Chapter 7

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The next morning Kei woke up early. He got ready and left the house. He went to buy boba, that he owns Kageyama. Minus one.

When he arrived at school he opened his locker and put in his things.

"Tsuki? Where were you yesterday?" his friends immediately came up to him when they entered the gates.

"Wasn't feeling well."

"That sucks. You're better now?" Suna asked.

"I guess."

His friends just looked at each other worried, but didn't say anything more.

Then Tsukishima spotted Kageyama. He closed his locker and went up to him. 

"Yo, King." Kageyama turned to him and saw him handing him the drink.

"Oh? Nice, thanks. Five more." the raven grinned and Kei just rolled his eyes.

"Thanks... for yesterday..."

"Hm? Sure, I guess?" the boy sippped from his drink and nodded to the blond. "See ya." he waved at him and left to go to his friends. Kunimi was standing at his locker watching the whole situation. When Tsukishima noticed, Kunimi just gave him a death glare before immediately smiling when Kageyama greeted him.

"Wow, you really bought him boba. I thought your pride would never allow you to do so." Lev teased him.

"Shut up. And go to your classes." he rolled his eyes.

Meanwhile Yamaguchi was at the entrance with his friends clenching his fist. Tsukishima never bought him anything in the mornings.

"Wow, those two seems to get along better lately, don't you think?" Yaku pointed out.

"Yep, I noticed that too." Shibayama agreed.

"Hm...." Yamaguchi hummed angrily before going to his locker.

Few steps away there was Hinata and his friends. "Hehe... I like drama." Hinata murmured happily to himself.

"Did you say something, Shoyo?" Goshiki asked.

"Nope." he gave him a bright smile.

"For some reason you're acting suspicious lately." Koganegawa told him.

"I'm just happy because someone's getting what he deserves." he giggled.

"What?" Inuoka was confused.

"Let's just go." Yachi rolled her eyes totally done with their shits.


"Awwww man! I'm so tired today." Kindaichi slammed his head to the wall. All the classes were over and the group was hanging out before leaving to their practices or clubs.

"You slept through half classes today, what do you mean?" Kageyama rolled his eyes.

"Still tired." the onion head hugged raven's arm and leaned himself on his shoulder.

"Oiii don't fall asleep on him! We have to go now." Oikawa pulled the younger away.

"Awww, so mean." Kindaichi fake cried.

"Haha, let's go Kindaichi." Iwaizumi smiled at him and they both left.

"We're going too. See you later Akira-chan." Oikawa waved at the boy and left with Kageyama.

"Finally some peace." Kunimi was relieved.

"What?" someone appeared behind him.


"Calm yourself down." Kenma chuckled.

"You scared me senpai." Kunimi frowned.

"Good. Let's get going?"

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