Chapter 3

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Y/N was running across town to get back at the theater. Some misunderstanding happened at her school and all of the orchestra and band concerts were mixed up. She was part of the Wind Ensemble where she played percussion. Her school had called back all the members of Wind Ensemble and Symphony Orchestra. Y/N almost tripped as she continued to run as fast as she could, her backpack that held all of sheet music and other sorts for her instruments.

Barging through the theater's doors, she saw all the members from yesterday there with Moon. "Where have you been, Y/N?" "Problem with school." she said sitting in one of the theater's seat, panting as she was out of breath.

"Anyway." Moon said turning back to the lot. "This contest is war. This stage is the battlefield. Your songs are your weapon." Miss. Crawly started handing the lot a list of songs that would best fit them to sing. "Now, you only get one shot to blow that audience away, so choose carefully from the list of songs I've selected for each of you."

Ash came running to the stage. "Ah, talked some sense into that boyfriend of yours." Moon said digging through the paper in his clipboard and handing Ash a song list. "Lance is an artist, but I wouldn't expect you to understand that." Ash said. "You're right. I don't understand that at all." Moon said. Ash stared at him with a gapped mouth and wide eyes. "Now, you'll notice each list also includes my costume and performance suggestions." Moon continued, while walking backstage with the cast following behind. "Okay? Miss Crawly will show you to your rehearsal spaces, and Y/N will too if she ever gets up." Y/N let out as she got up from her seat and started following them.

Johnny scrunched his face in confusion. "Excuse me, Mr. Moon? For some reason, it says here that I should be playing the piano?" Johnny asked. "Yes, just imagine, big, soulful guy like you tenderly playing the keys. There'll be goose bumps everywhere." Moon said. "Well, I haven't played the piano since I was a kid." Johnny said. "Y/N?" Moon called out to her. "Yeah?" "You play somewhat piano. We're gonna need some piano lessons over here." he said. "All right." she sighed. She turned to Johnny. "Up the stairs. I'll be right there, I just gotta find something for school." she said. Johnny went up the stairs to find the piano.

Moon kept telling everyone where to go while Y/N went to find a music sheet she had lost for her instrument. Once she found it, she came up the stair to see Johnny sitting at the piano's bench. "Alrighty then." She said pulling up a spiny chair. "Let's see what you've got." Y/N said. "You look tired, you sure you're okay with teaching me?" Johnny asked. "I'm always tired. Anyway, you know any songs?" she asked. Johnny scratched his wrist. "Um...not really, but I do know some basic notes." he answered. "That's a start." she said. She scooted her chair closer, Johnny got a bit nervous as she got closer to him. "Any of the songs on the list that caught your eye?" she asked. Before he could answer the light shut off and it was dark. "What the?" Y/N said.

Both Johnny and Y/N walked downstairs where everyone else was gathered around. "Talk to me Crawly." Moon said walking around to find Miss. Crawly. "When did we last pay the power company, Mr. Moon?" Miss. Crawly asked. She said touching Moon's face. Moon rolled his eyes and took her hands off his face. "Oh, for Pete's sake. Y/N did you pay the power bill?" he asked. "I can barley afford the water bill myself." Y/N said leaning on the stair's railing. "Well, if you and Crawly used the bathroom a little less, then that wouldn't be a problem." Moon said. "Miss. Crawly is old and I drink a lot of water." Y/N said.

Moon sighed. "Okay, don't worry, everybody. I will take care of this. In the meantime, you will continue to rehearse in the dark." Moon said. "What?" Ash said. "But I can't see anything." Rosita said. "Don't you worry, Rosita." Gunter said grabbing glowsticks from somewhere. "I have glow sticks." He said cracking one to make it glow. "Great. Use this time to shake off those first-day inhibitions, and I'll be right back." Moon said leaving to another room. "You gotta be kidding me." Mike said. "Okay, you heard him. Back to work now." Miss Crawly. "Come on, everybody."

