my heart is yours

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PROMPT! Ajax and Wednesday fighting over Enid :}
____________________________________________ ——-> (Ajax is mean in this)

Wednesday POV!

"So what? Not like she likes you." Ajax says having this angry look on his face quietly arguing with me in the library.

"You don't know that, Maybe she does like me. You should see how that girl treats me when we're alone." I say shrugging then giving him a dirty look before heading out to the open halls where filthy teens will be exposed to my eyesight.

"Maybe she doesn't, use your brain for once Wednesday." He says with poison dripping from his sentence.

"Smh." Is all I say before pushing him then opening the doors. I hear him coming out after and being grumpy as Enid walks up to me.

"Hiiii!" She says giving me a claustrophobic hug, I love these if I said I didn't I would be lying but her Touch is truly comforting, especially when 'cuddling' or whatever you call it. Yes we've cuddled not sure platonically but there's definitely some tension between us but I haven't mentioned anything since she's still quite dealing with that stupid fucking gorgon.

Always in my way.

"Oh hi Enid." I say softening my look when she starts babbling about things as I daydream about her and where I would take her and treat this sweet wolf. But one thing caught my attention while she was talking.

"Oh! And also Ajax asked me out in a date tomorrow!! I can't waitttt!!" She says smiling from ear to ear as jealousy starts filling up inside of me.

"Ok?" Is all I say out of jealousy noticing her mood change just from a word.

"What'd I do? Wednesday are you mad? Cmon Willa whyy?" She says grabbing my hand taking me into the restroom while rubbing her thumb softly on my hand comforting me.

"You didn't do anything stop fucking touching me." I say, why'd I say that? I love her touch and she knows it, I'm so fucking stupid. Enid slowly pulls away and has this sad look on her face.

"I'm sorry Enid. I didn't mean to- I just- fuck I'm sorry please forgive me." I say grabbing her waist then digging my head in her neck.

"It's okay Willa. Are you...jealous?" She says cupping my face but not giving me a kiss which is not disappointing but sad because the tension right now is rather CRAZY. All caps.

"No.." I say feeling my cheeks heat up probably beet red as she gets closer and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"Willa your smoking hot." She says rubbing her thumb on my cheek.

"Well both meanings your cheeks are firing up and your outfit today is gorgeous." Enid says smirking as I finally let go of her.

"Sinclair. My outfit is pretty basic. How i always keep it. Anyways are you going to that date?" I say wanting to know her full answer.

"Probably." She says shrugging then grabbing my arm and softly taking me out of the restroom as I see Ajax piercing his eyes right through my soul. That is not gonna phase me at all.

Enid walks away to her friend group as I start heading to class i suddenly feel this hands behind  as I fall on to the floor.  It better not be Ajax-

"What are you gonna do about it pussy? I asked her out and you didn't. Your late, go cry to your mommy." He says practically laughing at me as I get up and push him down as he falls to the ground. Where he needs to stay.

"Shut the fuck up. I don't gotta fucking ask her out she loves me already go ask her you man slut. Please you probably already cried to your mom how a 5'1 'goth' stole your girl." I say receiving a scoff from him, and his boy group behind him.

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