4 🍫💜

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I couldn't believe what I was about to do. I cautiously raised my hand and scratched under her chin. I think she loved it as she licked my face. "I think she likes you" Willy smiled "I think so yeah" I replied as I wiped the saliva off my face. "Now miss Abigale, if my colleague here gives you a good scratch could you spare a pint or two of milk?" He asked.

A few minutes later I was on a ladder scratching Abigale under the chin as Willy milked her. I looked down to check the progress and found  he was nearly done "you done this before?" I asked "once...In Africa. Magnificent Creature" he smiled "was she wild?" I asked "Wild? She was absolutely furious" he said back to me "wow, your life sounds exciting" I smiled as I continued with scratching Abigale chin "well what about your life, how'd you end up with Miss Scrubbit" he smiled. I tenced up "it's complicated" I answered "I'm a good listener" he smiled. I took a breath. "Well... My parents were Very controlling. They controlled how much I ate, who I talked too, what I did. They even gave me a future husband. I've only met him once but he was the worst. He was the same as them. So when I told them no. They disowned me. Kicked me out. And I needed a cheep place to stay before I moved towns. And then this happened." I sighed. "Oh. I'm so sorry that happened to you Y/N" he said "meh. I'll live" I Shrugged "but if you think about it. It wasn't all bad" he smiled "really? Why's that?" I asked "because you met me" he smiled. I smiled a bit "I guess you're right" I said. "You know Noodle reads a lot, maybe she could teach you how to read, she taught me" I smiled "she taught you?" He asked "yeah, my parents didn't like the schooling system and didn't bother to teach me stuff so I just went without learning" I shrugged "oh, I'll ask" he smiled "you should, then we can avoid another Tiger incident" I laughed, he laughed with me. Then I caught myself. I was laughing? Wow. What is he doing to me!?! "Now get scratching before the Gaurd comes too" he smiled as he began to milk Abigale again. I stared at him for a second before going back to scratching.

"For a moment

Life doesn't seem quite so bad

For a moment

I kind of forgot to be sad

He turns night to day

But don't get carried away.

Never let down your Gaurd

Never let them into your heart

For a moment

Not for a moment"

I thought to myself as I continued to scratch the giraffe. Once he finished he took the pints of milk and put them in his hat. "Thanks Abigale! Okay Y/N let's go" he smiled. I began to get off the ladder but I misplaced my foot and fell! Willy caught me bridal style and place me down. "thanks" I smiled "no problem" he smiled back as he then walked to the door. I stared at him
"For a moment, Life doesn't seem quite so bad" i thought to myself as I followed him, we ran back outside.  We ran outside and Willy immediately ran to some balloons. "You want a balloon?" I asked jokingly "yes and alot of them" he smiled as he grabbed the lot! "Isn't that-" suddenly he held my hand and we were lifted off the ground! I held on tight to Willy as I looked around. We were flying! "Wow..." I breathed as we landed on the Galleria, once we landed willy held out his hand "shall we?" He asked jokingly. I rolled my eyes playfully and took it "we shall" I smirked.

"For a moment my life has turned upsidedown!" I thought as I stared into Willys eyes as we danced, he was lifting me and twirling. It felt magical. I jumped on his shoulder and he span us around! This was the best night of my life! What was this feeling? It's been one night and I'm feeling something... And I think I like it."he's the one good thing, that's ever happened to me" I thought as we spun.

He got me down and we continued for a few more minutes. Once we stopped dancing we stepped off the roof of the Galleria, we landed and we held hands and stared at each other "that was so-" "MR WONKA! A word in private" A voice yelled. Me and Willy turned to see it was the chief of the police!!!! "Y/N you need to leave, tell Noodle I'll be there in a few" he smiled "what but-" "I'll be fine, I've talked my way out of way tighter spots than this" he said to me. I smiled reassuringly and walked towards noodle. But I looked back to see the chief of police had duncked and was now holding Willys head under the water! If I was getting arrested it would be for hurting a police officer I ran over and forcefully grabbed Willys head and pulled him out the water "WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM!?!" I yelled at the chief "did he hear me that time?" He asked as he folded his arms "I had water in my ears" he said in pure confusion and shock. "oh yeah. That dose make sense. I'm all outta wack. The truth is I don't wanna be doing this." He said to him "then don't. Simple" I said In anger "you don't understand- look the point is you need to stop selling chocolate or your gonna get more than a bonk on the head" he warned "but I don't have a bonk on my head" Willy shrugged. "What is with me today!?! Miss Y/N, please step aside" he said. I only moved slightly. "You know what I mean" he sighed "if you drown him again you'll be next." I warned. He gulped and grabbed his baton. Then proceeded to hit Willy on the head!

Time skip

I sat in Willie's room and I put a cold compress on his head "how're you feeling?" I asked "I don't know." He answered. Abacus had just told about his experience. The three had the chief of police involved and we couldn't sell chocolate without a shop and we couldn't get a shop without selling chocolate. We were trapped. "Well. I should get going, Miss Scrubbit gave me the room with all the rats in it and I need to chase them away" I sighed as I stood up "what If I said I could help with that" he said as he sat up "you'd be a life saver" I smiled.

Once he finished setting up the trap he went back to his own room. I smiled and sat on my bed "you seem happy" Noodle smiled "I am, it's the first time in a while" smiled back. "It wouldn't be because of a certain someone right?" She asked "what?" I asked sounding confused "Y/N, your in love" she said. "love?" I asked "love, have you seriously never been in love before?" She asked "no? The only time my parents talked about it was when they tried to set me up with someone" I shrugged "well I may be a child but I've got eyes. You like him" she smiled "really?" I asked "think on it" she smiled as she left. Me? And Willy? Dating? I never thought of it like that...but it feels nice to think about.

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