The Love House

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The following Day
After some guests departed

Anna, Jack and Fantasia were having breakfast. Fantasia was reading the news on her laptop while drinking some regular black coffee.

Jack and Anna were eating and having conversation of their own.
Halle joined them.

"ou Halle, Rolex, fancy!" Jack said. "I know right God loves me a little bit more than the rest of y'all," Halle said. "wait that's a 1 million dollar customized Rolex watch. It's Vintage with diamonds! Now it costs more. And yours has letters on it. F.B.F" Anna educated touching the watch.
Fantasia choked on her coffee. She coughed hard.

"sorry" they all exclaimed 
"what's an F.B.F Hal?" Anna asked.

"Federal Bureau of Friendship!" she said at the top of her head.

"what the hell is that? What happened to a simple BFF?" Jack asked.
"inside joke with... My federal friend who bought me this."

"you have a rich friend who afford a vintage Rolex that costs millions?" Anna asked.

"wait this looks familiar." Jack said flipping his sister's hand. "it's my mom's! You had our heads spinning there for a minute. But if she catches you wearing it, you gonna get it. She loves that watch like an organ in her body" Jack said. Halle looked at Fantasia who looked affected by the situation. "if you lose it? Oh boy!" Jack added. "don't worry big bro I inherited it"

"How? Wait, why?" Jack was shocked. "I don't know, maybe mommy loves me more too" Halle joked.
"wait doesn't this look like..." Anna said locating Fantasia's wrist. They all looked at the Rolex on her wrist. She pulled her hand, hiding it. "This one is fake!" she said and stood up and left.

They looked at one another. "FBF...! Call me crazy but one of those F's is for Fantasia. makes sense to me" Anna said. "what are the letters on hers?" Jack asked Halle. "I honestly never noticed. But she's been wearing it as long as I remember. Probably before I was even born.".
"Mama as well. We need to find out what's on that watch" Jack said.

"My guess will be THF.  T for Taraji" Anna said. "That's Sick!" Jack said
"tThat'scrazy!" Halle added
Anna shrugged. "like I said, call me crazy."

"Halle take care of that watch!" Jack said,  "Why did she give it to you?"
"Maybe 'cause she is officially Mrs Monét?" Anna asked.
"Maybe is a sign that she's done with Mom for good," Jack said.

"Okay crazy couple, Mom didn't willingly give me this. I had something on her, it was hard for her to even take it off!" Halle told them.

"You are blackmailing your own mother?" Anna asked. "she does that to all of us babe watch your back!" Jack said. "well, what do you have on her?"

"Rolex says to zip my mouth," Halle said walking away.
Jack shook his head.
"Are you sure you want to be a part of this family?" Jack asked with worry on his face.
"Are you kidding me? I love you and yes, I've grown to love them too. You know who I wish I had a relationship with, that I worry she wouldn't like me?"

"yes, the woman who raised my man. I have so much respect for Fantasia but Taraji? I have all my respect for her"

"I will ask her for a dinner date for you."

"Really? Babe that means a lot" Anna said smiling. "so... When am I wearing my ring?" Anna asked. "sorry baby. I haven't told my parents you saw how crazy the night went. I will invite the three of them tomorrow night and tell them we are engaged"
Anna smiled.
"what do you think your sister got on your mother?" Anna asked thinking hard.  "my guess is something she wouldn't want her new bride to know," Jack said. "my guess as well" 

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