Chapter 2 - "Does that mean you just called yourself horrifying to look at?"

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Evette's anger was still so fresh when Rhys returned the next month to take Feyre again. She had refused to do a single thing for Tamlin - the only things she did was eat, and try and figure out a way to use her magic without it going haywire. When Feyre had returned the first time she had asked her how she had known that Rhys didn't want to hurt her - how she knew he had no desire to do so.

Evette simply smiled at her and said that was her secret. In her time back here, they spent a lot of time together and Evette had told her what Tamlin had done - about ensuring she could not leave. Feyre had spoken to him about it - but he refused to take the wards down. And Feyre had told her about how Lucien and Tamlin were trying to use her as a spy.

By the time Feyre had returned again, Evette felt that she was able to do just a little of her magic, just not the type that would free her. Though, she found that it was still quite the achievement to have been able to figure her magic out even a little.

Evette had avoided almost everyone in the entire estate other than Feyre. Lucien had been trying to track her down and corner her - but she always ended up slipping away from him. Except for this one time - it was in the dead of night. She supposed he had been staying up and tracking her movements for days to do this.

Feyre had told her the other month that Lucien seemed guilt ridden and upset about their whole situation. Which, Evette disliked being told because it made her want to talk to him. But she hadn't.

And now, here she was, stood before Lucien in a dark hallway, as they stared at one another. "I'm sorry, Evette." Lucien told her, and she was able to feel the raw emotion come from him. "I'm sorry. But I never agreed nor wanted to have you trapped here. I swear it."

Evette leant against the wall. "I believe you." She replied softly.

"I've missed you." He told her. "Without you, it's been awfully dull and lonely. And Ianthe has been pestering me even more now you're not there." Evette couldn't help the smile that pulled at her lips at this. "It's not funny!"

"It's a little funny." Evette chuckled. "I think you deserve it after you were completely fine with having me sent to Rhys with Feyre."

"I wasn't completely fine with it." Lucien objected. "I didn't like it - not at all. But I knew he'd not risk hurting you again - not after he has already done so much to you." He stared down at her. "I'm sorry."

"No, I understand." Evette nodded softly. "You have more loyalty for your High Lord compared to your friend. I get it. I do."

"He has more of my loyalty." Lucien agreed with her. "But not more of my care. I do not forget that you helped me Under the Mountain - you've helped me more than anyone who's not him has ever helped me." Evette smiled softly at this. "And I do ask him to lower it - I do. But he never does!"

Evette moved forwards and tapped him on the shoulder twice. "Thank you, Luce." She replied.

"So, does this mean we're talking again? You won't continue to avoid me and leave me to perish to Ianthe?" He asked, and she smirked at his comment in amusement.

"Yes." She replied with a nod. "I don't think I can go too long with being mad at you anyway."

"Of course you can't." He smirked at her, and she rolled her eyes at him, shoving his shoulder lightly, before she walked past him and headed back to her room.

"Goodnight, Lucien." She called over her shoulder to him.

"Goodnight, Evette." He called back. "Don't dream of me too hard." Evette turned round and shot him a look, as he looked back at her amused.

"If I'm gonna be dreaming about anyone, it's not gonna be you." Evette told him - just a few steps away from him. "It'll be about that brother of yours - Eris."

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