🌍 - 'tis the damn season | M!Russia x M!America | Angst

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Song's linked above if anyone wants to listen to it :)

Lmao I'm so in my sad girl first POV fan fiction phase right now XD

This probably makes absolutely zero sense, since it keeps jumping around between the past and the present of this fic... honestly, whatever

Content warnings: child abuse, implied/referenced smut

yeee :D


I pulled up to your house on Cedarbrook Road, the one-story brick house covered in snow. I turned the car off and walked up to your front door, hesitating. Then I knocked, two times, and paused before knocking another time. My signature.

I heard scraping inside of your house before the door swung open and you stood there, eyes wide in surprise like they always were.

"You didn't tell me you were coming," you said.

"I can't. I don't have your number." I reminded you, amused.

"Right, I gotta give that to you at some point." You laughed before welcoming me into your house.

You never remembered.

This happens every fucking time.

It had always happened like this. Even when we were growing up, I'd come over to your house, for a school project or homework or something- or maybe just to see you. I never really knew.

Back then, this would happen a couple times a week. Now, it's once every year. Every year a few days after Christmas, like clockwork.

Get off work.

Visit my siblings.

Fly into town and drive up to your house.

Live in heaven... for a few days.

"Forget" your number.

Leave for another year.


You said you weren't expecting me, but I see that you've cleaned out a drawer in your room and pushed your toiletries to one side of the sink.

I unpacked. I've never had much, not even as a kid. Dad couldn't be bothered. The only thing he bothered with when it came to us was his belt.

I remember how I stumbled into this very bedroom at fifteen years old, beaten within an inch of my life. You came out of that same bathroom, eyes widening when you saw me, and I collapsed into your chest and confessed through ugly tears everything that had been happening at home.

Dad was a respected officer, so my siblings and I couldn't really do anything about it.

You looked at me very seriously, and told me to run.

You helped me plan to leave right after our high school graduation. You paid for my plane tickets.

Do you regret it now?

This time, you helped me into your truck, and like always, we drove around. From the frozen lake on the West Side to the Methodist in the East, we chatted casually about work and my cat that I'd left at Ukraine's house for the week. There was perfume in the cup holder of your car - and my curiosity was piqued. I don't usually ask you, but this time I did.

"So you found someone?" I gestured to the pink bottle of Chanel.

You stared at the dashboard.

"I did." Another pause. "It didn't last."

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