7 🍫💜

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I sat in my room. I was thinking of Willy. Then I saw the flower he gave me on my desk. I picked it up by the stalk and looked at it. I smiled as I thought of him again. That's it. When he gets home I'm telling him. And that's that.

Time skip

I woke up and Miss Scrubbit wanted us lined up by the front desk. So we all left and to my surprise Willy wasn't there. "Where's Willy?" I whispered to Piper "beats me I haven't seen him since yesterday" she whispered back. Uh oh. Miss Scrubbit began talking and I was zoned out. Where was he!?! "Oi! L/N. You listening?" Scrubbit yelled. I was brought back "uh yeah" I said looking away. "Good. Anyway. Mr Wonka made a deal with the cartel." My eyes widened as Miss Scrubbit announced this. "what" I mumbled in shock. "Gave up all his dreams to settle your accounts." She smirked. Then I saw a big stack of money on her desk. One by one everyone was let go. "L/N" she called "here." I said "your free to go" she said to me. I began to walk away but decided to wait for noodle by the door. "And finally Noodle. The biggest stack. But this isn't to let you go. This is to keep you here" she smirked "what!?!" I yelled "Mr slugworth doesn't think urchins like her should be on the streets. So he payed me this money to keep her here. Down in the wash house forever" she smirked "I hate you!" Noodle yelled "you little-" "no! You can't keep her here!" I yelled as I ran back in. "scram you brat." Bleacher said to me. "No. I'll take it! I'll stay here let her go!" I yelled. "Hm. Fine." Miss Scrubbit smirked as she grabbed noodle by the hair and threw her out! Then Bleacher locked the door! "Noodle!" I then looked at miss Scrubbit "You are such a bi-" suddenly Bleacher grabbed and held me back from her "get her lord Bleachowitz" Miss Scrubbit smiled "Lord Bleachowitz?" I then realized and started laughing "what's so funny?" Miss Scrubbit asked "it's just funny how you are as stupid as you look! He's not a lord we made that up!" I smirked. "What." She said "want me to say it again? We. Made. It. Up." I said getting louder with a bigger smirk. "She's lying! I am a lord" he lied "oh shut up!" I yelled at him. If I was going to be stuck here I was going to drive them crazy. "You are going to the coop!" Miss Scrubbit yelled as she grabbed me and began to drag me away "and you! Takeof those dungarees you- PEASANT!" She yelled "but puffy-wuff! I love you" he said sadly. "Okay I may not be an expert on love but in his own disgusting way I think he might actually love you" I said to her "shut up!" She yelled.

I saw the coop and she opened the door and threw me in "you're staying in there for a long time!" She yelled as she slammed the door and locked it. I sighed and held my legs in my arms. Felt my eyes began to water. This is my life now. Well at least Noodle was safe and away from here. "And I didn't even get to tell Willy." I sighed "tell me what?" Suddenly I looked out of the small window to see Willy! "Willy! I thought you left- wait how did you find me?" I said to him as I quickly wiped my eyes. "Hello!" Noodle grinned "Noodle!?! Wait who else is down there!?!"I asked as I looked out "hey Y/N!" Piper shouted up from the ladder. "he came back for us! I found Willy and told him everything" Noodle said to me "Slugworth didn't keep his end of the bargain" Willy shrugged "right. Well Slugworth wanted Noodle locked up" I asked "well of course he did" he said to me as he began to try and get me out of the coop. "why? What does he have against me?" Noodle asked "I don't know. But all I know is that you won't be safe until he's behind bars." He said to her "and how exactly do we do that?" Abacus asked "yeah they always bribe their way out of trouble" I said to him Then I remembered something "Abacus what was that book that they had? The one that proves their crimes?" I asked "the greed ledger" he said "Bingo" I smirked. Then Willy caught on. "Y/N may i remind you it's kept in the vault"  Abacus said to me "guarded by a corrupt cleric" Lottie added "and 5 hundred chocolate monks!" Larry finished "that's all true but I went for a long cold swim this morning cold water is very good for the brain. 4 miles I figured out how an ingenious orphan, an accountant a plumber a telephone operator and a man who can talk on the water could combine those skills and pull off The heist of the century!" He grinned "like Y/N earlier, the Cartel can just bribe themselves out of trouble! It's what they do!" Abacus said "the greedy beat the needy Willy." Noodle sighed "your right noodle. I hate to admit it but you are. Which is why there is one other thing to do" he said "and that would be?" I asked "change the world" he smiled as the hatch became unscrewed! I was free! "You guys are the best" i smiled at them. We were getting the cartel arrested. One way or another.

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