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I was let out an hour before role call. Once in my room Noodle knocked on my door "you didn't have to do that" she said "I know" I replied as I turned to her "then why?" She asked "you're a good kid, you don't deserve the treatment you get" I said to her as I placed a hand on her shoulder "but neither do you" she said "I'll live" i smiled as i playfully rolled my eyes. Noodle was like a little sister to me. I cared about her so much and if anyone were to hurt her they'd find themselves in an early grave.

Finally role call came and we all lined up to go to our job. "Bell." Bleacher called "Benz" Bleached called "chucklesworth." He called "L/N." He called as I began to walk Inside "Wonka" he called, "bleacher! The toilet's blocked again!" Miss Scrubbit yelled "ah the unmistakable sound of love" Willy sighed at him causing me to stop in my tracks. Scrubbit and Bleacher? Don't make me sick. What was he planning? And how can I get in on it? "You what?" Bleacher asked as he looked at Willy. "Don't tell me you haven't noticed? She's madly In love with you" he said as he acted surprised at his stupidity. "You're just wasting my time you-" I ran towards the two and stood in front of Willy "I couldn't help but overhear the conversation. He's right you know. She's obsessed with you" I sickly smiled. Willy looked a bit surprised by my presence but went along with it. "miss Scrubbit?" He asked sounding surprised "Besotted, and why not? Look at you, a fine figure of a man. You just need to tidy yourself up a bit. Get some new clothes-" "have a bath" I added "a bath?" Bleacher asked "yeah! You do know what they say?" Willy said to him "what do they say?" Bleacher asked. There is no way this is actually working! "She'll be thankful for an ankle, and please to see your knees" he began "but if you want to make her sigh...show her some thigh" I added I smiled. Bleacher smiled before remembering he had a job and pushed us through the door.

"Why'd you-" he was cut off by me pinning him to the wall "what are you up to Wonka?" I asked as I glared at him. "I thought we were getting along!" He said in surprise "I want to mess with those two for ruining my life but I want to know what you're doing so you'd better start sharing." I said as I let him go and folded my arms. "How about I show you" he said ad I caught as his eyes lit up. "Fine-" he took my hand and guided me to the laundry area. "You just do your normal job and I'll show you when it's time" he smiled energeticly. I rolled my eyes and stormed off.

Willy POV:

I watched Y/N leave. "Younge love" Larry smiled "hm?" I asked as I looked at him "I've been in love before, just how I remembered it" he smiled again "love? Me and Y/N?" I asked "why not, I know it when I see it and you two are really-" as he continued to talk I looked at Y/N. However she caught me staring this time and glared. I immediately looked away "I'm going to work on something now" I said as I ran into the other room.


I was doing my work when I spotted Willy running with rope, some rollers and a basket. Then I saw him steal the ladder that Lottie was using leaving her in the air! I caught her and looked at Willy like he was a crazy person. He just left her in the air for god's sake! "Look who's starting to talk to us more" Larry grinned "put a sock in it. It's called basic respect. I'm not leaving someone dangling in the air." I said as I walked Away. Another while later I was ironing some sheets when I saw Tiddles running after a piece of fabric from Willy's trousers. Seriously what was he up to!?!

I was still scrubbing when Willy called us over. "Ladies and gentlemen may I present a brand new contraction of my own creation, an innovation in laundrification!" He announced. I didn't trust this. "Now how does tiddles want to spend his day?" He asked "chasing mail men?" I asked as everyone else said "Scrub Scrub?" "Exactly Y/N! Well with Willy Wonka's wild and wonderful woof-omatic walker- please don't make me repeat that. He has to run while I can have fun!" He announced as he revealed Tiddles running on one of his weird inventions. "We're popping out for a bit!" He announced as he grabbed his stuff and my hand and began to walk to the dumb waiter "we!?! Don't include me in this-" he grabbed two laundry bags and lifted the Dumb waiter "we'll be back in time for Roll call! Until then Tiddles agrees too..." "Scrub Scrub" the others answered as he pulled me and him into the Dumb waiter and it went up! "You idiot we're gonna get caught" I said in slight fear and mostly anger. "This is what I was up to, we're not gonna. Now get in" he said as he got into a laundry bag. "I'm going to regret this" I mumbled as I slid into a bag. Once up we were taken into a laundry cart and dragged away!

"All clear" a familiar voice smiled "Noodle!?!" I asked as I got out "oh Y/N! Your here too" she smiled "well she helped me convincing Bleacher this morning so I thought I owed her" he smiled as he also got out of the cart "can someone please explain to me what's happening? And another question is how did we escape while not getting caught?" I asked "well, let's just say Miss Scrubbit and Bleacher were- distracted" Noodle smiled "what- oh I get it now." I said as I remembered what I had said to Bleacher that morning. "Well that doesn't explain why we've escaped" I said to the two "we're selling chocolate" Willy smiled "right. That makes more sense" I said to them "and wait till you see how much chocolate I made last night, we sell this and we're gonna- oh no." He said as he took out an empty glass jar. "What's up?" I asked "they've been stolen." He said nervously "stolen? By who?" Noodle asked "the little orange man" Willy said to us "the orange what?" I asked sounding concerned for this man's sanity "the orange man, didn't I tell you about him?" He asked noodle "no, you didn't." She replied "he's my nemesis he's about ysy high, he comes in the dead of night and steals all my chocolate. Been happening every few weeks for the past three- four years now." He explained. "Really?" I asked in an unamused tone "sometimes I spy him in that strange realm. Twixt sleep and wake, green hair glinting in the moonlight" he said to us "green hair!?!" Noodle asked. "one day I shall catch him" he said to us "Willy-" "and when I do-" "Willy. I'm your friend. So I have to be perfectly honest. You sound like a crazy person." I said as I folded my arms. "What other explanation is there?" He asked me "well let's see...you could've dreamt the little man and ate them yourself" I said to him "how dare- actually that makes sense. Have I been eating my own chocolate?" Willy started to mumble to himself and I rolled my eyes. Great. Just great.

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