Blind Pigs and Acorns

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The van was filled with silence for a good two minutes after the girls left its confines. JJ just sat patiently, which was hard for him, while his best friend stewed in his thoughts from beside him. He wanted to ask what was going on with everyone, why there was so much tension in the van.

"Remember when life was simple?" JJ finally speaks up, his mouth betraying him as the silence grew too loud.

"Yeah, like seven days ago?" John B smirks at the boy beside him. "I mean, dude, think about it. Ward's still out there."

"I know. I know."

"He killed my dad."

"John B, I know. And we won't let that go, but... I'm worried about you, man. It feels like it's either you or him. And you know who else I'm worried about?"


"Well, yeah, always man. But no, Sarah. I mean, bro, it's like her dad. You see what I'm saying?"

"She knows what he did." John B stares out the front window of the Twinkie, watching as the three girls emerge from the store talking with one another. "So what's up with this Limbrey chick? Pope said she has evidence on tape that could put Ward away, right?"

"Mm-hm. On the other hand, though, she did just try to kidnap Pope and..."

"But think about it, alright? If we can get that evidence it's done. This could all be over in one shot, J. I get it. It's dangerous."

"Good thing you're best friends with JJ Maybank then. Cause I've got a plan."

"Hopefully it's better than your plan to spring me from jail."

"Nah, this is my best one yet. Listen."

Harli glances to the boys inside the van leaning over and talking amongst one another. She knows a JJ Maybank scheme when she sees one and she's curious about what the two derelicts are planning.

"Of course I thanked Topper. He saved my life and I put him through so much already." Sarah's words draw Harli back to their conversation.

"Tell me about it. All of this crazy shit's happening and Pope's giving me the silent treatment for not being in love with him." Kie chimes in.

"And they say we're the dramatic ones." Sarah smiles at the girls beside her. "Have you talked to JJ yet, Har?"

"About what?" Sarah shoots the girl a glare. "Not yet." Harli concedes. "We were about to, but then the call with Pope's dad and all." The brunette shrugs at her friends as they reach the Twinkie, sliding open the side door and climbing inside.


The Twinkie sits parked outside of the Nursing Home, the Pogues waiting for the missing member when they see Pope emerge from the doors of the building. The look on his face told the teenagers that there was definitely a lot of information that had been gained from the boy's Meemaw.

"There he is." JJ slides open the door for Pope and he climbs inside the van. "So, how'd it go?"

"Shit just got way more personal." The dark headed boy informs his friends as JJ climbs back into the van and John B takes off down the road. John B drives the teens to the docks so they can talk about things more privately. The dock store is closed with it officially being the off season and the teens have privacy to talk amongst themselves.

"I still can't believe you're related to Denmark Tanny." John B exclaims to his dark headed friend who filled them in on what he learned from his grandmother on the way over.

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