🌍Countryhumans oneshots🌍

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All mature oneshots related to countryhumans will go between here and the 🖤Poetry🖤 header

Warning: The content here sort of bounces around between extremely cursed smut, fics that are the definition of depression, and then the >5000 word long fics that are overflowing with lore and other weird shit. And our favorite boy, m u r d e r :)

Oneshots so far:

- Sign The Fucking Contract | Femdom!North Korea x Sub!M!China | Smut

- Venus and Mars | M!Angel!America x M!Angel!Russia

- Sea Shanty | F!Pirate!Russia x F!Pirate!Philippines

- Die, Please | F!USSR x F!America | Angst

- 'tis the damn season | M!Russia x M!America

More to come!

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