🌍 - Die, Please | F!USSR x F!America | Angst

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Heeeyyyy guys. I'm back. 

China was, honestly, kind of a drag - it was fun and all but my classmates were fighting, people got sick, and everything was blocked ;-; I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but I was kind of going nuts from fanfiction withdrawal - which is probably the reason I shat out two seriously angsty sad girl fics in ten days 😂

Anyway, here's a double update of those fanfics - yes I'm behind schedule on some others, please don't kill me - uhhhh yeah

Idk how to explain this one shot honestly - ig the head canon is that countryhumans don't necessarily share the same political views as their countries? Also, before and after the rise and fall of a country, they're living in this weird afterlife called the "ether" where they can basically just exist and watch the real world and shit- lol

Content warnings: 9/11, depression, suicidal ideation, attempted suicide


September 12, 2001

My dear America,

You are boundlessly determined to stay alive.

Darling, aren't you exhausted? Have 250 years of trial and torture not worn down your soul, chip at your bones, until you pray for death at the foot of your bed?

Don't you remember how much better it was before you were alive?

For an eternity, we were there. Carefree. Watching the world from the skies. Playing like little kids - so many of us were inseparable before politics got in the way.

Ugh. Politics. I hate that word. It's what makes our stays in the mortal world hell.

All of us were so friendly. So happy. So pure. That was before we came down to Earth and were pushed apart by mountains of work and conflicting philosophies we didn't agree with, ones that nevertheless tore a rift in our previously unbreakable bonds.

The two of us used to run around the lake, chase each other through the trees, then lay in the grass and stare at the sky until the sun went down.

We did that for a long time, but it wasn't long enough.

We thought being alive would be fun. From what we watched others do, we thought living would mean a few centuries in opulent palaces, eating good food - we don't have food in the ether - and being in places like beaches and villages, that weren't in this eternal forest.

And of course we assumed we'd be alive during the same period of time.

So in 1763, when the thirteen colonies became restless and you got the call, we were excited. We spent ages talking about all the stuff we would do when we were alive - until one morning in 1775, when I woke up and you suddenly were gone.

I clicked into the real world, and saw you at a large table talking to these guys with long coats and fancy wigs. Since then, I waited with diligence and eagerness to be reunited with you in the mortal world.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

There was no indication of me becoming alive, not one crumb, not until 1917. It was World War I, and people were becoming restless with the Russian monarchy. So I showed up. My spirit fueled those of the people, and in 1922, the Soviet Union rose.

As soon as I could, I came over to the states, and I met you for the first time in 148 years. I ran up to you enthusiastically- only to be greeted with cold niceties, confusion, and poorly disguised distaste.

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