| 1 | Fairy Tale

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I look through the tiny window in my small bedroom. I grab one of the colorful books on the shelves that I've already organized in 50 different patterns after reading each one four times. I still know almost every sentence by heart, but doubt to give it another read anyways. This is the only space I've been allowed to live in for the past years. As soon as my exam showed I manifested as the only omega in my family, my parents have been acting as if I died. Maybe I should've. Cause being locked up in a room every day takes a toll on you. My gender would suggest I should bond with my fated pair, but that all seems impossible now. I don't even meet anyone beside the beta servants, who bring me food from time to time. My childhood dream never seemed to have carried any weight anyways, since my parents had always figured it all out for me, not even thinking about what I would want. After I became their biggest disgrace it only turned out for the worst.

The door suddenly opens and I quickly throw the book to the side of the bed. I check my posture and lower my shoulders, as I sit up so straight it almost hurts. My mother appears in the door opening and gives me a dirty look. I greet her with a tiny bow, while staying seated. "Good evening mother" She still gives a long look of disapproval, as if just seeing me ruined her mood. "I told you to give her more food" my mother ignores me and starts talking to the servant who opened the door. "Yes ma'am, we did" The servant speaks nervously, afraid to get fired. "Then tell me, Helga" my mother turns her tall stature towards the woman, now holding the door trembling "why does she still look sickening?" The servant just mumbled apologies during multiple bows. The tall alpha groans in annoyance and now turns back towards the bed, before lifting her nose. "Why does it seem like you're trying to look like those low creatures on purpose?" I stare at my hands on my lap, then quickly hide them between my thighs, but it's too late. "Even your hands, child" My mother grabs them roughly and squeezes them to the point it hurts "they're pale and weak" I keep looking down, too scared to look the woman in the eyes. "You're body is disgusting" she speaks in a low tone and finally let's go of the hand. "You're getting married in two days" she announces as she walks back to the door "so you better gain some color and curves" Helga steps outside quickly to make room for the tall powerful woman. "Or that man will run for the hills just by the sight of you" are the last words she speaks and slams the door shut, before I hear Helga locking it with one of her keys.

I'm left in silence, unable to process what I just heard. I expected there to be a lecture and some insults, because mother only tends to check on me for that once a month, but a wedding? My first instinct was happiness about the fact I would be allowed outside again, but the other was fear. I haven't met anyone in the past 10 years. How was I supposed to great him? Did he choose me, because he thought I was pretty? Does he love me, in the way I had read about in my books? I had so many questions, but I knew my mother wouldn't bother answering them. So I grabbed the book off of the side of my bed and went to page 127. I knew there was a wedding scene in there and began to read it. "He watches her walk down the aisle in her gown, as tears sting his eyes" Weddings seemed so romantic and emotional. "They kiss and everybody cheers full glory, as they can't do anything but smile"

I suddenly couldn't wait for mine.


My father pushes me forward, as I almost stumble in the high heels Helga had made me wear. The beta had made it seem as if they looked good with the dress, but I knew it was my mother's attempt to make me appear taller. My family all showed such strong features, according to my father it only seemed normal for me to try and fit the standard. Every year my mother's hope I would grow stronger and taller faded piece by piece. It seems she now has finally given up and just wants to get rid of me. I try to push my dress to the front again, so you can't see the heels like Helga had urged, but My mother slaps my back aggressively to grab my attention. I look up from the shoe situation and hold in a gasp at the tall people in front of me. My parents suddenly put up the widest of smiles and greet the people with great content. They have never looked so happy in my presence. They quickly leave with two of the taller people, leaving me alone with the youngest one. My heart raced with nerves. Is this the person who's in love with me? I try to bow formally, but almost stumble and rip my dress. You hold me up with one arm with an indifferent face. I look up to say thank you, but you breaks the silence sooner.

