Chapter 14

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"So are you free on week-end?" Kuguri softly smiled at the blueberry head after class ended.

"Sorry, I have a part-time job. But we can continue the project after school. I don't really have plans after practice." Kageyama stood up and started collecting his stuff in his bag.

"Sure, I'll wait for you then-" Kuguri got cut off by a sertain blond coming to their desk.

"He already has plans."

"But he just said-"

"I said he's busy." Tsukishima glared at his friend.

"I'm not." Kageyama said still angry about earlier.

"You have plans with me, so don't act clueless." teh blond turned to him.

"Oh really? What plans?" the raven angrily crossed his hands. Poor Kuguri was standing between them not knowing what to do.

"The cat café?" Tsukishima knew he didn't agree with the younger on going there, but he couldn't think of any other excuse.

"You said you can't." Kageyama rolled his eyes.

"I change my mind."

"Why you must be so difficult?" the younger sighed. "Fine, but you owe me a cake for making me irritated."

"Fine." Tsukishima cheered in his head and looked at Kuguri with victory in his eyes. The brunette didn't notice that since he was talking to Kageyama.

"I'm sorry Kuguri. But we can make some plans tomorrow." the raven apologetically suggested.

"Sure. I'll be free anytime. Just call me 'kay." softly smiled at him and patted his head. "See you tomorrow."

"Yep! Bye." Kageyama smiled and waved at him.

"Why are you acting so close." Tsukishima asked, acting unbothered.

"What's wrong with making new friends?" Kageyama rolled his eyes and left the class.

"He's literally flirting with you."

"And? What does that have to do with you?" the raven started to get irritated again.

"..." Tsukishima didn't respond. What does that have to to with him? He didn't really know. He just doesn't like it.

"Thought so." Kageyama shook his head. "See you later. If you back down from our plan, I'm gonna kill you." he said and left to practice.

"I should go too." Tsukishima also had practice so he turned back and went to opposite way to basketball gym.


Tsukishima was sitting at one of the tables watching Kageyama playing with cats on the floor.

"Your clothes will get dirty Kags. At least sit on a chair."

"Nope, I can play with more if I stay here." the raven stuck out his tongue and continued carresing one of cats on his lap.

"Like a little kid." the blonde whispered softly. He smiled a little seeing the younger getting so excited about the animals. 

Then he saw a little grey kitten walking slowly around their table. He got an idea. He carefully took the kitten in his hand and put it on Kageyama's head.

"Huh?" the boy flinch and straightened up.

"Carefull or the kitty wil fall." the blond laughed.

"Oh.." the raven felt the light body of the kitten on his head and was looking up to see if the cat is not going to fall soon.

"..." Tsukishima's heart fluttered by the sight and took out his phone. He took few photos without younger's knowing. "Look at me Kags."

The younger turn his attention on the blond and saw a phone. "H-huh? What are aou doing."

"Taking picture. Look at the camera." Tsukishima smiled softly behind his phone.

"N-no!" Tobio puffed his cheeks and slowly turned his head away without making the small kitty fall.

"Wow, you two look cute not gonna lie." Kei put his phone in front of younger's face to make him see the photo.

"S-stop. That's embarrasing." the raven moved the kitten to his arms and slowly carresed it's head. He was turning away so the blond won't see his red face. "You should play with cats too. That's the main reason why I eanted to go here." he murmured so to older can hear.

Tsukishima stared at the boy who still was hiding his face from him. His ears are red. He thought as ne noticed. Then he smiled a little and sat down next to the younger and took one of the cats laying beside him on his lap.

Kageyama notice that and turned his head towards him. Then he smile widely and took out his phone. "Gonna get back at you."

"Go on." the blond smirked and let the raven take some pictures.

"Hehe, nice." Tobio happily checked the photos.

"Well it's getting kinda late righ now. Let's go home." Tsukishima stood up.

"Awww.. come on..."

"We can come back another time." Kei pulled the younger boy with him.

"Fine..." Kageyama sighed and followed the older outside.

They walked home being a little bit quiet.

"So you're planning to see Kuguri tomorrow?" Kei broke the silence.

"Yeah, we have to finish the project." the raven nodded.

"Hmmm.." the blond grumbled.

"What's your problem?" Tobio rolled his eyes.

"Nothing..." he murmured.

"Like I would believe that. I thought he is your friend."

"Yeah, he is." 

"Then what's the problem?" Kageyama was confused.

"Nothing." the older avoided the eye contact.

"Say it."

"I just don't want him to get too close to you, that's it." he finally said.

"Why?" the raven put his head on the side.

"Doesn't matter. See you tomorrow." Tsukishima quickly waved at him and went to the doferent direction toward his house.

"Huh?" Kageyama was left confused. "What's wrong with him?" he murmured to himself and went to teh opposite direction.

Meanwhile Kei was scloding himself in his head. Seriously, what's wrong with me? I can't even tell him the reason but still mad at him for doing a projet. He slapped his forehead. "Get it together Kei." he whispered ti himself.

He entered his house and greeted his parents.

"How was your day?" his mum smiled at him.


"What did you do?" his dad looked at him.


"Did you go somewhere after school?" his mum asked again.

"Went to a cat café with Kags." he said not realising it.



"..." Tsukishima was cursing in his head again. Shit.

"You hang out with Tobio?" his dad asked suprised.

"Oh my god! Amazing!" his mum jumped happily.

"I'm going to my room." he quickly left before more interrogating will begin.


Tsukishima ran to his room and closed the door. He threw his bag somewhere an jumped on the bed.

He burried his face on the pillow until he ran out of breath. He then turn to his back, closed his eyes and sighed. Get it together Kei.

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