~ 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓸𝓷𝓮 ~

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Elara's arms were nearly shaking with the weight of the ax, yet she swung it back over her head once more for good measure. The bare backs of her arms brushed against her strawberry blonde hair that was piled behind her head, and she sharply snapped the blade forward. A sharp crack sounded as the wood split. Considering she was the only one who bothered to keep their fire going, every piece of wood counted. She let her head tilt back to drink in the light breeze. 

"Elara!" The familiar voice drifted across Elara's consciousness. 

"Elara!" Feyre called again. Elara let loose a sigh and started to gather the fallen pieces of wood. 

"Elar-" Feyre cut herself short when she rounded the corner of their small cabin and saw her sister gathering the wood. Elara's eyes caught on the dark bloodstains on Feyre, but seeing how her elder sister felt fine enough to walk around and shout she seemed to be alright. 

"Oh. you've already done it." Elara tried to see the bit of praise in the sentence, desperately hoping for something that resembled thanks. 

"Well get inside then, the fire is bound to go out any minute now" Elara slowly shuffled on the uneven ground, careful to place her bare feet in the pre-made tracks in the snow. 

"Today please Elara" Feyre called, already in the shack. She picked up her feet, wincing every time she felt the cold biting into her bare skin. Before she crossed through the short doorway, she allowed herself one more glance at the stars above, wishing nothing more than to stare at them forever. Before her sister could call her once more, she walked over to the hearth to feed the fire logs. She barely noted the half prepared doe on the table that Feyre walked over to. Elara kneeled before the dying blaze, careful to avoid her sleeping father's outstretched leg. At first she was cautious to drop in the logs, but the withering glare from Nesta had her throwing the kindling to the embers. She held in her wince as some of the flames started to leap up towards her hand, but as she could feel Nesta's eyes on her she kept dropping in the logs. Finally, one flame lingered on her palm and she snapped her arm back to cradle her hand. Silent tears started to well in her eyes, and she tried not to feel the burning sensation as she ran over to a small bucket. Without thinking she pushed her wrist under the surface, nearly gasping at the relief the cool water brought her.

"That was supposed to be our water to wash the food with!" Nesta snapped from somewhere behind Elara. 

"I'm sorry- I burned my hand and I- I wasn't thinking I-" Elara gasped out.

"That's right you weren't thinking. You never do, you only care about yourself." Nesta continued. Elara only nodded, not daring to respond in fear of more hurtful words.  

"Take your hand out of there now! Before you poison us!" Elara tried to slowly retract her hand, but as the air swept onto the burn more tears gathered. Nesta, fast as a whip was at Elara's side. She grasped onto Elara's forearm and hoisted her into a standing position. Now, Elara's tears fell freely as the air ravished her wound. Darkness threatened to cloud her vision as the pain took over. Nesta merely stomped away, leaving a sobbing Elara to the mercy of Feyre and Elain. The latter ignored her as usual, but Feyre soundly cursed as she looked away from the doe. 

"such an over reactor that one, all she ever does is take would it kill her to even think about giving a little back to me?" Elara didn't see Feyre's mouth moving but she knew the words came from her elder sibling anyway. 

"and this one too just a burden that cant liste-"  Feyre's muttering died away as she lowered her eyes to Elara's from across the tattered rug. 

"What are you staring at you little wretch?" Feyre stated, interrupting the silence and startling Elain who had done a fair job of ignoring them so far. Elara was quick to duck her head back down, tucking her chin toward her sunken collar bone in a sorry attempt to hide her still flowing tears. It was then that Nesta came back out from the only bedroom, surveying the scene with such intensity Elara almost crumpled to the floor then and there when she met her gaze.  

"Go get us a new bucket of water. Make sure you walk slowly so we can eat before you return." This was how it usually ended up for dinner, sending Elara away so she only got scraps seemed to be the only thing Nesta and Feyre did together anymore. She still kept silent, only grabbing the bucket as any type of confirmation she heard Nesta. She brought her wrist up under her eyes, sweeping away the moisture that remained. At least she could walk under the stars. Elara nearly flew the last step out the door, not caring about the rush of flurries that immediately buried themselves in her hair. She let her head fall back to admire the glittering sky, snow mixing with stars in a blend of white. Her eyes then blew wide as feeling returned to her, whipping her body around too late to meet the heavy door slamming shut in her face. 

"great." She whispered under her breath. 

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