8 🍫💜

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Me, Abacus and Willy ran towards the zoo. I walked up to the desk "excuse me sir" I smiled "hm?" He said as he looked at me. I was trying not to laugh after what I had seen the other day. "Congratulations on being Employee of the month, you've outdone yourself" I lied as I handed him a chocolate. "oh thanks" he smiled as he ate it. Suddenly he fell asleep. "Nice one Y/N" Willy smiled "thanks" I said as we ran in. I grabbed the keys and we ran to find Abigale.

I walked into the enclosure and Abigale immediately noticed me "hey, remember me?" I smiled softly, Abigale seemed to remember me and licked my face again, "nice to see you too girl, want to help us rat out the chocolate cartel?" I asked "I'll scratch your chin, and they'll be acacia mints once we're there" I smiled. I think it was a yes.

Once she was in the Van me and Willy were in the back. I was scratching Abigale's chin as we kept moving. Even though he saved me I was still so annoyed he left us! "Y/N you don't seem happy" he said "well you left us" I said "but I did it for you guys" he said "yeah but there was no warning, no goodbye, no note. I was so worried" I said "I apologize for making you worried N/N." He said sheepishly. "Wait N/N?" I asked "a nickname" he smiled "a nickname?" I asked. I paused for a minute looking down. "It's nice" I smiled "glad you like it" he smiled back. Then I noticed his hand was next to mine. 'should I?' I thought. But just as I was about To hold his hand "Tell her she might want to Duck!" Abacus yelled "she might want to what?" Willy asked "DUCK!" Abacus and I yelled. Luckily Abigale did duck and she was safe.

Once we had dropped off Abigale in the church we parked in an alley and ran towards the phone where the others (minus Lottie) had been waiting. Then we got the call "hello Zoo!" Larry grinned as we all began to make animal noises "what? Oh yes I think we did lose a giraffe well it's easy to do, they're hard to spot y'know" he grinned. I slightly slapped his arm as a 'nows not the time!' "ow!" He whispered to me "sorry about that, the animals can get Ferrell when hungry. Uh yeah we'll send some guys over" he smiled as he hung up and gave us a thumbs up. We were actually doing this!

Me, Noodle and Willy jumped back into the back of the kart and it began to drive off. After a few minutes Suddenly we stopped "did you call about a Giraffe?" Abacus yelled. We were here! Once we were in we got out. "You two going to be okay?" Noodle asked "yeah, we will" I smiled reassuringly. I pulled her in for a hug "Abacus keep her safe" I said as i walked towards Willy. We placed in the  night out chocolate and pulled the leaver. The reason Noodle wasn't coming was because she was keeping an eye on Abigail until back in her enclosure.

Once the Elivator stopped we looked down and saw the Gaurd walk out. She looked at the chocolate suspiciously. Once she picked it up she ate it. By the way this was the same chocolate we gave that zoo night guard, we watched as she began to dance "damn she's got moves" I mumbled "yeah" Willy replied. Then the crying started "I could've been happy. But I threw away a pearl. I'll give him a call" she said as she grabbed the closet phone "imagine if she was the one that Zookeeper called" I whispered half jokingly "Basil, it's Gwennie!" She cried. "Oh my god" I mumbled in shock. I was actually right. "You were right. Those days in chemistry were the happiest of my life!" She cried. Me and Willy exchanged a look, then she passed out. "Well that was something" I mumbled as we jumped down and ran towards the vault. 

Once In we began to dig around for that ledger. We were looking for 5 minutes and nothing was found! "Oh it has to be here somewhere!" Willy said to me "yeah, Abacus said so! Then again he's been in that place for 4 years." I said in Frustration. "How much chocolate is in this place!?!" I said with another level of frustration. "A lot, but that can't stop us, we need to keep looking" Willy said to me "but Willy we've been in here for 5 minutes and it's a small room so unless there's a secret-" then i saw a loose part of a wall. "Huh" I said "a huh? You have an idea?" Willy asked "no." I replied as I looked at the wall closer "oh okay." Willy replied. I tapped the wall and a small compartment opened up! "Huh!" I grinned "a double huh!" Willy grinned as he ran over and saw what I found "you found it!" He smiled "I did!" I smiled as he took the ledger from the compartment.

We began to flip through the pages. "We've got it" I smiled. Then I heard something. "Willy keep reading. I'll be back." I said as I walked off to investigate.

Willy POV:

I hummed as Y/N went off to investigate.
"Y/N, this is exactly what Abacus told us-" Suddenly I heard Y/N gasp. I turned to see what I could describe as one of the worst sights imaginable. Y/N being held at gunpoint by Slugworth!

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