| 8 | Surprise Getaway

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I open my eyes in my usual sleeping spot and notice you're not next to me. I wonder if you've already left for the mountains like yesterday. I crawl out of the sofa, still getting used to the light and reach the kitchen to a warm breakfast. I look towards the lake, but to my disappointment it really seems as if you've already left. I bite into the sweet flavor, as I promise myself not to go outside today. I don't know what that meant to you yesterday, but I don't want it happening again. After finishing breakfast, I can only feel my boredom grow already. There is still so much troubling me, but with you not here, there's no way of getting to know the answers.

I lay back down in the sofa and look for the tv remote when suddenly something hits me in the back of the head. I turn around in surprise, as I notice you standing at the entrance of the living room. "I wore that when I was twelve" You speak with a cocky smirk "Will probably be a perfect fit" you claim, as I look down at the clothes that now landed on the sofa. It was a big warm jacket with brown tones and some leather. I look at you questioningly, as I lift it up in the air with both hands. "You're coming with me" it almost sounds like a demand from across the room, as you turn around, after throwing a pair of pants and shoes at my face too.

I can't help but feel excited, as I look at you getting your hunting gear. I fall back on the sofa and my heart races. I've never been hunting or chopping wood in the snow. It was all my first. I quickly put the clothes on you threw me and as I look down in shame, I realize you were right. They do fit perfectly. The shoes are a bit on the bigger side, but I decide not to tell you, to save me from another mocking cackle. I wait with my back up straight and chin high for you at the front door, trying to look ready before you change your mind. You seem to laugh at my posture before eventually leading me outside.

We make our way through the big snowy hills to reach a higher point. The wind howls against my ears, coloring them a bright red. I pant at the intensive activity, because of the steep slope and your pace. You seem to turn around due to the heavy breathing sounds to check on me. Your face fills with disappointment, as I lean my hands on my knees in exhaustion. "I-I'm fine" I try to bring out between breaths, but you don't seem to buy it. I expect you to get angry, but you seem to laugh with my incompetence instead. You take off your mob cap and push it over my ears. "It's not far anymore" you almost sound like you're trying to encourage me. I just nod still too out of breath to produce words and give sign with my hand I'll follow you. You give another snicker, before turning around and leading the way again.

You finally halt, as we've reached an open field between tall trees with a big body of water in the middle of it. I stare at you with a confused look, not really knowing what to do. You let out a sigh, before taking my hand and putting me down on of the cut off tee trunks placed in a cirkle. "Watch and learn" you speak in a proud tone, as you pull a big axe out of a tree trunk in front of me. You grab and place another one on top, before swinging the axe above you with great strength. You split the trunk in half with a cocky smirk, before looking at me for a reaction. I quickly take my fingers off of my eyes, hiding the fact that actually seemed scary. "You want to try?" you ask in a tone that I'm not sure if you actually mean it. "Can I?" I ask in a doubting tone.

"Just don't expect me to put your limbs back together if you split them in half"

you answer my already scared question "but yes you can" finished by an evil smile, waiting to see my scared face. "okay" I grit my teeth and get up in determination, as I see you pulling up your brows in surprise. You hand over the axe, before it sinks to the ground the second you let go. I feel my cheeks grow a deeper tint in embarrassment when I notice I can't even pull it back out of the snow. You laugh hysterically behind me, before taking a few deep breaths to compose yourself. You wrap your hands around mine to lift up the heavy tool, as you stand closely behind me. "You bring it up like this" you start explaining, but I can't seem to focus with our bodies touching "and then let it slam with its weight on the wood" I don't even answer, due to the heat spreading through my body. You look at my concentrating face and eventually help me do it with ease.

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