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Wednesdays and Enid have switched personalities in a different universe. (Sorry if this isn't how you expected it :,)


Not to be rude or anything. But my roommate is pretty odd, like she just rots on her side of the room. Or do some weird stuff. I have talked to her and maybe have been on a few adventures but their just scary.

"Hiii roomie!!" I slowly walk to my roommate who just got out of the restroom and has a confused look on her face.

"What do you want."

"Okay grumpy already, just wondering if your free?"

I'm practically breaking my neck looking up at this muscular tall wolf.

"I am, why are you asking me this?"

"Lets go out? Come on it won't be that bad Enid."

"You hair is blinding me, look I know you just did a 'skunk' hairstyle but your breath is smelling like a skunk." My roommate hisses

Rude, I think it's nice. And I just brushed my teeth.  Plus my hair in braids is so cute. She needs to get her vision checked.

"Stop telling lies Ens."  I shove my hip into hers and wink at the girl. I heard her grumbling some Greek words but I don't think much of it. It can't be anything bad.

"I'll stop once you stop smiling." Enid teases before walking past me and grabbing her clothes. She changes in her closet as I sit on the side of my bed licking a lollipop.

The wolf comes out and has black baggy jeans with a black undershirt.

"You look wonderful, ready to go to the weathervane?" I say throwing my lollipop in the trash.

"Be quiet."  Enid says walking out the door.

"First time hanging out don't  you think you could go a bit easy on me Enid?" I joke with the poor girl.

"Please, your acting like we haven't been on little adventures together."

"Whatever, you know what I mean."

"Wednesday, we have been to places together. Your the most tolerable person here, stop acting like we don't hang out."

"Your point is?"

"Your unintelligent, that's my point." Enid rolls her eyes before ruffling her wolf cut.

I love making her angry. It's funny, well at least to me cause she can't really do anything. She probably thinks I don't know about her soft spot. Thing has hinted it a few times. She's not sneaky.

"So what are we feeling? Weathervane than going to hang out with the group?"

"Whatever you want, I just wanna get this over with." She says fidgeting with her fingers.

My cheeks feel Burnt. Like im falling into the deepest pits of hell.

"Okay Ms Grumpy." I open the door for her as a slight pink color comes across her face. I let out a breathy giggle as she sits down in the farthest booth.

I walk over to her then roll my eyes as she has her head down.

"Can you at least tell me what you want." I poke her head as she looks up at me with her sleepy eyes and mumbles


She flips her head back down as I go to the counter and take the order.

"Looks like you brought someone today?" The man behind the counter says.

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