Worst Case Scenario

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Back in New York City

"no, she didn't!" Brooks laughed hard.
"bitch she did. Like I wanna hear a woman say that to me with my face buried between her thighs" Taraji rolled her eyes
Brooks couldn't stop laughing.

"what do you think it meant?"
"she was in the moment," Taraji said.
"What did you want it to mean?"
."I don't know Dani, 17 years ago it would have meant everything. 10 years ago, it would have changed a lot of things for the better. 5 years ago it would have brought some hope. Last month it would have swept me off my feet. But now..."

"you are or sure."

Brooks nodded. "well in another piece of news. My girl got a new job" Brooks said cheerfully.
"yes!" they clicked their wine glasses together. "cheers"

"what are we celebrating?"
Taraji coughed and coughed hard hearing Fantasia's voice.
"Chief, fancy seeing you here," Brooks said.
"detective, good to see you, Agent Henson"
."Counsel" Taraji muttered.  Fantasia walked to her table. They both stared.

After a little while Jack walked in and joined her 

"she's meeting your son why?"
"ask her. Let's get the cheque"
They paid and left. Brooks went home. Taraji went home too.

She waited up, she wanted to hear how it went for Jack. The door opened, and Jack and Fantasia walked in.

Unexpected. "Hey Mom, Mrs Taylor gave me a ride," Jack said. Taraji nodded. "you had a good time?" she asked, it was obvious that he did, he was smiling. He looked happy. "the best time. She's funny" Jack said. Taraji smiled a little. "I'm glad you had a good time"

"Thanks, ma!" he kissed her and walked to his room.
"Thank you for bringing him home safe"
"I needed an excuse to come see you. You looked hot in your red dress tonight" Fantasia said walking closer. "I can't get you out of my head" Taraji backed up "Stop!" she said. Fantasia paused.

"I can't do this. It's confusing my heart and I need for my heart not to get confused right now. Cause I am--"

"seeing someone, yeah you mentioned that already" Fantasia interjected.  "and I like them. I want to see this through. I'm sorry, we can't. I can't"
Fantasia nodded.
"Jack, come say goodbye" Taraji spoke up.
Jack came out. He hugged Fantasia. "thank you for a great evening," he said. She nodded and placed a business card in his hand. "this is your ride, anywhere you wanna go, at any time. Call him" Fantasia said. "thank you"
"call me?" she sounded like she was begging.
"how about this weekend you come over, my mother will cook, she's a good cook. You can bring your family, well not your husband"

"Jack, I will be working this Friday, but, you guys can go ahead.  Have a good time without me" Taraji said. "what do you say? I will cook" Jack pursued. Fantasia nodded "We will be here," she said and waved and mouthed goodbye then walked out.

Friday Came very quickly.

Taraji wasn't working. Infect she just flew back home from catching the bad guys in DC. She was resting. Jack prepped dinner. His mother taught him to cook a long time ago, he did his best to impress.

He didn't want to wake her up cause she was exhausted. The Taylors arrived. Fantasia and her kids.
He was a gentleman, offered them a drink, and entertained Josh. "need help?" Halle asked. "no!" he said. Doorbell:

"dinner will be ready in 5. Somebody get that door please" he said. Halle jogged to the don't.
"hey!" she said to the person on the other side of the door
"Hey, is Taraji awake?" the young woman asked.
"uh, let me check,"  Halle said and turned. "Jack, is your mom home?" she asked. "Yeah, she came home a couple of hours ago, she's on London time. Sleeping" He said. "she's sleeping," Halle told the girl

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