Chapter 3

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Tsukishima was getting more and more irritated every day. It was three week now when Yamaguchi became so distant. He just realised that the only time he's with him is on the lunch and that just for twenty minute before he ran off somewhere again. Tsukishima was angry that he's not recieving any attention from his boyfriend.

It was saturday and his friends dragged him to hang out. They were acting sly and slowly approching on particular café to make Kei mad. But the guy was so distracted that he didn't even noticed where they were going. If he payed more attantion he would angrily stormed off to go somewhere else.

"Hello and welcome in!" Kageyama greeted his new customers happily before realising who just entered.

"Yo, Kageyama." Suna waved.

That's when the realisation hit him and he angrily glared at his friends. "I told you I won't ever go to this café. And you know damn well why." he growled at them.

"Sorry, we thought you will realise before going in." Kuroo avoided an eye contact with the blond who looked like he will explode.

"I'm sorry to interupt you, but you are standing in the doors. I'll ask you to move from the way so other people can come in, please." Kageyama stopped them from more arguing.

"Bare with it for a little Tsukishima. I want a drink from Kageyama." Suna went to the register and ordered.

"I want something too." Lev and Taichi broke through his friends and also ordered something.

"Let's just stay here for a while. It's not like Kageyama will pay any attention to you since he's working." Kuroo tried to save himself.

"Yeah! Go sit over there. It's kinda far away from the cashier. We will be right back." Bokuto dragged Kuroo with him along with Futakuchi.

"Tsukishima just sighed and went to sit down. Idiots. He thought to himself.

"It's so delicious! This will be my favourite café from now on." Suna sat down contentedly next to the blond.

"I completely agree." Futakichi was stuffing his mouth with a cheesecake.

"I'm imperessed that he can have a part-time job. I'm too lazy to find one." Bokuto shrugged.

"He's just working on week-ends. It's not like you have something to do right?"

"Hinata! The table number five is empty. Can you please clean it up?" Kageyama yelled and that took their attention.

"Sure! On it!" the small orange haired guy went to the said table.

"He's also from the volleyball team right? I saw him sometimes with Kageyama." Kuroo asked.

"Yep! He's in my class. He really nice. But I totally embarrased myself when I asked him if he's dating Kageyama." Lev said.

"They look very close what do you mean?" Suna turned to him.

"They are just close friends. Hinata is dating a guy named Goshiki. I think he's from the soccer team." Lev rested his chin on the table.

"Oh! Now I understand."

"Are you done? Can we leave?" Tsukishima asked uninteressted to be there anymore.

"Just wait for a little more. I have to order the mango flavoured cake Kageyama recomended me. I can't get it off my mind." Suna stood up and quickly went to order again.

"He's acting like he didn't eat for days. Futakuchi rolled his eyes.

"He's acting kinda nice to Kageyama don't you think?" Taichi pointed out.

"That's true. Let's interrogate when he comes back." Kuroo smirked.

"Interrogate who?" Suna asked and sat down.

"You, dumbass." Tsukishima rolles his eyes.


"Why are you so friendly with that guy?" Lev asked.

"Kageyama? He's my friend. Gotta make a good impression with my crush's best friend, right?" Suna answered unbothered by all the gazes he recieved.

"You have a crush?!" Bokuto jumped.

"I'm in high school. Of course I must have a crush." Suna took a bite from his cake. "Also Kageyama said that I can have all the stuff here for the cheaper prize because I'm his friend. He's so cool." Suna then stuffed his mouth with tre rest of the cake.

"Ha?! You can have everything cheaper here? I want that too." Futakuchi jumped from his seat and ran to Kageyama, who was making a drink for a customer, followed by Kuroo and Bokuto.

"I hate it here." Tsukishima slammed his head on the table.

"Why they look even more upset now?" Taichi ignored Tsukishima's comment and pointed at the three guys standing at the register.

"Who knows?" Suna shrugged.

"Not fair." Bokuto fake cried when they came back.

"What happened?" Lev laughed at their faces.

"He said that he only can have that exception for three his friends and the two were already used by Kunimi and Oikawa. The last one was for Suna so there's no room for us." Futakuchi murmured.

"Why would he give it to you?" Kuroo glared at Suna.

"Because he knows how I love going to café and I told him I will be here regulary so he thank me by this VIP position?" Suna smirked proudly.

"So he just give it to people who are regulars?" Lev asked.

"Well that would make more sense. But still I'm irritated." Kuroo growned.

Meanwhile Hinata came up to Kageyama for a small chat since the café was quiet and no more customers.

"Hey Kageyama?"

"Hm?" the raven was drinking milk. Again.

"That guy with freckles at the table eight, is he Tsukishima's boyfriend? Or am I mistaking him with someone else?"

Kageyama looked over the table. He saw a blond guy with hair slipped back. He's probably using the whole bottle of gel to make it stay lika that. He tried to see a face of the guy Hinata was talking about but from the place where he was stanind he didn't see their front since they were turning to the other side. He just saw slightly green hair.

"I can't see his face."

"Oh, maybe when they will be leaving you can see them." Hinata said and left to clean another table since the customers just left.

"Hm..." Kageyama hummed while looking at the couple before turning away.

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