Nice Meeting You

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Four weeks Later.

After all the Drama that's been happening.  Taraji has been Fed up with Fantasia. Fantasia was stressed out, she was always crying and sobbing in her office and her bedroom.

She took what they call a Presidential Vacation.
For a month. She took the twins and Josh with her, she said it was to reward them for a good job well done for doing amazing with their titles.
They went to some deserted island, starting with a three-day cruise.
Taraji was in Italy, making her business look good, but they made it seem like they were together on a vacation trip.

Fantasia arrived in Melan, Italy with her kids. She had to immediately be in a meeting and that's where it was held.
She checked into Taraji's hotel. Curious to see how the business was doing. Got in the Presidential suite. Her kids were happy to be on the part of the earth they were familiar with. They were jumping up and down on the hotel beds. Josh was working on his music. Fantasia's team arrived from the USA to take care of her kids.

She was able to go to her big meeting.
She came back late planning to sleep. The kids were making a hell of a noise. She decided to go to a bar to drink.

She got to the bar and ordered her favorite liquor.
"On the house. You are the boss's wife, the President of the United States of America. You deserve the best" the bartender said. Fantasia faked a smile. She sipped her drink.
"Seat taken?" Fantasia gasped then swallowed hard, "for a moment there you sounded like--" she turned. Taraji smiled at her. "Like who?" Taraji asked. Her long hair grew back.
Fantasia's jaw dropped, drooling. "Is the seat taken, Miss?" Taraji asked. Fantasia snapped out of it.
"yes, I mean--no please, sit... Miss" Fantasia's stuttering was so cute, Taraji chuckled.

"I will have whatever she's having with ice" Taraji ordered. "oh and please refill her glass" she added. Fantasia smirked. "Trying to get me drunk Miss--?"

"Mrs," Taraji corrected. Fantasia swallowed hard, her heart smashed, - she's married already, how long have I been gone?-- she thought.

Taraji saw that she was quiet and turned her stool. "I'm Taraji P. Henson-Barrino, and you are?"  Taraji asked outstretching her hand. Fantasia looked at her hand and then up at her eyes. Taraji smiled. "Fantasia Barrino. Nice meeting you Taraji. So, where is your significant other?"

"Dead!" Fantasia choked on her drink. Taraji chuckled. "that's not funny." Fantasia said. Taraji smiled. "I'm divorced. Just haven't dropped their name yet" Taraji corrected. "bummer. But, why haven't you dropped the name yet?"
"I don't know. I'm still hung up on them maybe"
Fantasia lifted her eyes, their eyes locked.
"Well, I say they are hung up on you too... Who wouldn't, you are beautiful,"

"What are you, gay?"
Fantasia smirked. "I am pretty falling for you right now, so I must be."

Taraji smiled sipping her drink. "what about you? A beautiful woman like you in a bar... Alone? Not a good look"

"I deserve it. I pushed away the woman who really loved me. I'm pretty alone. And lonely, unless you count my kids."

"oh, you have kids... That's a damn shame" Taraji said. "I love my kids. Why is it a shame?"

"I was thinking you would be my baby mama"
Fantasia burst out laughing.
"how many?" Taraji asked sipping. "5 kids. 27,25,18 and twins 11."

"You are pretty fulfilled. That's a blessing. Do you feel blessed?"

"most of the time yes"
"What about the other times, how do you feel?" Taraji was enjoying her drink while interrogating her. "lost. I feel lost. Because I'm alone, I think maybe this love thing, isn't for me" Fantasia said.
"Well, I will tell you what I think, I think you are very beautiful. I think you are a great mother among other things, and whoever doesn't love you, is a dumb moron. I would fall hard for you," Taraji said. "How hard?"

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