🌍❤️‍🔥 - Venus and Mars | Part 2 | M!Angel!America x M!Angel!Russia

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@solregem your wish is my command, here's the part 2 :)

The entire religion thing kind of just turned into me putting different aspects of Christianity in a pot with Roman mythology and other shit(I think the Valkyries are referenced at some point?? 😭)and I'm not religious at all so uh... whoever gets offended, I'm sorry.

Trigger warnings: A lot of references to war, specifically the Russo-Ukrainian war. Blood, death, shooting, murder, violence, all the fun stuff. Religious disillusionment/crisis, vague mentions of genocide. And your favorite boy, C R I P P L I N G  A N G S T


"Fuck." America breathed, the full force of Russia's revelation hitting him like a dump truck. "Is that really what happens? That sounds so hard to deal with... I... I didn't-..."

"It's not your fault." Russia muttered, voice hoarse and hollow from crying. "I just thought... well. You deserve to know."

"Do you..." America sounded heartbroken. "I can leave, you know. I can avoid here if I must. Do you want me to leave you alone?"

Russia didn't answer.

America exhaled. He knew what Russia's answer was going to be. "I... I wish you the best, Russia." He started to get up.

All of a sudden, something in Russia's chest seized. His hand wrapped around America's wrist as longing and love overtook him once again.

Don't go.

America turned to him, puzzled. Before the sensible part of Russia's brain caught up with him, he put his other hand on America's cheek, then leaned in to capture America's lips with his own, not really realizing what he was doing.

But once he did realize what was happening, it was too late to stop. America wrapped his free arm around Russia's neck, tilting his head to push deeper into the kiss. Russia's fingers tangled in America's hair, and his other hand let go of America's wrist to rest on the small of his back. pulling them closer together. America squeaked a little at the unexpected sensation, and Russia took the opportunity to sneak in a little tongue. Call him desperate, but... okay, there's no but. Desperate was right.

America wrapped his other arm around Russia's neck, never wanting to break this moment. 

How could either of them voluntarily break away from this thing that rewrote their definitons of heaven?

Okay, maybe in the interest of breathing...

When the kiss finally broke, they stared at each other, dazed, red-faced, and panting hard. Russia rested his palm on America's cheek again, almost giggling at how warm it was. He nearly leaned in again, then remembered the long list of tasks he had set for that day. 

Somehow, he managed to wrench himself away. "See you later," he said, trying to sound casual but failing.

America was starting to get up as well. "Yeah, see you later, Russ." He smiled, evidently still in a daze.

As both of them walked away, they touched their fingers to their lips, the occassional blush creeping on their face. Daydreaming returned in full force, as they knew they weren't getting out of this hole. They were digging themselves deeper into it.

It was like a drug. The more they had of each other, the more both of them wanted. The world could go to shit, as it did in ages past. It didn't matter. There was no going back now.

Standing miles apart, in white and black fields, Russia and America knew the truth.

This would never be enough.

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