| 7 | Broken Rule

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The morning light peaks through my eyelids, as sleep escapes me in my usual place. I wriggle in the soft sofa to get up, as I stop in my tracks at an unusual sight. You breath softly next to me with your arms around the backrest of the sofa and still sound asleep. The nights before you'd always gone up to bed after a while of watching tv, but it seemd as if this evening you hadn't made it upstairs. I move as calm as possible to not wake you up, as I come closer to you, still sleeping. You're head leans back on the backrest and your chest softly goes up in down at a slow pace. I stare at your face and catch myself reaching my hand out. You actually look quite pretty while sleeping, as you seem to finally show your youth. My finger tops touch your nose softly, as it slips down onto your lips. I blush thinking about our first and only kiss at the wedding. I quickly pull away in case you wake up and get back to my side of the sofa. I push my hair out of my face and get the same sticky sensation again. I groan in annoyance silently. I look at my hands at the same witheish liquid, still unable to figure out what it could be. I decide to take a shower, before you see me like this.

The hot water splashes over my skin, relieving my tensed muscles. The sticky feeling leaves my face, as I rub my cheeks under the soothing water. When I've finished washing my hair, I want to take the shower head in my hands to get a deeper clean, but even standing on my toes, I can't reach it. I sigh in annoyance, while reminding myself again I should ask you, but knowing I'll probably forget like before. My damp toes reach the cold bathroom floor, as I step out of the shower. I grab one of the towels and wrap it around me. I hear someone outside, so I figure you've probably woken up already. I open the door, as the colder air creates goosebumps on my skin. Before I can acknowledge you standing in front of me, I trip over something on the ground. I squeal out shortly before crashing on the wooden floor and then quickly fixing the towel around my waist.

"Don't just stare at it"

You mock me, as I do just that to the shirt below me. It's a different one than the one that I stole. It looks warmer and has a lovely caramel brown color. I look at you with a doubting look "Can I like -?" You interrupt my question "Fucking wear it before I change my mind" you allow it, when already running down stairs. I quickly dump the towel on the floor and pull the warm, just ironed, shirt over my head. I run after you down the stairs and catch you at the front door. You're putting on a thick jacket and got a tall shotgun in your hand. My toes halt at the last step of the stairs. "Where are you going?" I ask you, recieving rolling eyes at my supposedly dumb question. "I'm going hunting and chop some wood, obviously" I look at the step underneath me, having to admit my question might've been a little unnecessary. "Can-?" I start, but get shortly cut off with a "No, you're not coming with me" I let out a sigh in disappointment that you don't even hear, as you've already slammed the door shut behind you.

I watch my toes trippling in boredom and eventually decide going to the kitchen for my growling stomach. I get greeted with a lovely scent, so I lean over the pan for any left overs. To my disappointment I'm met with empty air, so I look over at the lake. I go sit on the window sill and sink away in the new red pillows you placed here. I put one closer to my face and feel its soft fabric against my skin. You do seem to have good taste when it comes to things like this. Suddenly I notice something behind me. There's a plate full of pancakes in the reflection of the window. I almost scream in excitement and sit down on my usual chair away from the window. My eyes almost roll back in satisfaction due to the flavour. You probably just made too many and left some leftovers, but a part of me wanted to believe you did this on purpose.

After finishing the whole bunch, I lean my head back, watching the lake and hold onto my swollen belly. I didn't know when you were coming back, but being alone in this house felt odd. I shouldn't feel that way, since I should be used to it after all those years, but it seems I got used to finding comfort in your presence. I lean against the arm rest with my hands, resting my chin. What will I do with these hours? Usually I just discretely follow you around, or hide from you, but now that you're not here, I suddenly don't know what to do.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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