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As Willy continued to work out if he ate his chocolate I looked at Noodle to notice she began to walk off. I caught up "you good?" I asked "stupid silver lining" she mumbled "hey! There's nothing stupid about my chocolate" he said to her as he caught up "if Miss Scrubbit had spotted us i- possibly Y/N would be in the coup right now!" Noodle said to him. "I'm sorry but we can make more, just one problem I'm out of milk" he said to us as we stopped walking. I saw some milk outside someone's door and picked up a bottle "here" I said to him "A that's stealing and C Willy Wonka does not use any old cows milk, for this particular creation I require is the milk of giraffe" he said to us. I looked at him with confusion "I didn't know milking a giraffe was possible" I said in confusion and slight concern for the last giraffes he's met. "What Y/N means is that there is one at the Zoo" Noodle said to him "I didn't-" "fantastic!" He grinned as he walked the completely wrong way. "But A the zoo's not that way" Noodle said as he quickly turned as passed us "great!" He grinned "and B they're not going to let us in and just milk it" I finished "that my dear
Y/N Is why we're lucky the little orange man didn't find this." He said as he pulled out a small box.

Time skip

Noodle was handing the Zoo keeper the box and I hid and watched "so, how'd you end up at Scrubbit's?" Willy asked. "I don't want to talk about it" I answered pretty much straight away. "Oh okay" he answered as we watched Noodle run back. "Well done Noodle" Willy smiled "thanks but what does it do?" She asked "it's called a big night out a single chocolate that perfectly mimics a night on the town the outer layer is champagne truffle" he said as we watched the zookeeper eat it "next comes a layer of white wine then red that's when the singing and dancing starts" he said "I'm sorry but how-" suddenly we heard singing and I directed my head to see the shadow of the guy dancing and singing! "This is impossible" I mumbled in amazement "it's when he hits a layer of whiskey fudge he'll get emotional" Willy added, then we watched the guy sit back down and begin crying. "She was the only woman I ever really loved!" He cried "he might do something reckless" Willy added. Suddenly we saw him call someone "Gwennie? It's Basil! I just wanted to say I always loved you! What? Basil Bond! We sat next to each other in chemistry! no don't hang up!" He yelled as the person hung up. Poor guy. "Finally he hits some old port from the back cupboard and..." The guy then fell asleep "your chocolate did all that?" I asked "impressive isn't it" he smiled "will be he alright?" I asked "of course he will" he smiled "well, I'll be waiting at the cart once you two are done" Noodle smiled "okay, thanks Noodle" I smiled as we ran into the Zoo.

We walked in and I looked around "this place is so beautiful" I said as I looked at the desolate area. "I know" he smiled, I turned to face him to see he was looking at me as well "sorry if I come off as rude or unapproachable. I just hate being stuck in that prison." I said to him "I don't think you're rude or unapproachable" he smiled. I smiled back "you think so?" I asked "I know so" he replied. I felt my face heat up a bit, I was smiling. But then I caught myself. "uh thanks" I answered looking away. I can't let my Gaurd down. Not for a moment.

We kept walking until we got to a bunch on animal enclosures. "Remember Willy, we're looking for a giraffe" I reminded him "alrighty! Hey here it is" he smiled as he opened the Tiger enclosure! I pushed him away from the door and closed it before the tiger could attack us. "That said Tiger can't you read?!?" I yelled "no" he said almost sounding embarrassed. "Oh. Sorry" I said to him feeling bad about my outburst. "don't worry about it" he smiled, then I saw the right enclosure "found it!" I said as I grabbed his hand and brought him to the enclosure. I opened the door and gasped as I saw the giraffe Infront of us. "Good evening miss..." He trailed off, I looked at her name on the wall "it's Abigale" I said "Abigale" he mumbled. The giraffe took a step closer and I jumped back but Willy grabbed some mints from his pockets. Acacia mints according to him. "Giraffes are just crazy about my Acacia mints, love them more than anything else...except for being scratched under the chin, see" he smiled as the giraffe finished the mints and let Willy scratch under her chin. "Want to try it?" He asked "me?" I asked sounding surprised and slightly scared "why not" he smiled back.

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