"I'm just doing this to obey my father's wishes, so don't expect me to pretend to like you"

I look at you, as my eyes widen in confusion. Then is it someone else I'm marrying? Why leave us two alone here then, while planning the ceremony? Where is the person who wanted to take my hand in marriage? It only takes me a few seconds to realize that that person never existed. I suddenly feel pathetic and stare at my feet. I don't dare to look up at you again, though I realize I can't even remember your face properly. Our parents come back after a few minutes, as we haven't spoken another word. It's pretty clear they're the ones, who want this wedding, not us. I hear your voice again saying "then I'll see you tomorrow" in the same indifferent tone, as you'd used before. My mother pokes my back again to get me to say something back. I just bow shortly, since I can feel you don't want me to speak. In the corner of my eye I see my mother's fake smile morph into a furious scowl, as you and your parents turn around to leave. I'll remember to tell Helga to bring ointment. I can feel my mother will hit me when once get home.


I stare at myself in the reflection of a window, as the women around me all bicker and pull at my dress. I realize I didn't even get to choose my wedding gown. It was a sober fitted long pearl white gown with flower details at the sleeves and back. It's exactly what my mother would've wanted. That much is sure. My mother walks inside and the women instantly freeze and shut their mouths. The powerful alpha neared and frowned her eyebrows. She seemed immensely displeased with however this turned out. "You're too pale for that color" She presses my shoulders and leads me to the tall mirror in the room. "It looks horrendous" She put her hand over her mouth in shock. "let's hope that man is color blind" The woman puts my face in between her hands and continues "no actually blind" I'm used to her comments, so don't give much of a reaction. The servants all get asked to take their leave, even though they haven't even gotten halve their work done. My mother doesn't really seem to care about this wedding all that much. As long as it takes place and I'll be gone, she seems happy to oblige. "Okay sweetie" she suddenly changes tones and a smile appears on her face. "let's go" She grabs the veil from under some junk and pushes it in my hair. "the ceremony is about to start"

My father hastily grabs my arm, when he sees me wander the halls in confusion. "Get over here" There's anger in his voice that quickly subsides when we enter the big room where the music had already started. He almost visibly carries me down the aisle, as I try not to stumble over the high heels my mom forced onto me. I'm almost certain she heard complaints from the other family that I was too short. So this is her subtle way of making up for my height. My father let's go of my arm and I finally get on the altar safely. You don't even look at me, as I reach my hands out for the following ceremony. Your gaze finally slips down and you put your bigger hands around mine. I can feel my hands tremble, because I'm nervous balancing on the shoes that are crushing my feet. I try not to notice how even in these heels, I'm still not able to reach over your shoulder. I can almost hear my mother curse from far away at the disappointing sight.

The priest suddenly interrupts the music with his formalities. You still don't show any emotion on your face. It's as if you can't wait to get this over with, while avoiding my gaze. I notice our families have chosen to skip most of the ceremony to get to the official part. Before I can think I suddenly hear the voice in front of me say "I do" as you still seem too unbothered to look me in the eye. Now it's my turn, as a shiver runs down my spine. I try to look at your face and hesitate. The audience seems to whisper behind me, as we now suddenly lock eyes. You look angry, the first expression you showed me with the usually indifferent face. I quickly stutter out "I-I do" and the priest continues his lines, as if nothing happened. "You may kiss the bride" I blush only at the thought, as your indifferent face grabs mine and plants a soft kiss. I stare at the ground in disbelief. Was that supposed to be my first kiss?

After the people start cheering, I see my mother and father clapping happily. They seem in full glory now that it is official that I won't be in their care anymore. You grab my wrist and pull me down that same aisle. Outside there is a black limousine waiting for us to get away. I look at the back of your head, as you pull my wrist. Do your parents also want to get rid of you? Before I can ask you, you push me in the car and smile at the people waving outside. The smile quickly fades once there out of sight. You don't talk, nor face me. It seems you don't want to acknowledge my existence. So I try to do the same, watching the outside landscape change and become darker. I think I remember Helga saying both families had agreed on a house they wanted us to live in.

So that was my one and only guess for the destination.

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