~ 𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓷𝓲𝓷𝓮 ~

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˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆.   .     ˚     *     ✦   .  .   ✦ ˚      ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .          

Elara walks through a hallway, the dying sun casting a glow around her. It was peaceful, the silence now her friend after spending much time together. Her fingertips slightly grazed the railing to her right, the marble shockingly cold for the always warm atmosphere. Voices from below her made themselves known right as she reached the grand stairs. Elara quickly recognized one as her older sister and turned, quickly making her way back to Lucien, who sat atop the cushioned window seat beside the door to her rooms. 

"All the way to the stairs this time." He stated, pride glinting in his eyes. Elara breathlessly nodded, the small praise heating her face. Lucien cast his gaze behind her, looking down the long hallway to the large window opposite them. He seemed to lose his thoughts for a moment before returning to himself. 

"Alright then. I'll see you for dinner?" He asked the question while straightening up, orange hair slightly blowing behind him in a phantom breeze. She only nodded, words eluding her just as they had for these past days. He gave her a last look before striding down the same hallway with much more ease than Elara had, heels clicking slightly on the smooth surface. She watched his head bob down the stairs before opening one of the double doors to her rooms. 

.✦ ˚

Dinner that night was a feast, per the new usual. Lucien slowly walked to the dining hall with Elara on his arm, patient with her and the unhurried pace she set. He took a step forward when they reached the great doors, opening one with little effort. He returned for Elara, allowing her to loop her elbow around his before continuing inside. The smell floated up to Elara, her mouth already slightly watering at the thought of the dinner. 

"Hungry?" Lucien's whisper sent a chill down her back, the sensation almost reason enough to smile.  She ignored him and his question, finally taking in the table laden with cuisine. She avoided looking in Feyre's direction though, directing her attention to the high lord at the head of the banquet. She took note of the small head dip Lucien offered Tamlin, deciding to copy his action before sitting down. 

"Well. You certainly look better Elara." He offered up the slight compliment, his eyes turning up into smiles. Feyre scoffed, the noise echoing through Elara. She kept her head down, not responding to Tamlin's attempt at flattery.  She felt his gaze linger on her for a few more moments before returning to Feyre. 

"Yes, shes enjoying all this I'm sure- while her sisters- her family are still starving over the wall." Feyre's words rose Elara's head and captured Lucien's attention. The anger simmering in Feyre's eyes was so similar to Nesta's, and Elara had to choke a breath in. Lucien's eyes snapped between the two, as if watching the tension like a thread. 

"You don't care! You don't even care about your sisters that you left behind! You're just sitting here, in this-this castle not even bothering to ask about them!I bet you're so happy to have left-" 

"Enough, Feyre- please." Tamlin spoke while standing. Elara studied the way his chair glided across the marble floor instead of facing her sister. The tears running down her face were already proof enough that Feyre was successful. She didn't notice the warm hands on her shoulders, the even warmer words being spoken, the way her body moved to get back up the stairs. She felt the gentle hand wiping her tears, the silk bedspread beneath her, the words she needed to thank him rising in her throat. More tears escaped when she only opened her mouth, the words still stuck. Her fingers curled, her fists beat his chest, her tears wet his clothes, but Lucien hugged her anyway. 

.✦ ˚


He finally heard her breath calm. Still, he waited until the candles burned out before sliding her out of his arms. He knew how light she slept and didn't want to chance waking her. The door slid closed quietly, the only noise being a small click as it latched shut. A soft smile graced his lips. As Lucien turned and met Tamlin's anger filled face though, it faded quickly to nothing. 

.✦ ˚

A shout rose Elara from her light sleep. The first rays of dawn seemed to be showing, the horizon lighter than when she last remembered. The voices returned, now making their presence known in the hallway. 

"Well Feyre doesn't want her here anymore - her sisters won't care and she certainly has no right to complain if I sent her to another mansion-" Even though they were just hissed whispers, the words rang out clear as day.

"I care! I want her here! Don't you see - all of them hate her! They wouldn't even let her inside if she just showed up!" A tear ran its track down the young girl's face.

"I don't see any reason to keep her here any longer. If it will make Feyre happier - Lucien she needs to be in lov-" 

"Oh right - I forgot your entire mission to save us all - how heroic to force a human girl to love you by disposing of her sister" The silence after Lucien's sentence screamed louder than their previous words.

"Just- Keep her out of Feyre's way. Shes causing problems I don't need." 

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