Chapter 5

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Morning had now occurred and Johnny was still playing on the piano. He had been practicing for hours on end. He was panting as he finished the songs. He turned around in his seat to look at Y/N. "How's that, Y/N?" he asked. Y/N had fallen asleep on him, sitting on her chair, her head rested on Moon's filing cabinet. Johnny smiled at her sleeping.

"Hey!" Meena said barging into the room, scaring Y/N awake. "Sorry." Meena apologized. "Mr. Moon said he would like everyone to meet backstage before she arrives. Johnny nodded. "Thank you, Meena." he said. Meena nodded and left the room.

Y/N groaned as she got up. "Sorry, love. I didn't think I'd been playing that long." Johnny said, helping Y/N stand up properly. "No, you did great. You got more practice time and that's all that matters." she smiled at him. Johnny smiled back. Meena came back in, "Sorry, again. Moon wanted me to give you this." she said handing Y/N a package with a newspaper attached to it. "Thank you, Meena." "Of course." she said before leaving again.

Y/N started ripping the package open. "What's that?" Johnny asked. Y/N shook her head. "My dad sends me stuff along with a paper once in a while since Moon can't really afford buying me new stuff at the moment." she said. Johnny looked at the news paper and saw his dad on the front cover. His eyes widen. "Um...Y/N, can I borrow this." he said pointing at the newspaper. "Mhm." she hummed.

Johnny started reading the paper while Y/N opened the box to find different things her dad had sent her, like candy and new clothes. Moon called their names from downstairs. "Come on, Johnny." Y/N said setting down the box on top of Moon's filing cabinet. Johnny looked up from the newspaper to follow her downstairs, but opening it back up when he reached the bottom steps.

He sat on the bottom steps and began to read the paper again while Moon checked in on everyone. "Mike, you're on first." Moon said. "Sure." Mike responded but then went on a phone call.

Moon checked his clip board. "Rosita and Gunter, you're on after Mike." Moon said. Gunter was about to say something that was related to Rosita being absent after what happened last time at rehearsals, but Rosita appeared right on time. "You got it, boos." she said. Gunter's face lit up. "Rosita!" he laughed giving her a high-five after she offered it. "Super cool. You've, like, totally come back." he said.

Moon walked over to Y/N, who was coming out of Ash's practice room where she had previously that night left her violin. "Y/N, you're after those two." Moon said. "Mhm." she hummed as she walked to a box to sit on it, putting on her shoulder pad.

Moon walked over to Johnny who was still reading the paper. "Okay, Johnny you follow after Y/N." he said. Johnny looked up from the paper. "What? Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, I'm ready. Yeah, yeah, yeah." he said nodding, then going back to the paper.

"Ash, you're..." "After Johnny." Ash said. He smiled and then walked to Meena. "And, Meena, last chance, kid. "You want want to join these guys out there today?" he asked. "I-I would, I-I just get so scared." she said. "Sure, you do. All right, but-but...You know how to get over that, right?" he asked. "Uh, no." she said shyly. "You just start singing. Do what you love because you'll be great at it cause you won't be afraid anymore because you'll actually be doing it, right?" he said. "Uh..." Meena thought. "Look, do you love to sing? I mean, do you really love it?" Moon asked. "Of course I do." Meena said. "Then you face this head-on, Meena. Because like my dad always said, "Don't let fear stop you from doing the thing you love."" Meena chuckled nervously. "Okay, I'll do it." she said. "Great!" he said.

"Mr. Moon." Miss. Crawly said from above on a balcony. "She's here." Nana was now approaching the theater with Eddie. They were now entering the building with Moon waiting at the entry to great them.

Y/N had finished setting everything up for herself and was now waiting for moon to come back and give their cue. She looked around and saw Johnny staring off into space. She sighed and went over to him. "You feeling okay?" she asked him, sitting next to him on the steps. "Hmm? Oh...yeah, I'm fine. Just a lot on my mind." he said. "You think you'll be okay to preform?" she asked. "Yeah, definitely." he said.

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