Arent we sneaky?

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Enid hires a maid to clean her houses but soon falls inlove.


Mother has been trying to get rid of me. Trying to get me to live rich people and help them, like a maid, what kind of society is this? It's cruel, i wanted to write, travel and live my life. Although we are quite short on money.

There is no reason for me to become a maid. A house maid.

"Honey please understand why we are doing this." My mother says as she puts her hand on my shoulder and caresses it. Our head almost touched the car roof when we hit a bump.

"Sure sending me away for a few hundreds is fine. I could've published my book and we could've been the ones trying to find a house maid." I hiss as she frowns and shakes her head at me.

We live in this tiny village called Linger. There is only one person who rules Linger. The Sinclair's  manor. Their wealthy, petty, boring and lack of respect. And that's only from the gossip I hear from my mother and her friends.

"What about Pugsley?" I ask about my younger brother, I'm a bit worried I won't get to see him that long.

"He will be a knight, perhaps you might see him with the Sinclair's." My mom has a small smile on her face. My dad hasn't said a word so far, he's been rather quite.

"Father what are your thoughts on this?"

"It's not the best idea but good for now, once we get the money we need you to escape." My dad blurts out as my mother has her mouth wide open.

It's almost like my mother was keeping it a secrets. Did she not want me to escape?

"Do not worry, I will be finding ways to escape give me a deadline and I will be back home by then."

"We are not sure when my viper, perhaps when we reach the entrance I will tell you." My father gives me a warm smile before kissing my mothers cheek. Disgusting

To be fairly honest I've only seen Esther, she's visited us before, 3 weeks ago. Not a coincidence why I'm being sent away.

We hit another bump as our driver, Lurch groans then parks the car. He looks back at us as my mother nods and opens the car door. I'm met with a white marble house that blinds me.

A fountain taller than me pouring the clearest water. The grass green as ever and the plants are well. We are met with big wooden doors the handles made out of gold.

My mother faintly knocks as we are met with this 5'11 guy who has this black rich suit and golden brown hair. His beard reaches under his chin and he has the most warming smile. Joyous guy, reminds me of the myth Saint Nicholas.

Staring up at him hurts my neck, and his features affect my eyes as well. I have to stare at this for months?

"Hello Addams! Come in, my family is waiting for you." His voice so deep yet so joyous and soft. Are the stories about Saint Nicholas real? Maybe he was just hiding here all along, eating milk and cookies.

"Of course thank you Mr. Murray." My father says as she holds my mother by her waist.

The house is probably as big as an Eiffel Tower. Or I'm overdoing it, but rooms can be seen from left and right all have different meanings. We are met with the wooden table that holds up to almost 15 people and have thrones at the ends of it.

This one girl catches my eye. She has a short wolf cut it seems, she has blue eyes, sharp jawline and colored tips. Pink and blue, what horrifying colors. Her hair is tied up on the top while she leaves the rest hanging.

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