5 🍫💜

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Sooo! Since Willy is basically banned from selling chocolate we're basically stumped. Suddenly I heard talking from outside the window "what's up?" I asked "ah Y/N, she'll talk some sense into you" Abacus said to them "what are you talking about?" I asked "Y/N I know we don't talk a lot and whenever we do you talk with a level of disrespect but please tell them to think before getting involved with this Hair-Brained scheme" he said "depends on what this 'hair brained scheme' is" I answered "were going to sneak out and sell the chocolate" Lottie grinned. My eyes widened "did she just-" "talk? Yeah I'm getting used to it as well" Piper said to me "well, it's not a hair brained scheme, how about you try one and then tell us what you think" I smiled as Noodle tossed him one "that's very kind of you two but I don't care how good his chocolates are..." He took one bite and his eyes widened. I gave him the I told you so look almost immediately "when do we start!?!" He asked excitedly. Wow his chocolates must be good.

So we came up with a plan! We would sell chocolate like usual but when we heart the police coming or we saw them we'd use the drain system to escape! And it went surprisingly well! Every time they would show up Willy would Disappear through the storm drain system. It was pure genius!

After a very long day of this I sat in my room. Then I heard a knock "come in" I called, it was Willy "Y/N I have something for you" he smiled "really? What's that?" I asked "you've never had one of my chocolates before have you?" He asked "no I haven't" I Shrugged, he the handed me one. I slowly took off the rapper and ate it. Wow. "Wow. Just wow." I got out. "You like it?" He asked "like it? I love it" I smiled "I'm glad, because you need to watch over this" he said to me and he handed me a giant jar of them. "Jesus!" I yelled "I know it's big but it's just until morning. Can I count on you?" He asked. I rolled my eyes "I guess" I sighed "thanks!" He called as he walked back to his room. What was I going to do with that jar it was giant! I guess I could leave it in the corner.

Once it was lights out I placed the jar by the corner and went to bed. Recently less and less rats have been getting into my room and I have Willy to thank for that. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

No one's POV:

From the window a small orange man broke in. He looked around and then saw the jar. As he began to reach out for it he stepped on one of the trapped Floorboards and was thrown into a jar which was then closed! The scream woke up Y/N who shot out of bed.

"Huh? What's going on" I mumbled as I got out of the bed to see the trap had sprung. "What the devil!?! Let me out of here! I demand to be realised!" A voice yelled. I looked at the jar in confusion. I thought I had caught a rat! I looked at the jar to see the figure of a tiny person. "Oh my god it can speak" i mumbled as I picked up the jar and placed it on my desk "oh course i can speak! Now let me out of here or I shall shriek! Let me out!" He yelled "hold on I need to see you" I said as I turned on a light. My eyes widened. He looked like the thing willy had described! "Oh my god" I mumbled in realization that Willy wasn't crazy. "Wait. Your not him" he said to me "him? You mean Willy? No I'm not. Wait why were you looking for him?" I asked "my own business now let me out." He said to me "oh no- funny little orange man. not until Willy gets here to see you himself." I said "funny little orange man? How dare you. I will have you know I am a respectable size for an ompa loompa." He said to me "your saying this like I know what that is." I said as I looked at him in wonder and confusion. "Infact in loompa land I am regarded as something of a whopper. They call me lofty" he said to me. "Right...Lofty...got it." I said as I tried to process. "So you can stop gorping at me like as though I was something unpleasant you'd found in your handkerchief. I find it uncomfortable and frankly rude." He said to me. "Well in my defence this isn't exactly a normal night for me" I said back. "Touchee. Now let me out of here. You have no right to go around in bottling innocent strangers." He said to me "innocent? I'm gonna stop you right there buddy if everything that Willy had told me is true that means that you've been stealing and following him for years" I said as I folded my arms. "Well he started it." He said. I paused "Willy Wonka. The boy with the personality of a Golden retriever. The nicest person I've ever met. Started it? Yeah I find it hard to believe." I said to him "well he stole our cocoa beans" he said to me "what are you talking about?" I asked in confusion. "He destroying my life" he said to me "right.... I may need more of an explanation than that." I said to him. "Fine. Use this as an explanation and a message. I'll do it through a song so ruinously catchy it may never leave your mind" he said as he got a flute out. "Oh I don't think I wanna hear that-" "too late. I've started dancing now. Once we've started we cannot stop." He said as he began dancing.

"Ompa loompa dobaty doo

I've got a tragic tale for you

Ompa loompa dobaty Dee

If you were wise you'd listen to me

Dear Loonpa land is both luscious and green

But not conducive in growing the bean

My job was gaurding what Little we got

He came along and pinched the lot"

"Did you say something?" I asked

"No I drifted off" he said quickly

"Ompa loompa dobaty day

When I awoke they sent me away

I'm disgraced cast out in the cold

Till I've payed my freinds 1000 fold!"

"1000 fold!?!" I yelled "I repeat. 1000 fold!" He finished. "Oh my god. Uh Lofty was it? That's a bit extreme for a few beans, but if I let you out then how about you try talking to him, it's better than stealing his stuff" I said to him. "Hm. Alright then I hear you. Let me out and we can discuss it." He said. I took the lid off. "oh before I go could you pass me a frying pan?" He asked. "Why?" I asked "I'll wake him up by hitting something" he shrugged "I guess" I said causiously as I handed him one. "Thank you, thank you. By the way could you come here? I have something to say, top secret though" he said. I leaned down to hear him. Only to be hit on the head by the frying pan! "Ow! What the-" suddenly I felt another hit to my ankle! "Ow! What is wrong with you!?!" I yelled as I clutched my head and ankle in pain "Ompa loompas do not negotiate. Good day mam" he said as I saw him holding the Jar willy gave me "hey! That give that back!" I yelled as I glared it him "I said good day" he said as he then jumped out the window. "Ompa loompas are the worst." I said with gritted teeth. Then Willie walked in "hey I heard something Andi came in here to- oh my gosh what happened to your head and ankle!?! where's the jar?" He asked "all I'll say is that Ompa loompas are the worst." I said to him. "ompa what?" He asked. This was going to be a long night.

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