Pt15. A Light in the Dark

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I'm gonna make a difference...
You practice fighting against a dying tree, punching and kicking at the dead branches while the thick industrial air polluted your lungs.

It's not hopeless to try-!
Hope was all that kept you going while your father tried to rationalize how pointless it was to go to war against the doctor.

I'm not happy living this way!
Perhaps it ended up lighting a fire in him too, you saw him less and less as the days passed by.

I'm going to the Dragon Kingdom.
You told your siblings that in complete sincerity. You had it all planned out, you would hop from boat to boat and travel east until you made it.

He's finally home! I've missed him so much since the others left!
You're giving up? What happened to you? What about coming home a hero? Didn't you have anything left to say?

Don't be a hero
Like you. Don't sacrifice everything for no results. That's what heroes are. Throwing away everything for nothing in return.

-and never looking back.
The glorification of what heroes are has always been a lie. No one wins with them, they just play nice while the bad guys get away with whatever they want. I refuse to believe in something like that.

Your mind echoes to silence, the darkness taking over as your life briefly flashed. Your consciousness floats in what feels like a sea of warm water, a gentle wave washing over you as you stayed suspended in a limbo. The events of the factory begin catching up as you start to remember more current events once more.

"Right-" Your voice echoes into oblivion, "I somehow used a chaos emerald to defeat all the robots. Tails- I saved Tails.. Shadow showed up too, unless that was just a fever dream.." Your thoughts melt away as the sea of darkness continues rolling you in it's waves.

"I wonder if I'm dead... Its so peaceful here..."

You continue coasting as you feel your consciousness beginning to drift away. Then a nagging and gentle beeping can be heard in the abyss. You try to figure out where it could be coming from only to realize that it echoed all around you. You feel a pressure closing in on you, compacting you together as if to keep you in one piece. The beeping grow louder, louder...

Then a light in shadows. You feel yourself getting pulled toward it as space warped around you. You fall into the light as your vision slowly begins coming back to you, the world blurry in your fuzzy eyes.

The monitor beside your bed beeps at a steady rate, the morning light spilling in through the open window while splotches of multi color can be seen in your peripheral vision. There's a yellow blob beside you, your mouth contorting as you mumbled weakly. Any semblance of speech was lost as you prattled on trying desperately to speak in this blurred world.

The blob stirs, seeming to grow taller before it surrounds you in it's warmth. You blink a few times, your vision beginning to clear as your ears also started to perceive sound.

"You're awake! You're finally awake!" Your eyes drift over to see Tails with tears in his eyes, hugging you softly as several spots on his body were bandaged and padded up. "Nurse! They're awake!" He nuzzles into you, staining your forehead with tears.

You struggle to move as you get mildly frantic before Tails gently pats your shoulder, pulling away from the embrace. "Hey, it's okay. Just take it easy for a while okay? You're safe here."

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