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I was standing inside the laundry room scrubbing a stain off of miss Scrubbit's bed sheets. How I ended up in this predicament? I was kicked out of my house and needed a place to stay and miss Scrubbit freaking scammed me! She charged me for the stairs! The stairs! How was I supposed to leave through the window!?! I was mumbling various profanities under my breath when I heard something. "You must be Mr Wonka" Abacus said from the other room. Oh yeah the person Noodle told us about. Well a new person for Larry to torment with his horrible jokes I guess.

I decided to not go over to greet the new sl- member and instead continued to try and get the damn stain off. "There must be some way out of here" a new voice said as I heard footsteps going up the staircase "dogs guarding the door and if you try the windows they're barred try making a run for it she calls the police and you owe another thousand for inconvenience, you signed a contract so you can't do anything about it. Should've read the fine print" I called as I continued to work.

Willy POV:

I made a start to the stairs when I heard someone new "Dogs guarding the door and if you try the windows they're barred, try making a run for it she calls the police and you owe another thousand for inconvenience, you signed a contract so you can't do anything about it. Should've read the fine print" a voice yelled. I looked into another room to see a girl with (H/C) hair not facing me. "Who's she?" I asked Abacus "that'll be Y/N, she's been here for a while. Tried every way to escape, very very stubborn" he said as I looked back at the girl who was scrubbing a sheet. Then the dog barked snapping me back to reality. "Alright everyone! Back to work! Come on Mr Wonka, Y/N will show you the ropes. Your here. On the suds." Abacus said as he took me to the same room as Y/N.

"Y/N-" "go away Abacus" she sighed "I'm not going to reply to that. This is Mr Wonka, he needs to be shown the ropes. Could you perhaps-" "fine" she said as she finally faced us. My eyes widened as the girl glared at us. She was so beautiful. "You done staring or are we going to start?" She asked "oh yes! Sorry" I said with my usual tone

Time skip


I walked towards my room but then I heard shouting from down the corridor. I snuck over to see miss Scrubbit yelling at Noodle again! "That's it you brat! You're going in the coup for a whole night!" She yelled as she grabbed her wrist! "Hey! I'll take Noodles punishment." I said quickly. "again?" Miss Scrubbit questioned as she glared at me "yes. again." I said as I stared at the ground. "Hm. Fine." She said as she threw noodle away and grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the coup. She threw me in and locked the door. I curled into a ball and looked out the small windows. "What I would give to be free." I sighed. Honestly I would've preferred to be on the streets than this. I usually end up in here. Noodle is just a kid and she's treated so unfairly, so I take her punishments whenever I can. I dozed off after what felt like forever.

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