| 5 | First agreement

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I peek my head through an opening of the blanket, gaining immediate eye contact with you. Why were you watching me, while doing that? The woman's moans now became impossible to repress. She kept begging you to go harder and faster, as it seemed like you obey her wishes. I try to think of a way out of this situation, but every time I dare to pry my eyes in your direction we lock eyes. You wear the same condescending smirk as before while burning through my gaze. The woman is faced away from me and seems distracted, so eventually I take my chance. I run of the sofa with my blanket trailing after me like a veil. When I've made it to the kitchen the sounds have already stopped. I halt in my tracks and hear the beta talking in a confused tone. "What's not to understand?" you speak in a louder more audible tone "I'm not in the mood anymore" After some more high pitched words of confusion you suddenly yell "Get out!" making me flinch at your harsh tone.

I quickly rush to sit on the window sill, making it seem as if I didn't hear anything. The front door slams shut, as you've already appeared in the kitchen. I see you in the reflection of the glass, staring at my back. To my relief I see you've put on some underwear, as you step closer to me. I face towards the nearing figure. You're physique is strong, tall and muscled. I feel embarrassed to have only noticed that now, knowing it's because I was too distracted by something else. You're broad shoulders and chest show off your strength and make you look almost even scary. I let my gaze slide down taking in the defined lines across your stomach. Suddenly you disappear from my vision crouching down next the the window sill. You put your hands on the sides of the settee and look up at me, pleased with the staring I was giving you earlier.

"Your husband is hungry" you urge with an evil smirk, still breathing heavy because of your activity earlier. "Shouldn't you make yourself useful in the kitchen?" I look down at you with a confused expression. "That's an omega wife's duty" It's pretty clear you are mocking me because of what you found out this morning. I figure you probably know I've never cooked before. It seems that's exactly why you're doing this. "I've never-" I don't even finish my sentence cause it feels unnecessary. You laugh with a loud cackle at your own supposedly joke, while leaning your head backwards. I turn around and lean on my arms, staring outside, avoiding eye contact.

You seem to get the message and step away from the window. I hear you grabbing things from multiple cabinets and the same sizzling sound from this morning. I wait impatiently to breath in the smell of whatever you're making. After some time you pass by the window to reach the table and start eating. You don't say anything, but I can feel your gaze burning the flesh of my back. After a while I notice the snowing stops and can't help but feel a bit sad. I let out a unsatisfied sigh and sink away against my arms.

"Tomorrow both of our parents are visiting" you announce, suddenly standing behind me. I lean my head back to look at you and flinch at what is inches away from my face. Your underwear's fabric almost brushes afainst my skin. Are you pushing it closer to me on purpose? I quickly face the window again, getting a satisfied chuckle from your direction. "That bitch left without most of her clothes" you continue, while cleaning your plate "so you can wear some of that" are the last words of your explanation, before leaving the kitchen. I wait a few minutes to leave after you, but when I pass the pan you'd used I halt. You'd made pasta and left it on a decent fire to stay warm. Could I eat that? I thought about asking you, but my hunger won realizing you might say no. So I climb on the counter to reach the highest cabinets for a plate. Why put plates so high up in a kitchen? I wouldn't even be surprised if it turned out you did that on purpose.

After eating the delicious pasta with some gluttony, I have to admit you seem to be a good cook. I hold onto my now swollen belly in contentment. I'd missed this full feeling for a long time and suddenly felt sleepyness wash over me. As I walk out of the kitchen, I hear you watching some tv. I'd rather not repeat yesterday's ordeal, so decide to sleep in the sofa again. I tripple as silent as possible past you and lay down next to you. It seems for a second you're gonna say something, but eventually you don't bother and turn towards the bright screen. I close my eyes and let the sounds of the tv wither away in the background. I hear your breathing and sense your warmth next to me. It's almost as if everything suddenly seems peaceful. I'm too tired to feel pathetic about finding comfort in you presence, so I give in to the sleep. My eyes suddenly feel inclined to open, when I hear your breathing grow thicker, but I'm too tired to give in, as I drift away in sleep.


My eyes fight against the light that the windows let peek through this morning. I sit up on the sofa only to see that you've left. I figure you probably slept upstairs, after a short period of sitting next to me watching the tv. My fingers twitch towards a sticky part of my face. What did I do in my sleep? My fingers slide over my cheekbone all the way down to my lips taking in the wet feeling. Are those tears? I look at my finger, after touching it and my brows furrow. It seems like a transparant whiteish liquid and I've never seen anything like it.

I go to wash it off in the bathroom and watch the stickyness be rubbed of my face in the mirror. Suddenly I feel clothes thrown at my back, as they thud on the bathroom floor at my feet. I hadn't noticed you coming inside, as you watch the part of my face that's just been washed with furrowed brows. You instantly seem to understand something and smirk in satisfaction, before saying "Wear those" and start taking of your clothes without shame. "My parents will be here soon" I watch your shirt be thrown on the ground and know your pants are next. "Ye- yes" I answer and quickly lift the clothes off the floor to get out of the room. You grab my wrist in the door opening, but I keep my gaze strictly on the hall. "Running away?" you ask in a cocky tone, as you pull on my wrist with a swift movement. It's almost as if you try to trick me to turn my gaze towards you. "No- no, I- I just like my privacy" I lie and eventually you let go of me.

I run towards the bedroom and stare at the dress, the Beta woman had left behind. It luckily smells washed when I bring my nose closer to the fabric. When I put the dress over my head, it falls straight down my body. I look at myself in the mirror and see disappointed results. It doesn't fit me at all. My niples are visible through the fabric's light color, as I consider asking you for a brah. I can't possibly meet your parents in this, now can I? As if on cue you walk inside the bedroom drying your hair with a towel. "What's wrong?" you ask, as you notice my obvious worries about the outfit.

"Did she le-" I start, but my voice's strength disappears as you appear next to me in the mirror completely naked. I quickly turn my face towards the wall. "Sto-stop doing that" I convey my irritation at your shameless nature. "Why?" You answer like a five year old, as you stand closer to me. "I'm your husband" as I feel your hot breath on the top of my head and your still damp skin on my back "you shouldn't be scared of my body" My gaze stays on the wall stubbornly, as I move my hand behind my back to push you away. The palm of my hand feels your defined stomach, as pushing you further doesn't seem to work. You grab my wrist and pull my hand down. My eyes widen in shock. Just what am I touching? "Stop it!" I panic, but I can't struggle out of your grip. When you seem satisfied you finally release the pressure on my wrist.

"You really are a child" You groan in annoyance "Can't even touch a man's dick properly" you continue before laughing and walking out of the room. I continue to stare at the figureless dress falling around my waist. You peek your head through the door and ask "What were you going to ask anyway?" You seem to have listened to my complaint, now hiding your body behind the wall. "Did that woman leave her brah?" I ask in hope for a positive answer, pointing my eyes at the obvious nipples showing. You dissapear from the door opening filling the hall with laughter. When you finally seem to have recovered you show your face again and say "How the hell would that fit you?" as you wipe away tears of laughter.

I stare at my reflection in embarrassement. You did have a point. That beautiful curvy woman's stuff would never fit me anyway. I move in and out of the light, still figuring out how bad the nipples peek through. After a while you come back in some underwear and with a new piece of clothing in hand. "She wore that ugly thing with this" you insult the dress, as you hand me a fluffy waist coat. I feel your gaze on my chest, so I quickly turn away to put on whatever you handed me. "That shit looks hideous" you say with narrowed eyes, after judging the dress in the mirror. For the first time since my new life I have to agree with you.

"Oh my it is"

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