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"So you saw the tiny orange man now?" Noodle asked me as she pulled the cart "yep. He could really swing a frying pan." I said In slight anger. My head was still hurting.  "Well where is he?" She asked "I let him out because he said he'd try and negotiate with Willy but he hit me over the head and made a run for it- I sound like a crazy person." I said "does no one here but me believe her?" Willy asked. They all (but Willy) didn't believe me. "Well, I guess we don't have to sell chocolates anyway today" I smiled "why would that be?" Willy asked. "Remember that shop? The one you've been dreaming of?" Noodle asked. Willy nodded and then Noodle pulled out the key. His eyes widened as he saw that key.

Once we arrived he walked in and looked around at the old and broken down shop "I know it's not much" I said to him "and it needs a little work" Abacus added "looks like somebody left the water running and the ceiling fell through. And the ceiling above that." Piped added "but that means we could afford it! For a week anyway" Abacus said to him. But Willy was just looking around the room. I couldn't tell if he was listening or not. "And we'd finally be legitimate. The police would have no excuse to keep bothering us" Lottie added. I'm still not used to it. "Do you like it?" I asked "like it?" He asked "it's everything I've ever imagined! No scratch that! It's better than I imagined!" He grinned as he held my hands and grinned at me, I smiled back as he continued his rant. He loved it and I couldn't have been happier for him.

It took a while but we finally finished building the shop! It was absolutely beautiful! Once we finished I looked around in awe. I haven't seen anything more amazing in my whole life. "You like it?" Willy asked making me jump "yes. Yes 1000 times yes" I smiled "well, I'm happy you like it, soon we'll have the money and all of us will be free" he smiled "Willy once we're free what happens next?" I asked "what do you mean?" He asked "what happens to us once we're free?" I asked "how about you work here full time?" He asked "I'd like that" I smiled as we looked into eachothers eyes. "here" he smiled as he handed me a candy flower. "Willy it's beautiful" I smiled "thanks, I had inspiration" he smiled back "who?" I asked "you know them, all I'm saying" he replied "right, well I'm not eating it." I smiled as I placed it into my bag. Then I remembered what Noodle had said. I think I like him. And I'm going to tell him after today. I need to get it out.

Me and the others sat inside getting the final details set up. I saw Willy standing by the door. He looked at me and I shot him a thumbs up. He smiled and opened the door. It was time! He guided a man in and everyone else flooded in after. Everyone was eating and having the time of their lives! This was going perfectly! I smiled and looked at everyone's faces. Then from the window I saw two faces I didn't want to see. Mom and Dad. They were staring at me with anger. I looked back at them with slight sadness. My mother looked like she wanted to beat the hell out of me. Then Willy walked over and saw me staring at someone outside. "Willy. Those are my parents" I whispered "oh." He said. Then he took my hand and began to walk away from the window. I rolled my eyes at them and continued to follow Willy.

We walked around watching everyones happy expressions. I smiled at the sight of it and I think Willy noticed. Then he took my hand and walked up the tree in the middle of the shop. We climbed it and he brought me to the Cotton Candy clouds, he jumped on one and helped me onto it. He handed me a jar of sweets and a scoop. As the cloud lowered me and Willy began throwing the sweets at everyone to catch, today was a day I could not stop smiling.

Once that was done I sat by the tree again. Then I heard someone yell for Willy. I looked over to see the customers was turning blue! "Mr Wonka? What's going on?" He asked. Willy ran over "oh my goodness" I whispered in shock. "That's impossible! Unless..." Willy then picked a flower and ate it. "Yeti sweat." He said "Yeti sweat?" "Ladies and Gentlemen! There has appeared to be a manufacturing error! Nobody eat the flowers!" He yelled. Everyone who was eating a flower looked up in confusion "why what's wrong with them?" Someone asked "what's the matter with this toadstool!?! My daughter took one bite and just look at her!" A woman yelled as everyone looked at her mustached daughter. "There's nothing wrong with the chocolate milk...is there?" A man asked. Everyones hair was changing colours! "I'm terribly sorry everyone and I don't know how to explain this but- it appears that the chocolates have been poisoned!" He yelled "poisoned!?!" Someone yelled in panic "poisoned!?!" Another yelled "YOU'VE POISONED MY CHILD!" The lady yelled "I didn't- I didn't poison them-" "I want my money back." Someone said to him "I want compensation" another said "I want revenge!" Someone yelled as they threw something at Willie! He quickly dodged and the thing that was thrown destroyed some jars behind him! Suddenly all hell broke loose. Jars were destroyed, people were screaming, and then as if it couldn't get worse someone started a fire! Willy watched hopelessly as everything that was originally going perfectly began to crash down Infront of him.

Time skip

Once we finally put out the fire we looked at him "i don't understand what- what-" Lottie couldn't get the words out "Willy...what happened?" I asked as I looked at him in cornsern. "Isn't it obvious? The chocolate cartel." Abacus said in annoyance. "It's okay Willy, we can rebuild" Noodle smiled. "there's no point Noodle. It didn't work." He said sadly "what didn't work?" I asked "she promised she'd be here. Who was he talking about? I didn't have time to question. "You didn't actually think-" "I did. Just a stupid dream." He sighed. My heart broke at this "Willy never say that please don't say that again-" "come on Y/N, I think Mr Wonka wants to be alone" Abacus sighed. We all began to leave. I looked back at him and walked back. I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder "Willy it'll be okay" I smiled softly as I then followed Abacus and the others.

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