Chapter 19 - "I refuse to die like this!"

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They had been informed of Hybern's movement, and they were due to leave in just a few moments to meet Hybern's army, and once more she was stood before all of their soldiers. She was stood before her mother's soldiers, and her own. Stood before the Hollow's of Tattoon, and the sea Fey of the Black Sea. Her mother was off somewhere in her rage, preparing herself for what they were about to do.

And she had already bestowed invulnerability upon them all - because she refused to allow any of her people die on a battlefield like this. They would not die against cowards - when they died on the battlefield it'd be against worthy adversaries. And Hybern and the traitors were not that.

And she knew she had to get their emotions up beyond her just messing with them by strengthening some, and weakening others. So she could use them to strengthen herself in battle. Without the ranging emotions of those around her, she could very well fall if overwhelmed by too many emotions.

"Every hope, dream, or moment of happiness. None of it matters as you lay bleeding out on the battlefield." Evette told the crowd before her. "None of it changes what those manner of creatures can do to a body during an attack. Even a Fey one. What blades and weapons can do. What iron can do to us. We all die!"

"But does that mean our lives are meaningless? Does that mean there was no point to being born? Would you say that of our slain family...our slain friends? Were their lives meaningless?" Evette called out to them all firmly. "Because they were not! Their memory serves as an example to us all."

"Their lives have meaning because we refuse to forget them. We refuse to forget that they were slain in their home by those they used to call friends, and family" Evette continued as she felt all of their emotions rise. "And as we march to war, I trust our allies to do the same for us. Because my soldiers do not buckle when faced with the cruelty of the world."

"My soldiers push on, and get done what needs to get done." She added in, a smile crossing her lips. "I refuse to die like this! On land that is not my own - against weaker beings. Our enemy are nothing compared to us - and I refuse to die by lesser people, and so should all of you! Because we will not die here tonight, not a single one of us that stands here. Because we deserve to die in a battle...a war that is worthy of us. Of our power. Of our kind."

Many began to nod their heads at her in agreement. "Each of our enemies will die - every single one! Kill them with your bare hands if you really have to - but they will die! And all of us will ensure this."

"And there is nothing to worry about with Dulcamara, because she is mine. I will kill her here tonight." Evette announced to them all, and she noticed her uncle look over at her at this. "I will ensure I am the very last thing my aunt ever sees - for all she has caused our kingdom this past year or so. From the very first attack, to now."

"We will decimate our enemies tonight." She swallowed thickly. "For our fallen friends. Our fallen family. For my father, and Ivo." She looked to her two brothers. "For Roan - we will destroy them all!"

"Even if we have to tear ourselves apart to do so, we will destroy them all!" Caedmon nodded as he called out from where he stood near the back.

And then, the armies let out a loud cry, synchronising with one another. And Evette simply nodded as she looked between them all.

Evette turned and went in seek of the High Lord's, and she glimpsed them all meeting one last time before they marched off for battle. She strode over to them all, and each of them slowly looked over at her. "When we reach Hybern, they are likely to have wards around them, yes?" Evette asked them all.

"Very likely." Helion nodded in agreement.

"Then leave it to me...I can take it down myself without any aid from any of you." Evette informed them all. "You should all save your power for the battle. All I need you to do when we reach there is to really embrace your emotions. Feel them as deeply as you can."

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