~𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓯𝓲𝓿𝓮~

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Elara's eyes fluttered open. The first thing she noticed was the ornate, beautiful, shimmering ceiling. There were gold designs placed along the walls and vaulted ceiling, both vines and flowers of different types. She let herself press back into the warmth of a bed, before she recoiled tightly as her insides twisted. Everything suddenly hurt. Her fingers, her ears, her whole body the picture of pain. She tried to force herself onto her feet, to force herself to find Feyre but her legs collapsed from under her within seconds. She bit her tongue to hold back a cry of pain, but could do nothing to stop the tears. She lifted an arm to find it swishy, dressed in a loose white dress clearly meant for sleeping. She leaned back against the bed post, surveying the space from her spot on the floor. The room boasted wealth. Elara sighed through her nose and reached behind her head once more. Gripping the wooden frame, she hauled herself upright. 

"Well then. She lives!" At the slick voice Elara turned her head to the door, which was now thrown open to reveal a tall man, with fascinatingly bright hair and a scar that peeked out from behind a fox mask. Elara startled, nearly tumbling off her own legs again. He swept his strawberry hair over one shoulder and made his way over to the girl in a couple strides. A wreath of gold tangled in his hair, she could only assume he was some royal or high ranked male. She glanced at him again as he came closer, eyes widening at the pointed ears.

Right. Faeries.  He reached a hesitant hand out for her elbow, attempting to steady her. She tracked the movement with her dulled green eyes. 

"So. Tamlin didn't even know your name when he showed up with you and your sister. Care to enlighten me?" He started an easy conversation when she didn't reply. 

"So, we're in The Spring court, if you couldn't tell from the flowers everywhere in sight. I'm Lucien. If you don't want to talk to me, I could take you to see your sister-" He paused and tried to gauge her reaction. When he saw her widened eyes and parted lips, he took that for no. He led her into the bathing chamber, letting her soak in the sight of it all. Tamlin had told him where the girls were living before, and that they might need time to adjust to the luxuries he offered. She let out a sound when he wet a cloth under the tap, most likely at the running water. He walked back over to where he left her in the doorway and ran the cloth under her eyes. 

"The red and puffy eye thing isn't too much of a good look on you." Was the only explanation he offered as he continued to swipe the fabric around her face. She hoped her eyes conveyed her thanks as she watched him. He must have concluded he was finished as he left the wipe hanging over the edge of the bath. He reached for her again, nudging her back into the sun - lit bedroom. He sat her down on the bed, leaving her to her thoughts as he walked out the door. Elara could only think about Elain and Nesta, and how she had left them to fend for themselves while she was here, in this palace. Just one of the gold details on the walls alone could have ensured their survival for a whole Winter alone.  She let her eyes wander around the maze of flowers spread out around her on all four sides. By the time she had made it to above the door, Lucien was back, light green spilling over his arm and a glass of water in his other hand. He laid it down beside her, a simple yet beautifully crafted tulle dress. 

"I thought the green would go with your hair. It compliments us red heads best you know. And please, drink the water. I'm sure it's been a while" He nodded to her as a small goodbye, leaving her to dress alone. She made quick work of slipping out of the sleep wear, noting someone had changed her undergarments as well. She sipped on the water, grateful as some of the dizziness evaporated. She continued to drink until it felt much easier to stand, and started to pull on the garment left for her. She pushed her arms through the ribbons, straightening out the skirt and the mesh overlay of gold flecks. She ran her palms down her body one last time before walking to the door Lucien disappeared through. After a moment, she pushed the door handle down and opened the door. 

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