Coffe and flirts

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Wednesday walks in to the Weathervane only to find the most gorgeous barista.
______________________________________(I wrote this at 3am dont ask)


Another shitty day of going to work. Can't believe my mom put me to work here before school. I heard there's a new girl around town for the summer. Rumors say she got kicked out of her old school so now she's chilling here.

Never came across her though. Maybe when summer is over I'll meet her at Nevermore. Anyways I just got a haircut a few days ago since I grew out my hair a bit. I got pretty fluffy hair so I got curtain bangs. Especially the length like exactly where my neck is. I look pretty fucking good! Especially with my eyebrow piercing.

Awh shit. I'm late. Well another yell from Tyler can't hurt me. Since I'm in a rush a white shirt and grey baggy pants won't hurt.
Quick brush for my hair.

I dash to the door, snatching my keys on the way. I grab my door handle softly cause no way I'm ruining my car over 6 minutes late to work. Oh hell no!

Starting the engine as I press on the gas peddle as hard as I can. Hopefully I don't get a speeding ticket. I probably will, oh fuck. Whatever I'll play
some Faye Webster to distract my mind.

Finally 3 songs later Im at work rushing to the door as I see my coworkers have a disappointed/scared look on their face. Oh I'm definitely getting yelled at, he can't fire me though my mom threatened him or something.

I walk to the back to get my apron and head out as soon as I can.

"Oh dude you seriously fucked up!" Veronica says. My work buddy, we definitely clicked well.

"Am I? I woke up late, was reading stuff on my phone, I swear I thought I woke up early." I ramble to her as she smiles and shakes her head.

"Good luck with Tyler at the end of the shift." She says smiling at me before taking someone's order.

She hands me it and I make the simple matcha. This person is pretty cool considering their taste in drinks. I place it on the counter as Veronica looks back at me.

"Enid! I'm going on my break it's your turn! Blake will be making them, you take the orders. If someone wants a quad it's right infront of you!!" Veronica reassured me like I haven't been coming here for a while now.

Okay what the fuck I suck at taking orders. Wonderful at making drinks though.
And- holy shit. Tell my why I see the most beautiful girl walking through those doors. She has this dark aura around her and her snake bites are beautiful. Her fluffy braids are so cute. Her height is just perfect, her baggy black clothes, her freckles that are noticeable from far away.

We have the same eyebrow piercing. Holy shit she's majestic.

"Uh hello?" I hear a soothing voice call out.

"Sorry I was thinking, what can I get for ya?" I say smiling at her as I feel my cheeks burn up.

"Nice ear piercings, looks like we have the same eyebrow one huh?" She says, pointing at her eyebrow one. She just complimented my ear piercings. 3 and each side, she's just admiring them.

Her eyes look like a void I would love to fall in them. Her beautiful tan skin, she's so mesmerizing. I could look at her for days.

"Thanks, I like yours too. Snakes bites look good on you." I tell her still having the paper and pen in hand. Her presence gives me goosebumps, she's so... there's no words to explain.

"So what'd you like to order?" I ask her again, seems like she got distracted by my piercings, cute.

"Are you in a rush? I thought we were having a good conversation. Nobody's behind me, your good." She says raising one of her eyebrows slightly. I see her playing with her snake bites as she just stares at me.

"Your right, just a bit worried. I came in late so you know our manager was a bit disappointed." I say to her as she nods her head and crosses her arms.

"Ah I see. Well can I get a quad, for here?" She says looking  at me prepare her order. It seems like she was on her tippy toes cuz at the corner of my eye I could see her height change.

"Here ya go, it's on me don't worry. Thought you seemed pretty cool." I tell her giving her a sweet smile.

"Thank you. You don't mind if I stay at the side counter here do you? I would like to keep talking. You seem interesting."  She says sipping her drink.

"Go for it." I blush a bit from her words.  I can't handle her messy fluffy braids she's so cute, looks like she woke up from a nap. Awe a little black cat.

"You know I write. Just a little fact about me." She says grabbing a chair and placing it at the counter.

"Oh yeah?" I respond tilting my head before hearing someone call out 'hello!?' Aw damn another customer.

"Hold on." I tell her as she nods, from the corner of my eye I could see her admiring me. Hmmm she's cute.

I finish the order quick as I go back to where she was.

"So what's your name?" I ask her, all this talking and we still haven't gotten each others names pretty fucking crazy.

"Wednesday Addams, you?" She says sipping from her drink again. Her eyes softer than ever.

"Enid Sinclair." I give her a sweet smile once again as I see her lip tug up a little before resting it again.


Enid Sinclair, to tell you how your name felt on the tip of my tongue. Your piercings fit you well. Your blonde hair with blue and pink tips. Your slight pointy ears. Yet I've only known you for an hour and I feel warm inside.

Enid Sinclair what kinda of spell do you use? Or are you just charming? Your a sweet girl, or are you just pretending? To get to know you better is a mission. I wanna know you Sinclair. The way your fluffy hair is lays on your head. The way you look at me, even tho I am a stranger. The way your blue eyes soften.

I could get lost in them if I wanted to. Not even the oceans can compare to her eyes. The way she talks to me like I've known her for years. Your pink cheeks are adorable. Your sweet smile is contagious.

"Enid hm? Would you wanna hang out after your shift?" I ask boldly as I see her freeze up.

"If you cant I understand. I know we've only known each other for about an hour but I'd like to get to know you better." I tell her staring up at her blue eyes.

"Yes, I would love to Wednesday. Or could I call you wends?" She says raising her eyebrows hoping for a yes.

"Of course." I tell her calmly, she just smiles back at me with the same hint of pink on her cheek. The color never wiped off.

Enid Sinclair. How could you get me to be standing at the edge of a cliff. Is it possible? Is it possible that I might fall for you.


ERMZ should I do part 2?🤗 or maybe not and leave you guys curious mwahahha. JK😭 just let me know!!

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