Chapter 6

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Moon was at Eddies pool house watching the news when he heard a knock in the door. "Eddie, there's someone at the door." Eddie was fast asleep on the couch snoring. Moon sighed and turned the tv off before he turned around to see who it was. "Oh, no." he whispered when he saw the silhouettes of the group.

"Mr. Moon?" Miss Crawly called out. "Come on Mr. Moon, you can't just hide out in your buddy's pool house forever." Ash said. "Yeah, we just wanted to make sure you're all right, that's all." Rosita said .

Moon got up and opened the door, revealing the lot. "Hey, Mr. Moon." Rosita said. "You okay?"Johnny asked. "Guys, look, I-I-I'm sorry about what happened...and-and the prize money and..." Moon said.  "Oh, it's okay." Rosita said. "No, none of this is okay." Moon said. "At least we're all in one piece." Ash smiled. Rosita nodded . "Yeah, and you know what? I bet we can find some other place to put the show on. Right?" Everyone agreed with Rosita.

"The show?" Moon scoffed slightly "Guys, I'm done." Their mouth gapped open. "Are you serious?" Johnny asked. "What do you mean done? Come on." Ash said. "Didn't you see this? Huh?" he asked picking up the news paper. "Look, it says I'm a danger to society." "What?" "Gah." "A deluded, washed-up charlatan who never had a hit in his career." Moon said. "Oh, come on. You don't believe all that." Rosita said. "Yeah, I do." He began to close the door but Johnny stopped him. "Listen, you're not the only one who lost something here. We all did." Gunter agreed. "I mean, I lost any chance of ever speaking with my dad again over this show."

Moon sighed. "I lost more than just my theater and dignity. Y/N is on the other side of the state now, because I couldn't take care of her properly." Ash scrunched her eyebrows. "What do you mean? Where is she?" she asked. "She's back living with her father. It's likely he'll let me see her again, not after what happened. Even if I'd agree continuing the show, I'd never do it without Y/N. Sorry." he said shutting the door.

"Oh, Mr. Moon, don't..." Rosita said. "Ah, forget about it." Johnny said. "What is this? I don't understand." Gunter said. "Come on, let's get out of here." Ash said.

Moon crawled back to her bed and laid down. The door reopened, making Moon squint when the light hit his eyes. "Mr. Moon?" Meena called out. "Meena, please." Moon said. "Um, I-I baked a cake for you cause well, I know you're sad right now and probably afraid to try again and..." "Yeah, I am afraid. I'm afraid of this," he pointed at the newspaper and then kicking it. "this, me, right now, this is who I am. This is- this is my lot for a life --that I'm not the guy that my dad wanted me to be, not by a million miles."

"But- but you told me." "What? What? What did I say?" "Well, you know, "Don't let fear stop you doing from the thing you love."" "Ah, come on. Th-that's just a bunch of stupid, corny..." "Not it's not." "What, y-you really believe that you're gonna be a singer?" "Well, yeah maybe." "Well, then you're just as big of fool as I am!" Meena was taken back by Moon's statement. "Look, kid. You and me are both afraid for good reason. Right, cause deep down we know..." Moon sighed. "...we just don't have what it takes."  Meena shook her head and slammed the tin can with the cake inside on the floor before leaving the pool house.

Later that day, Eddie got a call from Moon to meet him at the corner of Dinsdale and Lemington and to bring a spare Speedo with him.

When Eddie got there, Moon was doing a car what with Miss Crawly. "Hey, Miss Crawly." Eddie said getting out of his car. "Oh, hello, Eddie." Miss Crawly said. "Hey. Did you bring the Speedo?" Moon asked. "The...oh, yeah, uh, here." Eddie said handing Moon the Speedo. "Great. You're a real pal, Eddie." Moon said.

A car pulled up to them and started honking his horn lightly. "Oh, our first customer." Miss. Crawly said excited. "Miss. Crawly, fill the bucket." Moon told her. "Be right with you, sir." Moon said to the guy in the car. Moon started taking off his shirt and in a quick move, all he had on was the Speedo. "What're you doing?" Eddie asked. "The only other job I know." Moon answered.

The man honked his horn again. Moon put on goggles. "Just glad my dad isn't here to see this." Moon whispered. Moon stood up straight. "Miss. Crawly, if you would-" he said. Miss. Crawly threw a bucket of water in Moon. "Thanks. Well, gotta go to work. Uh...I'll see you around, Eddie." Moon said as he hopped onto the hood of the man's car to wash it.

Eddie stood there in disbelief before heading back to his car. The man got inpatient with Moon taking too long to clean his car and ended up driving off, making Moon slide off the hood and fall to the ground.

Another vehicle approached them, honking their horn. "One moment, please sir." Eddie said. He leaned over to Moon, who was still on the ground. "Well, you know the good thing about hitting rick bottom? There's only one way left to go, and that's up." Eddie said, lifting Moon off from the ground. "Come on. You wash and I'll dry." Eddie said, holding a towel. Moon smiled. Miss. Crawly threw water onto moon again abruptly. "Thank you, Miss. Crawly." Moon said squinting. Eddie had took off all his close so he was left in his underwear.

All three of them worked together to wash cars, getting tons of cars washed. Moon was cleaning the wind shield of a car when he heard singing. He looked around to see where the voice was coming from when he noticed it coming from the broken down theater. He got off the car and started walking towards the building. "Buster, where you going?" Eddie asked.

Moon ignored him and kept following the sound. When he got to the theater, he climbed the broken walls, cement and bricks to get to the top where he spotted Meena singing. Meena had her eyes closed as she sang but when she opened them and saw Moon, she stopped singing. She gasped softly and took off her headphones. "I- uh..." Moon said before clearing his throat. "Do you think you could sing like that in front of a real audience?" Moon asked. "I don't know, but I wanna try." Meena said. "Good. Cause I wanna see it." Moon said. Meena smiled.

Y/N was in her room at the moment, back at her father's place. She had everything that she wanted there. Each room was huge and filled with things to entertain her. There's was no excitement there like there was back at the theater. No one to talk to but her old butler. She sat at the edge of her bed, staring at her instruments that laid at the section of her room. Her eyes, mainly stared at her grand piano. The piano reminded her of Johnny.

Her eyes hadn't blinked until her father walked in. "Y/N?" he called. She looked up at him. He walked further into her room and sat next to her on her bed. "Listen, I know you're a bit down right now, but...I just got a call...Buster." he said. Her ears perked up. "What about?" she asked. "He's continuing the show at his theater. I don't know how, but he is. Anyway, he's convinced me to let you go. Only if you want that is." He said. Y/N smiled. "Really? You'd let me?" she asked. "Only if I'm there to watch you." he said. "Fine, fine, anything. Thank you, dad." she smiled and hugged him. He hugged her back. "Yeah, yeah. Now, get your stuff, we'll be leaving to the jet shortly." he said, leaving the room. "Jet?" she asked herself. "When did we get one?" she asked herself again.

Y/N headed over to her instruments and grabbed her violin. Then out her room where she slid on her stairs railing down to the main floor, passing her butler on the way down. "Miss. L/N, will you please be less wreck less." he said. "Sorry, B/N." she said when she reached the bottom.

Thirty minutes later, Y/N, her dad and two body guards were off back to the other side of the state to theater.

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