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Rhys got back to Velaris as quickly as he possibly could - he went straight to the House of Wind. He knew that he was in a grave predicament - he knew there was a reason Hybern made a Treaty with the Fey over continuing war with them. Though they may be mortal, and have a bigger list of weaknesses, they were a whole lot more powerful than the Fae.

Just one Fey would be able to take out at least three Fae. And the fact that the Fae knew very little of them also made them a much bigger threat.

And he saw the way Evette acted - the way she held herself in oppose to all High Lord's. It told him that she knew she were better than them. And she was just a young Princess - her mother was a lot older and the Queen. She was the White Queen of Angevin. And he felt that she would be a version of Evette - just so much worse.

When he entered, all of them were already there, and at his arrival they shot up in excitement. However, he shook his head at them and looked at them gravely. "Celebrations and reunions will have to be on pause for now." Rhys told them. "I have...found myself in quite the predicament. One that is worse than the inevitable war with Hybern."

"What is it?" Amren asked him, her silver eyes hardening as they all sat down. Mor and Magdelena were staring at him in worry - they knew that if he were worried, that they should be worried also. Cassian and Azriel's faces were blank - waiting.

"It is very possible that we'll also have war coming for us specifically from across the sea in a different direction." He explained to them all. "From Angevin. The Fey."

"The Fey?" Magdelena asked, her brows furrowed. "The Fey are...generally quiet. Peaceful beings - not like Hybern."

"Their Princess and Heir - Evette - she was brought to Under the Mountain with Tamlin." Rhys explained to them. "Tamlin had a human - one that loved him, and that could break the curse she put on him. They sent her back over the wall before they were brought Under the Mountain. And as soon as Amarantha found out who she - Evette - was. She was questioned because the Fey can't lie."

"She refused. Tried evading. But would not give the human up." He explained. "So, Amarantha had me torture her. Apparently, there is a Treaty that the King of Hybern didn't share with Prythian that states if a Fey is harmed by a Fae, the peace between us fades."

"That's hardly fair." Mor frowned. "We didn't know."

"Evette says it does not matter - it wasn't their responsibility to tell us." Rhys explained.

"We can talk to her." Magdelena told him as she gestured between herself and her younger sister. "We knew Aphrodita - a Queen of Angevin - 500 years ago."

Rhys shook his head at them. "I spoke with Evette." He told them. "She says she is willing to prevent war between us. Though, she is the only thing standing between war and peace - she reckons her mother will not be as reasonable. She also says that they can still go to war with us even after the talk we're due to have."

"How typical of the Fey." Amren mused as she rolled her eyes.

"Evette is close with Tamlin, and his emissary, Lucien. And she has made an acquaintance of Eris." Rhys explained to them all. "So, chances are she's been told the usual about us. However, I find having them think this about us will only encourage them to want war with us. So, I agreed to have her come here - where we'll talk. Each of you will be present for this - she will also be with her inner court. It'll be a civil discussion. If they see Velaris...if she sees it...I think she may think differently about war."

Rhys looked pointedly at Cassian. "And when they arrive...you need to all be on your best behaviour." He said. "If Evette is any indication as to how the rest of them are...we'll definitely need to show respect. She didn't take kindly to Beron condescending her."

"Sounds to me you like her." Cassian mused.

"I do." Rhys nodded. "In all of those 49 years, I saw no one look Amarantha directly in her eyes and let her know she is lesser. No one dared oppose her - until Evette came along. Someone who had only been there a day, someone years younger than her. And the more I was made to torture her, the worse she became. I like her. I feel had I not tortured her, we may have been good friends."

"And what is to be done if she doesn't think differently about war when seeing Velaris?" Azriel asked. "What are her powers? Perhaps we ought to make precautions...I know iron harms them."

"You'd be a fool to bring any of their weaknesses around them during a civil conversation." Magdelena said. "I saw Aphrodita's power...you don't want to do that around them. The White Queen, the Black Queen, and the Red Prince are the most powerful Fey - exactly in that order. Her mother is the most powerful person alive in their lands."

Rhys looked between Mor and Magdelena. "You knew her ancestor, you know how they work better than the rest of us." He said. "So, I'm hoping you may find some common ground with them." Rhys then looked to Cassian and Azriel. "Eris has apparently told her of you. So, I assume she'll be watching you very carefully. I saw a glimpse of her power in the Spring Court - don't make a single wrong move. They have better and sharper senses."

"When are they arriving?" Amren asked.

"Evette said she'll send note when to expect them." Rhys told them before he looked to Azriel. "I want you to see if you can get your hands on anything relating to the Treaty between Hybern and Angevin. Take it from the King of Hybern himself, if you have to." He looked back to the others. "And if all of this goes as I hope it does...we just might get the Fey as possible allies against Hybern."

"And how are you going to do that?" Amren laughed incredulously. "You're literally on the verge of war with them."

"That is why I said possible." Rhys pointed out. "But, I think we could make friends with them. Evette specifically. If she is able to make friends with Tamlin...she can just as easily make friends of us." He looked to Amren and Cassian. "I feel as though you may like her if you met her."

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