Chapter 10 - "Oh, was that supposed to be secret?"

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It took just three days for the concoction to arrive - it had randomly appeared before her as Osiris had said. Evette had woken up in the morning and it had been there in the centre of the room on the floor. It was a glittering yellow liquid and it came in a corked bottle. There had been a note that came with it, which had read:

Pleasure doing business with you, Princess. Half of the bottle should do. I look forward to our next meeting.


Evette almost immediately moved to go and find Rhys to ask him if she could go and take it to her brother. It took her quite a while to find him, but when she did he was with Cassian. "Rhysand." She greeted the man. "Cassian. I - "

"Are we enemies, Evette?" Rhys asked of her.

"No. Not really." She replied.

"Then you can just call me Rhys." He pointed out to her. "No one but my enemies and prisoners call me Rhysand." Evette nodded slowly as she looked at him. "So, what do you want?" He asked her.

"I was wondering if I'd be able to go to Angevin to give my brother something." Evette told him.

"No." He denied her with a shake of his head. "I still don't quite trust you. I can't have you leaving and possibly telling anyone about this place." Evette narrowed her eyes sharply at the man. "I don't think it'd be a good idea."

"Not everything is about you and your stupid Court, you asshole!" Evette snapped fiercely at him. "There are more important things to me that sharing the secrets of your Court. I'm not that fucking shallow! I need to go to brother needs something I have."

"He can wait." Rhys told her coldly.

Evette's face contorted into a sneer of utter fury. The air became thick around them all. "No. He can't!" Evette argued with the man. "So, you will let me go...or you might find that Angevin won't decide to ally with you if there is to be a war between Prythian and the human lands and Hybern. You might find that we'll truly stay out of it!"

"Your family lives over the wall." He pointed out to her.

"We can move my family to Prythian if needed." She shrugged nonchalantly. "It'd be no hassle, while it is hassle to side with Prythian against Hybern when we already have a Treaty with Hybern."

"Why do you need to give something to your brother?" Cassian cut in before Rhys could possibly make things worse with Evette. "Why can't your brother wait?" Evette levelled a glare at Rhys, currently disliking him more than she disliked Cassian.

"He's dying." Evette told Cassian. "He could die at any moment. I have the one thing in the entire world that can help save him."

"I can't allow you to leave." Rhys told her. "It's not a risk that I'm willing to take." Evette wondered in that moment what would happen if she decided to tear his arms off of his body as if he was just paper.

Cassian must've seen the bloody and dark thought in her eyes. "Why don't I take it there for you?" He asked her, making her look at him. Her brows furrowed in confusion. "I'll need your uncle to show me the way there, and take me to your brother, of course. But I'll take it to your brother for you."

"You would?" Evette asked the man softly, her expression of fury falling from her face.

"Of course I would." Cassian nodded at her. "We wouldn't stop you from going there if we're going to stop you, someone's going to need to go in place of you. We're not cruel, Evette." He side glanced Rhys. "Even if Rhys kind of made it out to sound as if we are."

Evette wasn't sure what came over her - maybe deep relief? Or perhaps gratitude? Because before she knew what she was doing, she had moved forwards and was hugging Cassian, who froze and then slowly wrapped an arm around her. "Thank you." Evette breathed softly. "Thank you so much."

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