Temple Gates, Gods, and Dragons

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Here's my new chapter. It will have some information about the gate and Ash will slowly open up to religion and learn from Hana that you can believe in your own efforts and fate and religion at the same time.

The temple gate in front of them glowed in red in the last rays of the sun setting, and in the middle of it, a giant lantern, about 3.9 meters in height, was placed. It was also red, and in the middle, you could see some kanji in black. The top of the lantern was golden and attached the lantern to the top of the gate. At the bottom, there was the same golden base with an engraving. From the bottom, four strings were attached, two on each side, one fixed at the front pillar of each side, and one at the middle pillar that held the lantern in place. On the left and right side of the main entrance stood two statues that seemed to be guarding or protecting the place.

He had always wanted to visit here since it was not only one of the oldest temples in Japan but also one of the most famous and picturesque, so he was delighted to be here now. He could stand before the gate and look at it for hours. Unfortunately, they didn't have enough time for that...

Suddenly, while he had been daydreaming, someone put his arms over his shoulder from behind and leaned closer. He didn't need to look behind him to realize it was Ash. He'd recognize his scent and his gentle yet hesitant touch anywhere.

"You look happy," Ash whispered into his ear. His blonde strands tickled his ear and made him giggle.

He touched Ash's arms and leaned his head back a little so he could see his face.

"I am. I've always wanted to visit Tokyo and this temple especially." When Ash's face darkened a little, he added something. "I'm just teasing you. I've always imagined going here with you one day." Ash's soft smile immediately returned.

"With Me? Why take an atheistic American with you who doesn't appreciate religious sites?"

"I didn't take you across the world to Japan to go sightseeing without you. I promised to show you more of Japan. And you do appreciate religious sites in your own way. You might not believe in the power of temples, but you're fascinated by the history as well as the myths and legends behind them. You have an easygoing and relaxed expression, and sometimes, your eyes widen in amazement. I can tell you're enjoying this by the way you hug me right now. You rarely initiate touch, but if you do, you're usually in a good mood."

"Sorry..." Ash's smile vanished, and he let go of him.

Eiji turned around to face him and put his arms around his neck. "Ash, that was a compliment, ok? Please stop reading too much into it," he asked with a smile. Ash's features immediately softened, and his smile returned.

"Thank you. I'll try to do that more often." He just nodded in return.

"This trip was a nice idea," Ash added softly. "I learn more about Japan each day. And about you."

Before Eiji had the chance to ask what Ash could possibly learn about him, Hana stood in front of them, taking a picture with her smartphone. "Caught in the act! Perfect shot!"

"Hana, that's mean. Delete that."

"No, I won't! You look so cute together. The gods guarding this temple would strike me down for such an evil deed. And weren't you the one telling me you don't like staged photos?"

"You dug a hole for yourself with this one," Ash chuckled. "I'm curious how you wiggle out of it."
Eiji just shot him a dirty look, then turned to Hana. "Well, yeah. I guess I did say that," Eiji reluctantly admitted in a low voice.

"Show me?" Ash changed the subject, and Hana turned her phone around so he could see the picture.

"Well, it looks pretty good. Send that to me, please?" Hana beamed at him and did so.

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