🌍 - Sea Shanty | F!Pirate!Russia x F!Mermaid!Philippines

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Guess who started this in November, nearly finished in December, lost all inspiration and nearly dumped it then didn't post it until April :,)

Slightly inspired by The Little Mermaid. CriminalxPrincess and partners in crime. Philippines is also a bit of a tsundere.

Before the story starts, have some pen drawings of Russia and Philippines.

CONTENT WARNINGS: murder, arson, mentions of suicide, mentions of prostitution and other vague sexual language

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CONTENT WARNINGS: murder, arson, mentions of suicide, mentions of prostitution and other vague sexual language



In the dead of night, thunder cracked and a flash of lightning lit up the figure of a young woman standing with her arms spread, on the foremast of the infamous pirate ship the Last Star. The ship was a gargantuan masterpiece of elaborately carved wood, however even that was being tossed around like a mere toy in the rough hands of a stormy ocean. Sails billowed, dripping wet, blowing back and forth while being lashed by rain. Oarmen rowed in a frenzy, their paddles sticking out the sides of the boat, yet their efforts were in vain. It was impossible to locate land in these conditions. The young woman, captain of the Last Star, who was feared across the seven seas for her crafty crew and notorious crime, was currently in a frazzled state of disarray, struggling with the force of her life to help her crew keep the ship together.

A few meters away, a crop of blue hair poked above the surface, rising to reveal the bright golden eyes of a mermaid before she dove below the waves again. The mermaid, who went by the name of Philippines, was watching the pirates struggle with mild interest. In a storm like this, she was supposed to stay deep below, where the vicious lashings and cracks of rain and lightning could not hurt her. But she couldn't help herself.

Storms were commonplace in this part of the ocean. Normally, Philippines and her tribe would have no interest in the humans who struggled for their lives above the raging water. They frequently scavenged sunken ships for food and precious things. Philippines' father, the merpeople's king, favored human skulls as the decorations for his halls.

But this time, the ship intrigued her. Or rather, it was the young lady at the front, the captain of the crew, who piqued her interest. Her white hair flew untamed under a black tricorn hat that was trimmed with gold, and accessorized with a bandana of rich mahogany. Her patterned black corset was tightened over a white chemise, and her skirt, coming down to her knees, was made of layered fabrics that made the whole outfit looks stylishly tattered. As far as Philippines could see, the pirate captain had yet to lose an eye or a limb. From this distance, she looked remarkably whole.

On the boat, the situation was bad. Rain and wind ripped the sails apart, and with a final crack, the main mast came tumbling down. Russia, the pirate captain, looked around the deck and yelled orders at her crew. "LIFEBOATS ARE BELOW DECKS IN CLOSET A! KYRGYZSTAN, ARMENIA, GO BELOWDECKS AND UNLOCK THE CLOSET, YOU'LL SEE A LADDER- BELARUS!"

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