Chapter 16

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The next day, Tsukishima was dying. He didn't get enough sleep and was basically sleepwalking the whole day.

Kageyama on the other hand was energetic and keep following the blond around.

Both their friend groups were confused and didn't know what to do.

"Hey, Suki! Let's go get ice cream after practice." the raven grinned at him while sitting next to him at lunch. Their friends didn't arrive yet so they were in the cafeterie alone.

"'Kay." the older murmured. Lately, it was hard to get annoyed at Kageyama for him. The raven looked always so bright and his eyes were shining. He was wondering why exactly he disliked him before.

"Wanna learn skate again?" Kageyama asked.


"Sorry, you didn't get to sleep last night." the younger giggled.

"You don't look sorry at all." Tsukishima said and rested his head on the table.

"Hehe, I'll make it up to you. Stay here, I will bring lunch." and with that he stood up and went to stand in line.

When the raven came back Tsukishima was still laying on the table.

"Oii, get up and eat lunch."

The blond looked over the tray. Luckily thy younger knew exactly what he likes so he didn't complain.

He raised his head and started eating.

"Did Yamaguchi talked to you lately?" Kageyama asked with a full mouth.

"No? Why would I talk to him?"

"It's just he's staring directly at us right now." the raven head pointed at the cheerleader's table.

The blond looked over them and then rolled his eyes. "Ignore him."


"Why in the word are you two sitting together?" someone said behind them.

They both turned their heads and saw Kunimi and Kindaichi glaring at them while the rest of Kageyama's friends were behind them.

"What? Got a problem?" Tsukishima smirked. He loved teasing those two, knowing they were very protective over Kageyama.

"Yeah, kindly go sit somewhere else." Kunimi rolled his eyes.

"Yeah don't wanna." the blond took another bite from his lunch while having and intense eye contect with the two.

"You guys are making a fuss over nothing. I'll go with you." Kageyama sighed and was about to stand up and follow his friends when Tsukishima pulled him back.

"Nope, you're staying." he proudly exclaimed and went back to his lunch.

The two first years gritted their teeth and went to stand in the lunch line.

"Seriously, stop teasing them." Kageyama said to the older with an unimpressed look.

"No can't do. It' funny."

After few minutes the two first years came back and sat across the two others.

"Huh?" Kageyama looked at them. "Why are you here?"

"Yeah same question."

"If you think you can have Tobs to yourself, you're wrong. Just to be clear he's my best friend." Kunimi glared at Tsukishima.

"Whoa, hold up. He's my best friend." Kindaichi joined in.

"And here we go again." Kageyama slapped his forehead while Tsukishima was smirking.

"Okay, this is getting out of hands." Iwaizumi looked over their table.

At that moment, Tsukishima's group arrived at the cafeteria and saw the situation. Their faces looked visibly confused.

"Oh? Are we having the 'just first years table' today? I'll join!" Lev hurriedly came over them.

"What in the word is happening here?" Futakuchi asked.

"I have no idea." Kuroo answered.


After school the two friends were leaving the classroom to go to their practices, when Kuguri stopped Kageyama.

"Let's finish our project today shall we? I'll wait for you after your practice." the brunette smiled at the younger.

"Oh, sure!" Kageyama smiled back.

"I thought you wanted to get ice cream today." Tsukishima said, hiding hsi anger.

"We can go the other day, the project is more important." the raven looked at him apologetically.


"Let's meet later at the café. You don't need to wait for me." Kageyama turned back at Kuguri.

"Sure, see you later then." the taller patted his head softly and left the classroom first.

"Well I'll leaving for practice. See you tomorrow!" Kageyama smiled and waved at him.

"Yeah.." Tsukishima waved back feeling down.

"Bro, what's wrong? Why are you just standing there?" Lev asked when he walked across the hallway and saw the blond.

"Nothing. Let's go."

"Sure?" poor Lev didn't understand but followed him.

When they entered thy gym, completely dressed for sports, they saw Bokuto and Kuroo trying to get the ball stuck on the basket.

"You'll fall at this rate." Tsukishima said.

"Shut up." Kuroo gitted between his teeth as he was sitting on Bokuto's shoulders and trying to get the ball.

"Carefull boys!" teh caoch yelled at them.

"Ha! Got it." Kuroo happily raised the ball in the air. That made Bokuto lose his balance and both fell on their butts.

"See? I told you." the blond smirked at them while Lev was silently giggling and Suna recording everything.

"Shut it, you brat." Bokuto rubbed his back.

"Let's get the practice started!" teh coach yelled.

"Yes sir!"

Tsukishima suddenly felt a strong gaze and turned around. There he saw Terushima angrily glaring at him before leavinf to stood in the line.

"What was that?" he whispered to himself.

After practice the players were cleaning the gym and slowly leaving to the changing room.

"Do you have any plans today?" Lev asked him and took off his shirt.

"No, the King is busy doing project so I'll just go home."

"You know, you don't have to always hang out with him, right?" the taller gave him un unimpressed look.

"But I want to, got a problem?" Tsukishima said back.

"Nope, it's just weird how you hated him before and now you don't even want to separed from him." Lev smirked.

Shit. What does this mean? The blond thought to himself. 

Lev watched him frown a little bit and smiled at that. I think I know what's happpening here. The silver haired boy thought.

"Well I'm going home now. See you tomorrow." Lev took his bag and waved at Tsukishima.


After finishing changing clothes, the blond left the changing room and was walking out of school property. He was about to leave the school gate when someone called him.


He turned his head and saw Yamaguchi desperately staring at him.

"Can we talk?" the younger asked.

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