~𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓮𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽~

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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .          

She stood under the arch, unsure of the tiny bakery she had just entered. 

"Oh dear- do come in!" The older woman greeted her loudly. She looked to Lucien for a moment before stepping farther into the warmth of the shop. The woman pulled Lucien aside for a few seconds to hiss something at him before returning her attention to Elara. Lucien's eyes still held a slight bit of fear when he made it over to Elara's side. 

"What's your name sweet?" Elara looked to Lucien, eyes starting to widen as more sounds hit her. Maisy came popping around the corner, pastries in hand.

"Lucien!" She shouted, happy to see the man she thought of as an older brother. She briskly crossed from the counter to where they were all standing and gave him a side hug while holding out the croissants to her mother. Elara took a few steps back, suddenly feeling very out of place against the scene before her. Lucien snatched one of the chocolate croissants, biting into the soft-looking desert and closing his eyes. Elara kept walking back, a hand behind her to feel for the door. Finally she reached it, fingertips skimming the smoothed wood. She then turned and bolted out of the bakery. 

.✦ ˚

He opened his eyes as he heard the quick footsteps. Aster was staring open mouthed at where Elara had been. 

"I'm so sorry- she can be skittish like that- here let me-" He faltered, not expecting the girl to just run like that. He pushed coins into Maisy's hands before sprinting out the door. 

"Elara?... where did you go?" He hopped back up onto his horse and steered her away from the town. The fields of flowers and wheat seemed to stretch on forever before him, lit by moonlight and the soft glow of candlelight from the village. Elara's scent was mixed among the fragrances. 

"Oh no..." He whispered under his breath, mentally cursing himself as he realized he had overwhelmed her. Lucien urged the mare on, eyes searching everywhere for the young girl. The sun had set long ago, only making his concern jump higher as he knew what the night hid. 

.✦ ˚

Elara panted, out of breath after running through the fields and into the forest. It had welcomed her, the air turning heavy with green as the sound of running water tickled her ears. She slowed to a walk and strolled atop the moss on the forest floor. The sound of water neared, becoming louder as she continued on her path in the trees. The forest then opened up, revealing a rumbling river, wide and hungry as it swept downwards. Moonlight sparkled on the surface to cast an enchantment over the clearing, bewitching Elara as she moved to the edge of the brook. She cupped her hands to reach them down, leaning to reach the surface. Just as her fingers grazed the cool liquid, she felt herself rock forward and land in the freezing stream. She kicked down for the bottom, only to find it long beneath her body. The water carried her fast through the woods, increasing pace as it widened more and more to reveal a drop, not so far away. Elara struggled with the water, fighting to push her head above the surface. She finally did, using the moment to look around frantically. She spotted the drop before her, movements getting more urgent as she wrestled the water for control. It dragged her beneath its surface again, stealing the breath in her lungs and forcing its way behind her eyelids. It assaulted every part of her, stinging and freezing. Just as the water started to slope downwards, she felt a hand clasp onto her left arm. It hauled her upwards and out of the icy river and into someones arms, both hands now grasping her as she was held close to someone's body. She tilted her head up, blinking to get the lingering stinging out as he came into focus. He was tall, with black hair and naturally tanned skin. He looked down at her, adjusting his hold slightly as he continued walking. His purple eyes cast glances at her every few minutes before re-focusing on his path. Her eyes grew heavier when she looked to the sky, the familiar stars comforting. She let herself drift off, vaguely registering the man carrying her say something.

.✦ ˚


He cursed soundly, walking through the woods. His winnowing skills hadn't gotten that bad... had they? He was supposed to land in spring court, and while the forest was warm and lush it wasn't enough to assure him he was in the right place. Amarantha had sent him here after she got word Tamlin crossed the wall, wanting to see what he was doing with only months left of semi-freedom. His senses perked as he heard a loud splash, whipping his head towards the sound of running water. It became stronger as he moved towards it, and soon a small stream  came into view. He walked along it, watching as it turned into a raging river to reveal a small girl in the middle looking around desperately as she flailed under the surface. He registered the upcoming waterfall and started to run towards her along the edge. He quickly rolled up his pants, and casting his shoes aside he entered the water. 

.✦ ˚

She stirred, slowly blinking open her eyes to find the night sky still above her. She felt much warmer now, still huddled against someone's chest whilst they held her. She looked up, expecting to find the purple-eyed man again but was met with a more familiar sight as she took in Lucien. 

"There you are. I was getting worried you wouldn't wake before we got back to the manor." His eyes carried dark circles and concern. 

"I'm sorry" She whispered, eyes brimming with tears as he looked down at her again. He nudged his horse to a stop, sliding off while still carrying Elara. 

"It's ok- you don't need to cry- I'm the one who's sorry. I wasn't thinking when I just walked you around the village. You need more time, and that's ok- I can wait." She sniffled slightly, tears pausing their escape from her eyes. 

"Thank you" She still whispered, but the two words were enough for Lucien. He carried her into the manor and up the great staircase. He pushed open the door to the room from earlier and placed her down on the soft bed. He looked back one more time, watching her eyes close with a soft smile before blowing out the candles. 

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