| 6 | Short arrangement

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"Here you go" the tall man says, as he pushes a bunch of baby clothes in my arms. "and I also brought something else wait" your father suddenly runs back to his car, as you mother watches him at the front door. I look at your expression with the fabric almost slipping from my hands and you seem angry. To my surprise not at the tall alpha running through the snow like a weird animal, but your gaze seems glued to the woman in front of you. Your mother looks back at the car, as if she feels your gaze of anger. "Here" your father offers another present again and beams with excitement. I notice it's a baby chair, as you get it pushed in your arms, before we go inside.

We all sit around the table, as you offer them some coffee with annoyed gestures in the kitchen. Your father turns towards me and slaps the table in excitement "When will you be getting your next heat?" My eyes widen at that question. "uh-um soon" I answer after a moment of being speechless. I give your father the answer he so obviously wanted, but in reality I don't know. My mother always made me take the strongest surpressants, so I've never even had one before. It would probably take a while until my body could function as normal. Or maybe it'll never become fertile again, but I have a hunch you'd like that option best.

You set down the heated coffee and pull the chair next to me. Your father seems to smile in contentment throughout the whole conversation. "I'm so glad you're done sleeping around" he explains his smiling lips, as I look at you for a reaction. We both know that's a total lie, but I'm not sure wether I'd have to confirm it or if you'll bend the reality yourself. Your eyes still seem glued at the woman in distaste, so to break the silence I lie through my teeth "It's been quite the peaceful life" with a wide smile, copying the man in front of me. The tall alpha can't hide his happiness with that answer and grabs my hands. "thank you so much" he compliments me, while shaking the hands in a loving gesture.

"I'm so glad you guys are getting along great" he shows his relief with big a sigh, but you still don't seem to listen. "right sweetie?" he directs his attention to the woman next to him and she puts on an obvious fake smile and nods in agreement. That movement seems to aggrevate you even more, as I see you clench your jaw in fury. The man looks at your angry expression and asks the next question to you "and if you change your mind on the house I can al-" Your hand slams across the table interrupting his words. The cups rattle and there is a strong silence that only you dare to break. "You guys should leave" as you morph your angry face into the same fake smile "it's getting late"

Your father bows his head and hides his disappointement "We'll get going" he recovers from your outburst calmly as he pushes his arms on the wooden table to lift himself up to his feet. He grabs onto the woman's back and leads her outside, as I stay in the kitchen in shock. Why did you suddenly get so angry? What did he mean about the house? Why would we leave this beautiful lake house? Why were you glaring at your mother who'd seemed to scared to speak a word? I am full of questions.

I hold onto my still warm cup of coffee with both hands. It still seemed to be smoking quite a bit, so that only proved my concern on how fast you threw your parents out of the house. I hear the front door closing with not much other words and after a moment you appear in the kitchen. I open my mouth to say something, but you pass me without even acknowledging me to open the door leading outside. You walk through the crunching snow and sit down by the docks, almost reaching the water. I wait and watch you for a few minutes through the window. By the time I finish my coffee, you still haven't shown any sign of life. You first seemed angry forcing your parents out the house, but when you were on your way outside there was some other emotion to be detected on your face. I couldn't be for sure, but it seemed like sadness.

I eventually peek my head through the door, which finally seems to grab your attention. I remember your angry words about going outside, so hesitate, but you seem to signal me it's okay. I walk through the scrunching snow and reach you by the water. The sadness on your face has deepend, so I'm almost sure now. You're definitely hurt by something. I sit down next to you, as you seem to ignore my arrival by looking in the distant water. There's a long silence, but for some reason it feels comforting. I take the courage to break the silence with a soft voice "Your dad really loves you" I finally seem worthy of your gaze, as you turn away from the lake. You seem to think for a while and answer in the same soft tone "He wasn't always like that" You fidget with the wood of the docks beneath your fingers and watch your hands "It's guilt" you explain, before throwing one of the pieces of wood inside the water

"he's trying to make up for things in the past"

I look at your face, wondering what that had meant, but I don't dare to ask further. "I can't imagine my mother feeling guilt" I say, as I try to think about that scenario deeply. Your gaze seems able to reach me again. "Weren't they also supposed to come today?" You ask, seeming happy not to be asked the questions. "Oh yeah, but it's not like I expected them to" I answer and copy you by throwing a piece of wood in the reflecting liquid, creating patterns as it hits the surface. "Do they sometimes forget about you?" You ask, as I turn towards you, surprised by another question. You seem so different and calm, I don't know how to react. I think about my answer "Yeah, a bunch" but before I can throw the rock in my hands away, you already pry for more information. "Like how?" My rock flies through the air as I regain a certain memory "Once my personal servant had fallen ill and I was locked in my room without food for five days, because my mother had forgotten I existed" Your face shows a soft expression, almost seeming empathic, but I know that couldn't be the case. "That's terrible" you almost whisper against the wind.

"My mother had called it the best five days of her life"

I remember her words and almost chuckle at the contrast with your words. "Don't laugh with things like that" you suddenly seem to scold me again in a serious tone. "Sorry" I appoligize silently, as I try to regain my composure. "What about your mother?" I finally dare to ask in the long silence, after you've seemed to calm down. "She seemed quiet today" You seem to take a deep breath before talking "That's not her". I look at you in confusion "That was my stepmom" you explain your angry gazes, as you give me 10 more questions I want to ask. I open my mouth to do so, but you interrupt me in a uncomfortable gesture

"What about your father?"

It seems like you want me to talk, so you don't have to. I bring my hands up to my face due to the cold, since the dress and cardigan aren't giving me much warmth. "I don't really know him" I whisper against my freezing hands, so you lean closer to understand. "How so?" I want to blame the interest on you trying to change the subject, but a part of me likes you asking questions. "My mother was the only one checking on me once a month" You give me the same sympathetic expression, I didn't think you could show. "but she never forgot to mention how much he hated me" It seems you don't really know what to say to that, so just stare at me with the same face for a while. There's a long silence of us just staring at each other, but it's weirdly soothing. You break it eventually.

"Bad parents always blame there children for being failures"

I lose your gaze, as it slips down to look at my stomach with a look of distaste. "That's why I promised myself to never have any" I pull my knees up to hide my womb in shame. It seems you hate the thing I was destined to do in society. You turn your eyes back towards the lake, as I hug my legs leaning my chin on the cold skin of my joints. "Is that why you hate omegas?" That question seems to catch you off guard, as you turn around with widened eyes. The freezing wind suddenly breezes against us, as if it takes your words away, because an answer doesn't follow. You seem to be caught up in thoughts, as you stare at the reflection of the trees.

"You should go back inside" you command almost like a warning, making me think I've lost whatever sympathy you'd showed me the past minutes. I breath onto my cold knees one more time, when suddenly feeling your big hands cupping my cheeks. "You're freezing" I look up at you in surprise and just nod in your hands, unable to speak. You stand up and reach out your hand, as I look at it thinking it has to be a delusion. Sometimes you're suddenly so gentle to the point I can't tell if you're the same person. I grab your hand, as you lift me up with ease and lead me back inside. I feel pathetic and feel so stupid, but I would be lying if I didn't catch myself thinking:

"Maybe this marriage isn't that bad"

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