Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I woke up to my mom banging on my door. "Melissa get up ! I have to leave for work , I'll be home a little late" she yelled as my ears tried to ignore her loud voice.

"Okaaayyyy moommm" I annoyingly replied. As you can see I hate early mornings. I opened my eyes to see Austin sleeping like a baby still on FaceTime. "Haha he looks like a dead squirrel" I chuckled as I took a screenshot. "Babe get up ! The house is on fire !" I playfully yelled through the phone to wake up Austin.

"WHAT?! FUCK !" He yelled frightened with the funniest face I've ever seen, kinda like Kim Kardashians crying face. I laughed so hard I felt like I grew abs.

"You're so wrong for that Mel , I'm definitely getting back tonight". He said with a slight smile turning his face away from the camera & shaking his head".

"Whatever dude , I need to get ready to go to hell . bye " I said with a smile still laughing about what just happened as I hung up my iPhone 6 plus. You're probably wondering what I meant by "hell" ... well that's school , everybody goes there blahh. I plug my phone into the charger and play my music. The first song on my playlist was "lovin' So Hard" .

" When I wake up
You're the first thing that comes to mind
Wanna see you like all the time
Yeah we be lovin' so hard
When I wake up
You're the first thing that comes to mind
Wanna see you like all the time
Yeah we be lovin' so hard".I sung & danced as I went into my bathroom to brush my teeth and wash up.

After that I flattened my hair and did my makeup. I brushed my eyebrows and filled them in a little. I made the most perfect winged eyeliner. Added some falsies and mascara and ended with a little peach colored lipstick... Austin's favorite. I then went into my closet to put on light blue high waisted jeans and a skinny strap white crop top with an Indian print design on it . I also grabbed some gold jewelry & my phone before I ran out of my room.

"Alright , I just need some starbucks coffee and a donut" I quietly said to myself with a light smile. I grabbed my bag and ran down the steps. I fed Lizzy and gave her fresh water. I grabbed a granola bar and a bag of chips soon to hear my dad walk through the door.

"Hey sweetie you're leaving kinda early today don't you think?"he said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah dad , I wanna get Starbucks and sometimes the line is ridiculously long"I said with a stale face.

"Well seeya when you get home , I'm gonna go shower" he replied with a smile.

I slipped into my Michael Kors flip flops , grabbed my keys and left out.

"Bye dad!"

I yelled with a smile and closed the door. I walked over to my car to find the words "P R O M ?" Taped in huge letters to my trunk I took a picture of it.

"This is adorable" I said to myself smiling.

I got into my car. I saw something unfamiliar on the floor of the passenger seat . I closed my car door. I looked on the floor of the passenger seat and found a teddy bear , roses and a card shaped out of a heart. I smiled so big I looked like a weirdo, just sitting in the car smiling to myself. I knew it was from Austin and he had just put it there because the roses were still cold as if they were sitting in the fridge. I admired the fact that this was his revenge from the FaceTime call this morning.

"Could this possibly get any better?" I chuckled to myself as I started my engine.

I looked everywhere & didn't see him anywhere so I texted him.

"I love you babe you're the best of course I'll go to prom with you:* ". I typed into my phone still smiling. He replied instantly.

"I love you more sugarface (; & i already knew the answer to that "

I put away my phone & pulled out of the driveway and drove to starbucks. As I pulled into Starbucks drive through. I ordered 2 iced caramel whip cream coffees and 2 white frosting sprinkled donuts. I got Austin a coffee & donut also.

As I arrived to school I seen Jacks car sitting in the parking space next to mine.

"Wow he was really serious about taking his car" I laughed and shook my head.

As I walked into the school I made my way to my locker to see Hailey & Skylar waiting there giggling with each other.

"HEY BADDIES!" I said smiling and flipped my hair a little while holding me & Austin's coffee and donuts .

"Waddupp guurrll" Hailey said in a country accent and doing a little twirl in her skin tight royal blue dress, stopping quickly making her hair hit Skylar's arm.

"Damn Hailey, calm your curls ! And Heeeyyy bestie" Skylar yelled making Me laugh. As I was laughing I felt someone's arms wrap around my waist. I looked back over my shoulder only to see it was Austin grabbing my ass and greeting me with a warm smile.

"Hey baby . Is that coffee & donut for me?" He asked with raised eyebrows.

"Hey & yes it sure is how'd you know?" I squinted my eyes and chucked a little.

"Uuhh Just a wild guess" he winked while grabbing his coffee & donut out of my hands.

"Where's Justin & Jack ?" Skylar asked Austin with a unpleasant look on her face.

"I believe they're down by the bathroom" he replied with his mouth stuffed with donut. Soon for us all to turn around to the sound of boy's arguing down the hall.

"Hold my coffee !" Austin yelled while taking the last bite of his donut and running down the hall to see Justin & Jack arguing with another kid who was very tall and had blonde hair and a cute smile... he was kind of cute.

"DUDE THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING STOP!" Austin pushed Justin back onto the locker before he could hit the boy.

"NO MAN HE THINKS HE COULD TAKE MY GIRL TO PROM AND THAT SHIT IS DEAD!" Justin yelled while pointing to the boy with dark eyes . He looked furious until Hailey came and grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Baby calm down nobody's taking me to prom but you okay?" She whispered to him with a slight smile and grabbing his waist. As they began to walk backwards away from the commotion.

"Find your own bitch" Jack looked to the tall boy and grinned.

"Yeah almost got fucked up" Austin said laughing while walking away with Jack.

"What the hell?!" Skylar yelled at Jack as he took her hand and walked her to class.

"What's going on? Are Justin & Jack okay?" I asked Austin as he grabbed his coffee out of my hands and wrapped his arm around me as we walked to class.

"Yeah just a misunderstanding with a fuckboy" he replied looking pissed and drinking his coffee.

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