Y/N and Johnny went back upstairs. They both sat down. "All right. It's not so dark up here as it is down there so I think we'll be fine." She said scooting closer to the piano in her chair. "For guess we could start with a review on the F major scale." she said playing the F major scale slowly. Afterwards, she gestured with her hand for Johnny to do the same. He did so and Y/N smiled.

For a moment she had Johnny show her where certain keys were and he managed to remember where most of them where. "That's getting a dent. No how good are you on reading notes though?" she asked. "Uh...I know where keys are but reading music, not so well." he said. "That's fine." she said. Y/N thought for a moment before getting an idea. "Give it a sec, I'll be right back" she said getting up and walking into Moon's office where she opened a folder filled with her old sheet music from when she played piano and the violin.

She walked back with the sheet music. With the sheet music, she helped Johnny figure out where and what the note are. By the end of rehearsal, Johnny was able to play a few different pieces she had brought to him, each one harder than the last. Then she had him play one of the songs on the list Moon gave him.

After playing the piece, Y/N smiled at him. "You're a fast learner." she said. "Thanks." Johnny said. He stared into her eyes for a second before looking at his watch. "It's getting late, I should go." he said getting up. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow, or not. If not, Miss. Crawly can help you." she said. Johnny nodded. "Thank you, Y/N." he said before leaving.

Next day, Y/N didn't show up. Johnny was sat at the piano waiting for her. Moon came in. "Johnny? Why aren't you practicing?" he asked. "Oh, sorry, Mr. Moon. Y/N isn't here right now so..." he said. "Oh, yeah. Y/N is in a sort of dilemma with something right now. At least that's what she claims. Uh, Miss. Crawly! I need your help up here." he shouted.

Miss. Crawly came up. "Hello, Johnny." she said. "Um, hello, Miss. Crawly." he said with a small wave. "Now, what are we working on?" she asked. "Oh um...Y/N and I were working on a part of...uh..."All of Me." by uh...John Legend at the moment." he said. "Okay." Miss Crawly said turning around to the coffee pot. Johnny nodded and turned around to the piano to play. He started playing the part Y/N was helping him work on yesterday but kept messing up. He started to play but played a few wrong notes, so he slammed his fists on the piano. He groaned while rubbing his face. "Yes, that was very bad." Miss Crawly said pouring herself coffee. He looked behind his shoulder to look at her but back at his jacket when his walkie talkie went off. "Johnny. Come in. Over." his dad said over the radio. "Oh, Johnny, your jacket's talking." Miss. Crawly said. Johnny ran to his jacket. "Johnny, where are you?" his dad asked. "Dad, what's going on? Over." Johnny asked.

Moon stammered. "What do you mean, you gotta go now?" he asked. Y/N came barging in from the doors. "Where have you been?" Moon asked her. "Job this time." she answered. "I'm...I'm so sorry. It's just I've got this family business thing." Johnny said. "Do I need to start worrying about your commitment here, Johnny? Tell me no." Moon asked. "No. Absolutely not. I promise it won't happen again." "It better not." "Thank you, Mr. Moon." Johnny said. "Um...bye, Johnny...I guess." Y/N said. "Bye, Y/N!" he shouted as he ran out the theater.

Y/N turned to Moon. "What was that?" she asked. "I don't know, but, Y/N I need to ask you something." he said. "What's up?" she asked. "How would you like to be in the show?" he asked. She thought for a moment. "Sure I guess." she said. He laughed slightly. "Great! Now, I made you a song list." he said handing her a paper. She looked over the paper. "Um...violin? I don't play that anymore." she said. "Yes, well, when you did, you were really good at it. Now, go dig up that violin from the closet and go practice a song from the list." he said leaving her behind. She looked at the song list, seeing a bunch of songs on the list that she didn't like. "This list sucks!" she yelled to Moon who was far away from her.

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