🌍❤️‍🔥 - Venus and Mars | Part 1 | M!Angel!America x M!Angel!Russia

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Please read the previous chapter [ Venus and Mars(INFO) ] before starting this oneshot. Otherwise you will not understand what the fuck is happening here :)

This story has a lot of themes around Roman mythology and Christianity.

The ~~~ symbol means scene change/timeskip like always, while <<~~~>> signifies the start and end of a flashback.

TW: Blood, gore, mentions of war and genocide, blasphemy, toxic theology. And there's also just a lot of sad


Love and Hate fight.

Love and Hate agree.

Love and Hate linked hands and brought forth vicious storms, throwing Peace out of her home.

So it was resolved to keep them as far away from each other as possible. Love and Hate were as opposite as black and white.

Yet time and time again, they were pulled together by red.

And every time that happened, red drenched the world.


Russia sat down on onyx stone, by the river of blood that seperated the territory of Venus from that of Mars. He unslung his spear from his back and examined the spearhead, holding it up against the backdrop of Venus's marble columns to see how the red looked in the light. Any minute now...

"Hey, Russia."

Here he comes.

Russia looked away from his weaponry maintenance, taking in the figure of America standing across the border river. As one of Venus's servants, he was supposed to hate Russia. And Russia was supposed to hate him. But that didn't explain why America had taken to visiting the river daily, chatting up Russia and making an effort to be friends... in fact, his actions suggested more.

It would've been easy to avoid him. All Russia had to do was stop visiting this riverbank. The kingdoms of Venus and Mars were designed to keep each one's subjects away from each other.

But... America. Heart-throbbing, stubbornly persistent, angel of all angels... his gravity was too strong. From the first sight, Russia had been pulled to him past the point of no return.

A few years ago, Russia had found this spot while exploring the edges of Mars. He'd knelt down at the riverside, fascinated by the rushing current. He'd looked up and, for the first time, set eyes on the Venus kingdom, recognizing the marble-lain land from the stories his mother used to tell him.

Another angel had walked up to the river, coming from the Venus side.

Russia got up, telling himself that he should leave. Venus angels were not supposed to meet Mars angels. Whenever they did... bad things happened. Russia knew that much.

But while leaving, Russia accidentally locked eyes with the angel standing across the river. And by Mars, that angel was dazzling. From the glow of his skin to his navy breeches, Russia had never seen anything so perfect. And his eyes... oh lord, his eyes. Those alluring azure blue eyes that looked to Russia like oceans. Russia nearly swooned just thinking about them.

Those eyes kept Russia's gaze locked on his own, and those lips split into a smile that would've sent any maiden screaming.

The angel might as well have grabbed one of his arrows and shoved the golden tip into Russia's heart. The effect would've been the same.

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