had chains on and the other had tattoos so that's what ima call them.

"GET OUT, I told my dad I didn't want no damn babysitter. I can fight and shoot so no need for y'all to be here" I said

"To bad" Chains said, sitting on the edge of my bed.

"So it don't matter how I feel? I don't want y'all HERE" I said

"Nah" Tattoos said

"You know what I don't have time for this, I got a party to get ready for" I said, walking passed them like they didn't exist.

"Bet, what party we going too?" Chains asked me

"We not going to shit. The party I got invited too yall won't last" I said, walking into my guest room that I made into a closet.

"Either we go with you or your not going" Tattoos said

"Well keep on wishing because ima go and do whatever I want because y'all can't tell me or make me do shit so move the fuck out my way before I slam yall hands in the doorway" I said, doing exactly what I told them I was gonna do.

They moved their hands last second before the door hit the edge of the wooden frame.

They kept on trying to talk to me through the door but I wouldn't listen. They haven't even been talking to me for long and I'm already irritated.

While I picked my outfit for Clay party tonight, I kept ignoring them. You would think if someone not talking to you that they didn't wanna talk.

But I guess common sense is something they lack from the looks of it.

I end up picking an out white crop hoodie with some light blue jeans and my white/blue Jordan 11's. I got everything on then put my messy curly hair into a messy bun.

After I did everything I had to do is get ready I opened up the door and saw the two idiots standing against the door frame.

"Move" I said

"No, go sit down somewhere because we got rules your ass gonna follow" Tattoos said

"Yeah no, move before I start throwing shit at both y'all heads" I said

"You can throw anything you want at us hulk but we still not letting you leave till you listen to what the fuck we gotta say" Chains said

"If I listen will you shut the fuck up talking to me?" I asked them

"We'll think on it" Chains said

"Y'all got 1 minute for the both of y'all" I said

"You can lose that bitchy ass attitude for one" Tattoos said

"50 seconds" I said

"Look the last thing we wanna do is be watching your bitchy ass but we here so don't do no dumb shit and we'll be out your hair" Chains said, and Tattoos nod his head.

"I would rather y'all jump off a cliff" I said

"I can see why your pops didn't get someone nice for your mean ass" Chains said

"I'm nice to people I actually wanna be around, I'm being forced to be around y'all soooo why would I be nice?" I asked them

"Because you don't know us to be mean" Tattoos said

"I rather not know y'all at all" I said, pushing them out my way.

I tried to open the front door but Chain placed his body weight on the door causing it to close again.

"Just because you don't like the shit don't mean you finna be doing what the fuck you want" Tattoos said

"I'm grown I can literally do whatever I want" I said

"Till your pops say we don't gotta watch you your not grown and you can't do whatever you want" Chains said

"Bro what do the fuck yall want? Dont wanna gotta watch my sister or something" I said

"She's with your pops right now so we only gotta watch her when she's not near him" Tattoos said

"So im getting watched like a damn baby while she only get watched she leaves my dad side which is never" I said

"Aye take it up with your pops these his rules" Chains said

I wanted to scream so damn bad but I know the shit not gonna change nothing so ima stuck it up the best I can and try not to kill them in the meanwhile.

"Can y'all please look like y'all not trying to fucking kidnap me" I said

"Bro shut the fuck up" Chains said

"Stop fucking talking to me like we cool or something" I said, walking away from them.

I tried telling Clay I didn't wanna go to this party because I didn't want two tall niggas just following me the whole night but Clay wouldn't let me get out of it.

Mostly because I didn't tell him about this whole "protection" idea my dad came up with.

I just been sitting on this black ass couch they followed me to while everyone drinking and smoking. Tattoos and Chains just sitting on both sides of me. If pissed off was a person it would be me.

I tried drinking but Tattoos slapped the shit out my hand. I tried dancing but soon as nigga came behind me Chains tried fighting him and I tried smoking but Tattoos and Chains took the damn blunt and started smoking it.

So yeah ima just sit here and wait for a few hours have passed so Clay didn't feel like I showed up and dipped right after.

"This what y'all call a party?" Tattoos asked me

"The shit would be more if I actually can do shit" I said, rolling my eyes

"You can" Tattoos said

"How y'all took the fun out of everything damn thing? Like can y'all just choke on something" I said

"You wish" Tattoos said

"Yes I surly do" I said

"To bad" Chains said

"Mane Clay gonna be fine im leaving" I said

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