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"But what if your family doesn't like me?"

Ash was standing in front of a mirror, trying to smooth down his messy blonde hair. Eiji just watched him with an amused look on his face. The notorious gang leader was fumbling with some strands of his hair sticking out at his sides, trying to arrange them in a more decent style , but miserably failing. Eiji had to grin when he thought about the irony. That Ash had practically ruled New York's underworld with cold-blooded leadership and iron willpower, scaring people to death with one intense glare only. But here he was, scared of his ordinary and definitely harmless family.

The Ash standing there wasn't a ruthless gang leader anymore, but a normal teenager who worried he couldn't impress Eiji's family. He hid it well, but Eiji could still see his hands trembling barely noticeably and there was a tiny shadow darkening his green eyes. Seeing that Eiji couldn't help but ruffle his blonde hair affectionately.

"Fuck, Eiji. Now I look as if I've just gotten out of bed!", Ash complained, but he couldn't hide the small glint in his green eyes.

"That's because you did just get out of bed, sleepyhead.", Eiji reminded him smugly.

"But I have to admit, I'm impressed that you actually found jeans that look brand new and aren't torn anywhere. And your t-shirt looks new as well. Where did you even get those?", he asked him curiously. "I've never seen them before."

"My dad.", Ash replied, stressing the last word longer than necessary, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"The old man insisted to buy me some clothes to take with me to Japan. Since I couldn't just return to our hideout in New York to grab a few things...", he clarified.

"He said the least his son could do to thank him was to dress nicer. More like you. I told him that we have a deal as long as I can keep wearing jeans and t-shirts. But damn him, look at me.", making one swift motion with his hand from top to bottom. "I look like a model from the cover of one of Jessica's dumb magazines.", Ash complained, but there was no real strength behind it. Eiji knew Ash secretly loved Max for worrying about him. Ash loved how Max treated him like his own son, but was still too stubborn to admit that. But Eiji saw it in his eyes which had brightened instantly when he had mentioned Max's name.

"You should thank him. Jessica, too. These clothes look really great on you. Knowing Max's questionable taste in clothes, Jessica probably played a significant part in choosing them. But I think I should be insulted that you haven't worn them in front of me before."

"That's because I've forgotten about them. They look too neat and expensive. I feel weird in them. And they're too tight. I prefer my clothes to be more comfortable. I feel like I'm wearing your sister's skinny jeans. Eiji laughed at that.

"Ash, ", Eiji began in a soft tone. He came closer and watched him intensely while tucking some of his blonde strands behind his ear. "You look really handsome in those clothes. And that t-shirt totally brings out your green eyes. You should wear them more often." A faint blush spread across Ash's face as he looked away from him stubbornly.

Eiji grinned, but then he turned to him, suddenly serious again.

"Ash, you know that's Max's way of taking care of you, right? He worries about you. Have you even called him since coming to Japan?"

"No.", Ash admitted reluctantly, running a hand through his hair, avoiding his gaze.

"Ash, that's really rude after all he has done for you. He saved your life, Ash. Call him. Tell him how you're doing. How you like Japan. You owe him that at least."

"Fine, you're right. I'll call him.", Ash said reluctantly.

"Great! Now, come on or we're gonna be late.", Eiji reminded him impatiently while he took his hand and dragged him to the door. When he saw his uneasy smile, he put an arm around his shoulder, trying to reassure him.

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