Pt14. Chaos Boost

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Tails approaches behind you and stares at the emerald, "Weird... I've never seen a Chaos Emerald glow like that.. Usually they only emit one color, not a spectrum."

You shake your head, stepping forward cautiously, "For all we know he's already figured out how to access the Special Zone. The irregularity is being normalized right now so we can upset the balance, that's all that matters." Your tone becomes a little more stiff, "Alright, tell me what to do. I'm sure I could figure something out given enough time but you're the genius here, I'll follow your lead."

He jogs over to the emerald, looking over the machine keeping it in place. Electric sparks zipped and zapped off the emerald's surface, a gentle wavy pattern emitting from the varied glowing orbs. "It seems to be locked in place using a gravity clamp. The power supply looks like it started as an external mechanism before being integrated with the emerald itself." His eyes trace the wires back, leading him to the computers, a few of the wires branching off and running into the ground. No doubt about it, it was a fully functional closed circuit energy setup.

You follow behind him, looking over his expression as he pieced things together. As you follow him back to the emerald you lean forward to maintain monitoring his expression, "What's the verdict? Or do you need more information?"

He shakes his head, "Good news and bad news. Good news: I'm sure we can back up the system and cause a full meltdown..."

You look at him expectantly, raising your brows. "And the bad news?"

He tisks his tongue, "Bad news is we'll be using these boxes on either end of the holding unit to short the system. In other words we'll be completely visible while I set it up and while we have to wait for everything to meltdown."

You feel your shoulders droop for a second, your expression becoming vacant as you mulled over the possible outcomes.
If the response was slow that would be best case scenario and you could probably fend off the robots til it was time. Given the size if that patrol earlier that seemed highly unlikely. For all either of you knew once you were detected the complex might just fully lock down and trap you to go down with it.
"No other angles? What if we extended the wire so it would fit around the setup? That way we would only need one box instead of two- or even if we ran more wire out while wearing them?"

He shakes his head, "They'll get really hot as they're exposed to that much direct energy, if our bodies are touching them we'll get burned for sure. Honestly its not even a guarantee that this plan will work, but its the best we can do on such short notice.."

You rub your forehead a little, your eyes looking around the room for anything that you could suggest before you feel Tails' hand on your shoulder. You look up, your gaze locking with his. He wore a gentle expression, one that said it was alright. One that said everything was going to be okay.

"We can just leave, I said that our safety wasn't worth an impromptu infiltration. We can't help anyone if we end up going down with the ship." His tone was gentle and cradled your mind into a sea of calm. "East- I'm worried about this facility and I'm willing to be a little more reckless but that doesn't mean I'm willing to keep my pride over coordinating a well thought out plan."

You look at him with starry eyes for a moment, quickly shaking it off as his words processed in your ears. "No-! We're..." You hesitate as you readjust, "I'm doing this." You turn and approach the emerald, taking a deep breath as your good hand grips the wires around your body. "Just tell me how to wire this up and I'll get it done. You should get out of here while you can."
You have a home to get back to, right? With friends and comrades, and a bunch of people that still believe the farce of heroes exist...

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